OCR-D CLI: management of processor resources
.. click:: ocrd.cli.resmgr:resmgr_cli
:prog: ocrd resmgr
:nested: full
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import which
from yaml import safe_load, safe_dump
import requests
import click
from ocrd_utils import directory_size, getLogger, get_moduledir, get_ocrd_tool_json, initLogging, RESOURCE_LOCATIONS
from ocrd.constants import RESOURCE_USER_LIST_COMMENT
from ..resource_manager import OcrdResourceManager
def print_resources(executable, reslist, resmgr):
for resdict in reslist:
res_loc = resmgr.resource_dir_to_location(resdict['path']) if 'path' in resdict else ''
print(f"- {resdict['name']} @ {res_loc} ({resdict['url']})\n {resdict['description']}")
def resmgr_cli():
Managing processor resources
@click.option('-D', '--no-dynamic', is_flag=True, default=False,
help="Whether to skip looking into each processor's --dump-{json,module-dir} for module-level resources")
@click.option('-e', '--executable', metavar='EXEC', default='ocrd-*',
help='Show only resources for executable beginning with EXEC', )
def list_available(executable, no_dynamic):
List available resources
resmgr = OcrdResourceManager()
for executable, reslist in resmgr.list_available(executable=executable, dynamic=not no_dynamic):
print_resources(executable, reslist, resmgr)
@click.option('-e', '--executable', help='Show only resources for executable EXEC', metavar='EXEC')
def list_installed(executable=None):
List installed resources
resmgr = OcrdResourceManager()
for executable, reslist in resmgr.list_installed(executable):
print_resources(executable, reslist, resmgr)
@click.option('-n', '--any-url', default='', help='URL of unregistered resource to download/copy from')
@click.option('-D', '--no-dynamic', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Whether to skip looking into each processor's --dump-{json,module-dir} for module-level resources")
@click.option('-t', '--resource-type', type=click.Choice(['file', 'directory', 'archive']), default='file',
help='Type of resource',)
@click.option('-P', '--path-in-archive', default='.', help='Path to extract in case of archive type')
@click.option('-a', '--allow-uninstalled', is_flag=True,
help="Allow installing resources for uninstalled processors",)
@click.option('-o', '--overwrite', help='Overwrite existing resources', is_flag=True)
@click.option('-l', '--location', type=click.Choice(RESOURCE_LOCATIONS),
help="Where to store resources - defaults to first location in processor's 'resource_locations' "
"list or finally 'data'")
@click.argument('executable', required=True)
@click.argument('name', required=False)
def download(any_url, no_dynamic, resource_type, path_in_archive, allow_uninstalled, overwrite, location, executable,
Download resource NAME for processor EXECUTABLE.
NAME is the name of the resource made available by downloading or copying.
If NAME is '*' (asterisk), then download all known registered resources for this processor.
If ``--any-url=URL`` or ``-n URL`` is given, then URL is accepted regardless of registered resources for ``NAME``.
(This can be used for unknown resources or for replacing registered resources.)
If ``--resource-type`` is set to `archive`, then that archive gets unpacked after download,
and its ``--path-in-archive`` will subsequently be renamed to NAME.
log = getLogger('ocrd.cli.resmgr')
resmgr = OcrdResourceManager()
if executable != '*' and not name:
log.error(f"Unless EXECUTABLE ('{executable}') is the '*' wildcard, NAME is required")
elif executable == '*':
executable = None
if name == '*':
name = None
is_url = (any_url.startswith('https://') or any_url.startswith('http://')) if any_url else False
is_filename = Path(any_url).exists() if any_url else False
if executable and not which(executable):
if not allow_uninstalled:
log.error(f"Executable '{executable}' is not installed. "
f"To download resources anyway, use the -a/--allow-uninstalled flag")
log.info(f"Executable '{executable}' is not installed, but downloading resources anyway")
reslist = resmgr.list_available(executable=executable, dynamic=not no_dynamic, name=name)
if not any(r[1] for r in reslist):
log.info(f"No resources {name} found in registry for executable {executable}")
if executable and name:
reslist = [(executable, [{
'url': any_url or '???',
'name': name,
'type': resource_type,
'path_in_archive': path_in_archive}]
for this_executable, this_reslist in reslist:
for resdict in this_reslist:
if 'size' in resdict:
registered = "registered"
registered = "unregistered"
if any_url:
resdict['url'] = any_url
if resdict['url'] == '???':
log.warning(f"Cannot download user resource {resdict['name']}")
if resdict['url'].startswith('https://') or resdict['url'].startswith('http://'):
log.info(f"Downloading {registered} resource '{resdict['name']}' ({resdict['url']})")
if 'size' not in resdict:
with requests.head(resdict['url']) as r:
resdict['size'] = int(r.headers.get('content-length', 0))
log.info(f"Copying {registered} resource '{resdict['name']}' ({resdict['url']})")
urlpath = Path(resdict['url'])
resdict['url'] = str(urlpath.resolve())
if Path(urlpath).is_dir():
resdict['size'] = directory_size(urlpath)
resdict['size'] = urlpath.stat().st_size
if not location:
location = get_ocrd_tool_json(this_executable)['resource_locations'][0]
elif location not in get_ocrd_tool_json(this_executable)['resource_locations']:
log.error(f"The selected --location {location} is not in the {this_executable}'s resource search path, "
f"refusing to install to invalid location")
if location != 'module':
basedir = resmgr.location_to_resource_dir(location)
basedir = get_moduledir(this_executable)
if not basedir:
basedir = resmgr.location_to_resource_dir('data')
with click.progressbar(length=resdict['size']) as bar:
fpath = resmgr.download(
resource_type=resdict.get('type', resource_type),
path_in_archive=resdict.get('path_in_archive', path_in_archive),
no_subdir=location in ['cwd', 'module'],
progress_cb=lambda delta: bar.update(delta)
if registered == 'unregistered':
log.info(f"{this_executable} resource '{name}' ({any_url}) not a known resource, creating stub "
f"in {resmgr.user_list}'")
resmgr.add_to_user_database(this_executable, fpath, url=any_url)
log.info(f"Installed resource {resdict['url']} under {fpath}")
except FileExistsError as exc:
log.info(f"Use in parameters as "
f"'{resmgr.parameter_usage(resdict['name'], usage=resdict.get('parameter_usage', 'as-is'))}'")
@click.argument('migration', type=click.Choice(['2.37.0']))
def migrate(migration):
Update the configuration after updating core to MIGRATION
resmgr = OcrdResourceManager(skip_init=True)
log = getLogger('ocrd.resmgr.migrate')
if not resmgr.user_list.exists():
log.info(f'No configuration file found at {resmgr.user_list}, nothing to do')
if migration == '2.37.0':
backup_file = resmgr.user_list.with_suffix(f'.yml.before-{migration}')
yaml_in_str = resmgr.user_list.read_text()
log.info(f'Backing {resmgr.user_list} to {backup_file}')
log.info(f'Applying migration {migration} to {resmgr.user_list}')
yaml_in = safe_load(yaml_in_str)
yaml_out = {}
for executable, reslist_in in yaml_in.items():
yaml_out[executable] = []
for resdict_in in reslist_in:
resdict_out = {}
for k_in, v_in in resdict_in.items():
k_out, v_out = k_in, v_in
if k_in == 'type' and v_in in ['github-dir', 'tarball']:
if v_in == 'github-dir':
v_out = 'directory'
elif v_in == 'tarball':
v_out = 'directory'
resdict_out[k_out] = v_out
RESOURCE_USER_LIST_COMMENT + '\n# migrated with ocrd resmgr migrate {migration}\n' + safe_dump(yaml_out))
log.info(f'Applied migration {migration} to {resmgr.user_list}')