Processor base class and helper functions.
__all__ = [
from functools import cached_property
from os.path import exists, join
from shutil import copyfileobj
import json
import os
from os import getcwd
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, get_args
import sys
import logging
import logging.handlers
import inspect
import tarfile
import io
from collections import defaultdict
from frozendict import frozendict
# concurrent.futures is buggy in py38,
# this is where the fixes came from:
from loky import Future, ProcessPoolExecutor
import multiprocessing as mp
from threading import Timer
from _thread import interrupt_main
from click import wrap_text
from deprecated import deprecated
from requests import HTTPError
from ..workspace import Workspace
from ..mets_server import ClientSideOcrdMets
from ocrd_models.ocrd_file import OcrdFileType
from .ocrd_page_result import OcrdPageResult
from ocrd_utils import (
from ocrd_validators import ParameterValidator
from ocrd_models.ocrd_page import (
from ocrd_modelfactory import page_from_file
from ocrd_validators.ocrd_tool_validator import OcrdToolValidator
# XXX imports must remain for backwards-compatibility
from .helpers import run_cli, run_processor # pylint: disable=unused-import
class ResourceNotFoundError(FileNotFoundError):
An exception signifying the requested processor resource
cannot be resolved.
def __init__(self, name, executable):
self.name = name
self.executable = executable
self.message = (f"Could not find resource '{name}' for executable '{executable}'. "
f"Try 'ocrd resmgr download {executable} {name}' to download this resource.")
class NonUniqueInputFile(ValueError):
An exception signifying the specified fileGrp / pageId / mimetype
selector yields multiple PAGE files, or no PAGE files but multiple images,
or multiple files of that mimetype.
def __init__(self, fileGrp, pageId, mimetype):
self.fileGrp = fileGrp
self.pageId = pageId
self.mimetype = mimetype
self.message = (f"Could not determine unique input file for fileGrp {fileGrp} "
f"and pageId {pageId} under mimetype {mimetype or 'PAGE+image(s)'}")
class MissingInputFile(ValueError):
An exception signifying the specified fileGrp / pageId / mimetype
selector yields no PAGE files, or no PAGE and no image files,
or no files of that mimetype.
def __init__(self, fileGrp, pageId, mimetype):
self.fileGrp = fileGrp
self.pageId = pageId
self.mimetype = mimetype
self.message = (f"Could not find input file for fileGrp {fileGrp} "
f"and pageId {pageId} under mimetype {mimetype or 'PAGE+image(s)'}")
class DummyFuture:
Mimics some of `concurrent.futures.Future` but runs immediately.
def __init__(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):
self.fn = fn
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
def result(self):
return self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
class DummyExecutor:
Mimics some of `concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor` but runs
everything immediately in this process.
def __init__(self, initializer=None, initargs=(), **kwargs):
def shutdown(self, **kwargs):
def submit(self, fn, *args, **kwargs) -> DummyFuture:
return DummyFuture(fn, *args, **kwargs)
TFuture = Union[DummyFuture, Future]
TExecutor = Union[DummyExecutor, ProcessPoolExecutor]
class Processor():
A processor is a tool that implements the uniform OCR-D
`command-line interface for run-time data processing <https://ocr-d.de/en/spec/cli>`_.
That is, it executes a single workflow step, or a combination of workflow steps,
on the workspace (represented by local METS). It reads input files for all or selected
physical pages of the input fileGrp(s), computes additional annotation, and writes output
files for them into the output fileGrp(s). It may take a number of optional or mandatory
max_instances : int = -1
maximum number of cached instances (ignored if negative), to be applied on top of
:py:data:`~ocrd_utils.config.OCRD_MAX_PROCESSOR_CACHE` (i.e. whatever is smaller).
(Override this if you know how many instances fit into memory - GPU / CPU RAM - at once.)
max_workers : int = -1
maximum number of processor forks for page-parallel processing (ignored if negative),
to be applied on top of :py:data:`~ocrd_utils.config.OCRD_MAX_PARALLEL_PAGES` (i.e.
whatever is smaller).
(Override this if you know how many pages fit into processing units - GPU shaders / CPU cores
- at once, or if your class already creates threads prior to forking, e.g. during ``setup``.)
max_page_seconds : int = -1
maximum number of seconds may be spent processing a single page (ignored if negative),
to be applied on top of :py:data:`~ocrd_utils.config.OCRD_PROCESSING_PAGE_TIMEOUT`
(i.e. whatever is smaller).
(Override this if you know how costly this processor may be, irrespective of image size
or complexity of the page.)
def metadata_filename(self) -> str:
Relative location of the ``ocrd-tool.json`` file inside the package.
Used by :py:data:`metadata_location`.
(Override if ``ocrd-tool.json`` is not in the root of the module,
e.g. ``namespace/ocrd-tool.json`` or ``data/ocrd-tool.json``).
return 'ocrd-tool.json'
def metadata_location(self) -> Path:
Absolute path of the ``ocrd-tool.json`` file as distributed with the package.
Used by :py:data:`metadata_rawdict`.
(Override if ``ocrd-tool.json`` is not distributed with the Python package.)
module = inspect.getmodule(self)
module_tokens = module.__package__.split('.')
# for namespace packages, we cannot just use the first token
for i in range(len(module_tokens)):
prefix = '.'.join(module_tokens[:i + 1])
if sys.modules[prefix].__spec__.has_location:
return resource_filename(prefix, self.metadata_filename)
raise Exception("cannot find top-level module prefix for %s", module.__package__)
def metadata_rawdict(self) -> dict:
Raw (unvalidated, unexpanded) ``ocrd-tool.json`` dict contents of the package.
Used by :py:data:`metadata`.
(Override if ``ocrd-tool.json`` is not in a file.)
return parse_json_file_with_comments(self.metadata_location)
def metadata(self) -> dict:
The ``ocrd-tool.json`` dict contents of the package, according to the OCR-D
`spec <https://ocr-d.de/en/spec/ocrd_tool>`_ for processor tools.
After deserialisation, it also gets validated against the
`schema <https://ocr-d.de/en/spec/ocrd_tool#definition>`_ with all defaults
Used by :py:data:`ocrd_tool` and :py:data:`version`.
(Override if you want to provide metadata programmatically instead of a
JSON file.)
metadata = self.metadata_rawdict
report = OcrdToolValidator.validate(metadata)
if not report.is_valid:
self.logger.error(f"The ocrd-tool.json of this processor is {'problematic' if not report.errors else 'invalid'}:\n"
f"{report.to_xml()}.\nPlease open an issue at {metadata.get('git_url', 'the website')}.")
return metadata
def version(self) -> str:
The program version of the package.
Usually the ``version`` part of :py:data:`metadata`.
(Override if you do not want to use :py:data:`metadata` lookup
return self.metadata['version']
def executable(self) -> str:
The executable name of this processor tool. Taken from the runtime
Used by :py:data:`ocrd_tool` for lookup in :py:data:`metadata`.
(Override if your entry-point name deviates from the ``executable``
name, or the processor gets instantiated from another runtime.)
return os.path.basename(inspect.stack()[-1].filename)
def ocrd_tool(self) -> dict:
The ``ocrd-tool.json`` dict contents of this processor tool.
Usually the :py:data:`executable` key of the ``tools`` part
of :py:data:`metadata`.
(Override if you do not want to use :py:data:`metadata` lookup
return self.metadata['tools'][self.executable]
def parameter(self) -> Optional[dict]:
"""the runtime parameter dict to be used by this processor"""
if hasattr(self, '_parameter'):
return self._parameter
return None
def parameter(self, parameter : dict) -> None:
if self.parameter is not None:
parameterValidator = ParameterValidator(self.ocrd_tool)
report = parameterValidator.validate(parameter)
if not report.is_valid:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid parameters:\n{report.to_xml()}')
# make parameter dict read-only
self._parameter = frozendict(parameter)
# (re-)run setup to load models etc
def __init__(
# FIXME: remove in favor of process_workspace(workspace)
workspace : Optional[Workspace],
Instantiate, but do not setup (neither for processing nor other usage).
If given, do parse and validate :py:data:`.parameter`.
workspace (:py:class:`~ocrd.Workspace`): The workspace to process. \
If not ``None``, then `chdir` to that directory.
Deprecated since version 3.0: Should be ``None`` here, but then needs to be set \
before processing.
Keyword Args:
parameter (string): JSON of the runtime choices for ocrd-tool ``parameters``. \
Can be ``None`` even for processing, but then needs to be set before running.
input_file_grp (string): comma-separated list of METS ``fileGrp`` used for input. \
Deprecated since version 3.0: Should be ``None`` here, but then needs to be set \
before processing.
output_file_grp (string): comma-separated list of METS ``fileGrp`` used for output. \
Deprecated since version 3.0: Should be ``None`` here, but then needs to be set \
before processing.
page_id (string): comma-separated list of METS physical ``page`` IDs to process \
(or empty for all pages). \
Deprecated since version 3.0: Should be ``None`` here, but then needs to be set \
before processing.
download_files (boolean): Whether input files will be downloaded prior to processing, \
defaults to :py:attr:`ocrd_utils.config.OCRD_DOWNLOAD_INPUT` which is ``True`` by default
if ocrd_tool is not None:
deprecation_warning("Passing 'ocrd_tool' as keyword argument to Processor is deprecated - "
"use or override metadata/executable/ocrd-tool properties instead")
self.ocrd_tool = ocrd_tool
self.executable = ocrd_tool['executable']
if version is not None:
deprecation_warning("Passing 'version' as keyword argument to Processor is deprecated - "
"use or override metadata/version properties instead")
self.version = version
if workspace is not None:
deprecation_warning("Passing a workspace argument other than 'None' to Processor "
"is deprecated - pass as argument to process_workspace instead")
self.workspace = workspace
self.old_pwd = getcwd()
if input_file_grp is not None:
deprecation_warning("Passing an input_file_grp kwarg other than 'None' to Processor "
"is deprecated - pass as argument to process_workspace instead")
self.input_file_grp = input_file_grp
if output_file_grp is not None:
deprecation_warning("Passing an output_file_grp kwarg other than 'None' to Processor "
"is deprecated - pass as argument to process_workspace instead")
self.output_file_grp = output_file_grp
if page_id is not None:
deprecation_warning("Passing a page_id kwarg other than 'None' to Processor "
"is deprecated - pass as argument to process_workspace instead")
self.page_id = page_id or None
self.download = download_files
#: The logger to be used by processor implementations.
# `ocrd.processor.base` internals should use :py:attr:`self._base_logger`
self.logger = getLogger(f'ocrd.processor.{self.__class__.__name__}')
self._base_logger = getLogger('ocrd.processor.base')
if parameter is not None:
self.parameter = parameter
# workaround for deprecated#72 (@deprecated decorator does not work for subclasses):
setattr(self, 'process',
deprecated(version='3.0', reason='process() should be replaced with process_page_pcgts() or process_page_file() or process_workspace()')(getattr(self, 'process')))
def __del__(self):
self._base_logger.debug("shutting down")
def show_help(self, subcommand=None):
Print a usage description including the standard CLI and all of this processor's ocrd-tool
parameters and docstrings.
print(generate_processor_help(self.ocrd_tool, processor_instance=self, subcommand=subcommand))
def show_version(self):
Print information on this processor's version and OCR-D version.
print("Version %s, ocrd/core %s" % (self.version, OCRD_VERSION))
def verify(self):
Verify that :py:attr:`input_file_grp` and :py:attr:`output_file_grp` fulfill the processor's requirements.
# verify input and output file groups in parameters
assert self.input_file_grp is not None
assert self.output_file_grp is not None
input_file_grps = self.input_file_grp.split(',')
output_file_grps = self.output_file_grp.split(',')
def assert_file_grp_cardinality(grps : List[str], spec : Union[int, List[int]], msg):
if isinstance(spec, int):
if spec > 0:
assert len(grps) == spec, msg % (len(grps), str(spec))
assert isinstance(spec, list)
minimum = spec[0]
maximum = spec[1]
if minimum > 0:
assert len(grps) >= minimum, msg % (len(grps), str(spec))
if maximum > 0:
assert len(grps) <= maximum, msg % (len(grps), str(spec))
# FIXME: enforce unconditionally as soon as grace period for deprecation is over
if 'input_file_grp_cardinality' in self.ocrd_tool:
assert_file_grp_cardinality(input_file_grps, self.ocrd_tool['input_file_grp_cardinality'],
"Unexpected number of input file groups %d vs %s")
if 'output_file_grp_cardinality' in self.ocrd_tool:
assert_file_grp_cardinality(output_file_grps, self.ocrd_tool['output_file_grp_cardinality'],
"Unexpected number of output file groups %d vs %s")
# verify input and output file groups in METS
for input_file_grp in input_file_grps:
assert input_file_grp in self.workspace.mets.file_groups, \
f"input fileGrp {input_file_grp} does not exist in workspace {self.workspace}"
for output_file_grp in output_file_grps:
assert output_file_grp not in self.workspace.mets.file_groups \
or not any(self.workspace.mets.find_files(
pageId=self.page_id, fileGrp=output_file_grp)), \
f"output fileGrp {output_file_grp} already exists in workspace {self.workspace}"
# keep this for backwards compatibility:
return True
def dump_json(self):
Print :py:attr:`ocrd_tool` on stdout.
print(json.dumps(self.ocrd_tool, indent=True))
def dump_module_dir(self):
Print :py:attr:`moduledir` on stdout.
def list_resources(self):
Find all installed resource files in the search paths and print their path names.
for res in self.list_all_resources():
def setup(self) -> None:
Prepare the processor for actual data processing,
prior to changing to the workspace directory but
after parsing parameters.
(Override this to load models into memory etc.)
def shutdown(self) -> None:
Bring down the processor after data processing,
after to changing back from the workspace directory but
before exiting (or setting up with different parameters).
(Override this to unload models from memory etc.)
@deprecated(version='3.0', reason='process() should be replaced with process_page_pcgts() or process_page_file() or process_workspace()')
def process(self) -> None:
Process all files of the :py:data:`workspace`
from the given :py:data:`input_file_grp`
to the given :py:data:`output_file_grp`
for the given :py:data:`page_id` (or all pages)
under the given :py:data:`parameter`.
(This contains the main functionality and needs to be
overridden by subclasses.)
raise NotImplementedError()
def process_workspace(self, workspace: Workspace) -> None:
Process all files of the given ``workspace``,
from the given :py:data:`input_file_grp`
to the given :py:data:`output_file_grp`
for the given :py:data:`page_id` (or all pages)
under the given :py:data:`parameter`.
Delegates to :py:meth:`.process_workspace_submit_tasks`
and :py:meth:`.process_workspace_handle_tasks`.
(This will iterate over pages and files, calling
:py:meth:`.process_page_file` and handling exceptions.
It should be overridden by subclasses to handle cases
like post-processing or computation across pages.)
with pushd_popd(workspace.directory):
self.workspace = workspace
# set up multitasking
max_workers = max(0, config.OCRD_MAX_PARALLEL_PAGES)
if self.max_workers > 0 and self.max_workers < config.OCRD_MAX_PARALLEL_PAGES:
self._base_logger.info("limiting number of threads from %d to %d", max_workers, self.max_workers)
max_workers = self.max_workers
if max_workers > 1:
assert isinstance(workspace.mets, ClientSideOcrdMets), \
"OCRD_MAX_PARALLEL_PAGES>1 requires also using --mets-server-url"
max_seconds = max(0, config.OCRD_PROCESSING_PAGE_TIMEOUT)
if self.max_page_seconds > 0 and self.max_page_seconds < config.OCRD_PROCESSING_PAGE_TIMEOUT:
self._base_logger.info("limiting page timeout from %d to %d sec", max_seconds, self.max_page_seconds)
max_seconds = self.max_page_seconds
if max_workers > 1:
executor_cls = ProcessPoolExecutor
log_queue = mp.Queue()
# forward messages from log queue (in subprocesses) to all root handlers
log_listener = logging.handlers.QueueListener(log_queue, *logging.root.handlers, respect_handler_level=True)
executor_cls = DummyExecutor
log_queue = None
log_listener = None
executor = executor_cls(
max_workers=max_workers or 1,
# only forking method avoids pickling
# share processor instance as global to avoid pickling
initargs=(self, log_queue),
if max_workers > 1:
self._base_logger.debug("started executor %s with %d workers", str(executor), max_workers or 1)
tasks = self.process_workspace_submit_tasks(executor, max_seconds)
stats = self.process_workspace_handle_tasks(tasks)
executor.shutdown(kill_workers=True, wait=False)
if max_workers > 1:
except NotImplementedError:
# fall back to deprecated method
except Exception as err:
# suppress the NotImplementedError context
raise err from None
def process_workspace_submit_tasks(self, executor : TExecutor, max_seconds : int) -> Dict[TFuture, Tuple[str, List[Optional[OcrdFileType]]]]:
Look up all input files of the given ``workspace``
from the given :py:data:`input_file_grp`
for the given :py:data:`page_id` (or all pages),
and schedules calling :py:meth:`.process_page_file`
on them for each page via `executor` (enforcing
a per-page time limit of `max_seconds`).
When running with `OCRD_MAX_PARALLEL_PAGES>1` and
the workspace via METS Server, the executor will fork
this many worker parallel subprocesses each processing
one page at a time. (Interprocess communication is
done via task and result queues.)
Otherwise, tasks are run sequentially in the
current process.
Delegates to :py:meth:`.zip_input_files` to get
the input files for each page, and then calls
Returns a dict mapping the per-page tasks
(i.e. futures submitted to the executor)
to their corresponding pageId and input files.
tasks = {}
for input_file_tuple in self.zip_input_files(on_error='abort', require_first=False):
task, page_id, input_files = self.process_workspace_submit_page_task(executor, max_seconds, input_file_tuple)
tasks[task] = (page_id, input_files)
self._base_logger.debug("submitted %d processing tasks", len(tasks))
return tasks
def process_workspace_submit_page_task(self, executor : TExecutor, max_seconds : int, input_file_tuple : List[Optional[OcrdFileType]]) -> Tuple[TFuture, str, List[Optional[OcrdFileType]]]:
Ensure all input files for a single page are
downloaded to the workspace, then schedule
:py:meth:`.process_process_file` to be run on
them via `executor` (enforcing a per-page time
limit of `max_seconds`).
Delegates to :py:meth:`.process_page_file`
(wrapped in :py:func:`_page_worker` to share
the processor instance across forked processes).
Returns a tuple of:
- the scheduled future object,
- the corresponding pageId,
- the corresponding input files.
input_files : List[Optional[OcrdFileType]] = [None] * len(input_file_tuple)
page_id = next(input_file.pageId
for input_file in input_file_tuple
if input_file)
self._base_logger.info(f"preparing page {page_id}")
for i, input_file in enumerate(input_file_tuple):
if input_file is None:
# file/page not found in this file grp
input_files[i] = input_file
if not self.download:
input_files[i] = self.workspace.download_file(input_file)
except (ValueError, FileNotFoundError, HTTPError) as e:
self._base_logger.warning(f"failed downloading file {input_file} for page {page_id}")
# process page
#executor.submit(self.process_page_file, *input_files)
return executor.submit(_page_worker, max_seconds, *input_files), page_id, input_files
def process_workspace_handle_tasks(self, tasks : Dict[TFuture, Tuple[str, List[Optional[OcrdFileType]]]]) -> Tuple[int, int, Dict[str, int], int]:
Look up scheduled per-page futures one by one,
handle errors (exceptions) and gather results.
Enforces policies configured by the following
environment variables:
- `OCRD_EXISTING_OUTPUT` (abort/skip/overwrite)
- `OCRD_MISSING_OUTPUT` (abort/skip/fallback-copy)
- `OCRD_MAX_MISSING_OUTPUTS` (abort after all).
Returns a tuple of:
- the number of successfully processed pages
- the number of failed (i.e. skipped or copied) pages
- a dict of the type and corresponding number of exceptions seen
- the number of total requested pages (i.e. success+fail+existing).
Delegates to :py:meth:`.process_workspace_handle_page_task`
for each page.
# aggregate info for logging:
nr_succeeded = 0
nr_failed = 0
nr_errors = defaultdict(int) # count causes
reason = "skipped"
elif config.OCRD_MISSING_OUTPUT == 'COPY':
reason = "fallback-copied"
for task in tasks:
# wait for results, handle errors
page_id, input_files = tasks[task]
result = self.process_workspace_handle_page_task(page_id, input_files, task)
if isinstance(result, Exception):
nr_errors[result.__class__.__name__] += 1
nr_failed += 1
# FIXME: this is just prospective, because len(tasks)==nr_failed+nr_succeeded is not guaranteed
if config.OCRD_MAX_MISSING_OUTPUTS > 0 and nr_failed / len(tasks) > config.OCRD_MAX_MISSING_OUTPUTS:
# already irredeemably many failures, stop short
nr_errors = dict(nr_errors)
raise Exception(f"too many failures with {reason} output ({nr_failed} of {nr_failed+nr_succeeded}, {str(nr_errors)})")
elif result:
nr_succeeded += 1
# else skipped - already exists
nr_errors = dict(nr_errors)
if nr_failed > 0:
nr_all = nr_succeeded + nr_failed
if config.OCRD_MAX_MISSING_OUTPUTS > 0 and nr_failed / nr_all > config.OCRD_MAX_MISSING_OUTPUTS:
raise Exception(f"too many failures with {reason} output ({nr_failed} of {nr_all}, {str(nr_errors)})")
self._base_logger.warning("%s %d of %d pages due to %s", reason, nr_failed, nr_all, str(nr_errors))
return nr_succeeded, nr_failed, nr_errors, len(tasks)
def process_workspace_handle_page_task(self, page_id : str, input_files : List[Optional[OcrdFileType]], task : TFuture) -> Union[bool, Exception]:
Await a single page result and handle errors (exceptions),
enforcing policies configured by the following
environment variables:
- `OCRD_EXISTING_OUTPUT` (abort/skip/overwrite)
- `OCRD_MISSING_OUTPUT` (abort/skip/fallback-copy)
- `OCRD_MAX_MISSING_OUTPUTS` (abort after all).
- true in case of success
- false in case the output already exists
- the exception in case of failure
# FIXME: differentiate error cases in various ways:
# - ResourceNotFoundError → use ResourceManager to download (once), then retry
# - transient (I/O or OOM) error → maybe sleep, retry
# - persistent (data) error → skip / dummy / raise
self._base_logger.debug("waiting for output of task %s (page %s)", task, page_id)
# timeout kwarg on future is useless: it only raises TimeoutError here,
# but does not stop the running process/thread, and executor itself
# offers nothing to that effect:
# task.result(timeout=max_seconds or None)
# so we instead applied the timeout within the worker function
return True
except NotImplementedError:
# exclude NotImplementedError, so we can try process() below
# handle input failures separately
except FileExistsError as err:
raise err
return False
# too late here, must not happen
raise Exception(f"got {err} despite OCRD_EXISTING_OUTPUT==OVERWRITE")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# broad coverage of output failures (including TimeoutError)
except Exception as err:
# FIXME: add re-usable/actionable logging
self._base_logger.error(f"Failure on page {page_id}: {str(err) or err.__class__.__name__}")
raise err
self._base_logger.exception(f"Failure on page {page_id}: {str(err) or err.__class__.__name__}")
elif config.OCRD_MISSING_OUTPUT == 'COPY':
desc = config.describe('OCRD_MISSING_OUTPUT', wrap_text=False, indent_text=False)
raise ValueError(f"unknown configuration value {config.OCRD_MISSING_OUTPUT} - {desc}")
return err
def _copy_page_file(self, input_file : OcrdFileType) -> None:
Copy the given ``input_file`` of the :py:data:`workspace`,
representing one physical page (passed as one opened
:py:class:`~ocrd_models.OcrdFile` per input fileGrp)
and add it as if it was a processing result.
input_pcgts : OcrdPage
assert isinstance(input_file, get_args(OcrdFileType))
self._base_logger.debug(f"parsing file {input_file.ID} for page {input_file.pageId}")
input_pcgts = page_from_file(input_file)
except ValueError as err:
# not PAGE and not an image to generate PAGE for
self._base_logger.error(f"non-PAGE input for page {input_file.pageId}: {err}")
output_file_id = make_file_id(input_file, self.output_file_grp)
local_filename=os.path.join(self.output_file_grp, output_file_id + '.xml'),
def process_page_file(self, *input_files : Optional[OcrdFileType]) -> None:
Process the given ``input_files`` of the :py:data:`workspace`,
representing one physical page (passed as one opened
:py:class:`.OcrdFile` per input fileGrp)
under the given :py:data:`.parameter`, and make sure the
results get added accordingly.
(This uses :py:meth:`.process_page_pcgts`, but should be overridden by subclasses
to handle cases like multiple output fileGrps, non-PAGE input etc.)
input_pcgts : List[Optional[OcrdPage]] = [None] * len(input_files)
assert isinstance(input_files[0], get_args(OcrdFileType))
page_id = input_files[0].pageId
self._base_logger.info("processing page %s", page_id)
for i, input_file in enumerate(input_files):
assert isinstance(input_file, get_args(OcrdFileType))
self._base_logger.debug(f"parsing file {input_file.ID} for page {page_id}")
page_ = page_from_file(input_file)
assert isinstance(page_, OcrdPage)
input_pcgts[i] = page_
except ValueError as err:
# not PAGE and not an image to generate PAGE for
self._base_logger.error(f"non-PAGE input for page {page_id}: {err}")
output_file_id = make_file_id(input_files[0], self.output_file_grp)
output_file = next(self.workspace.mets.find_files(ID=output_file_id), None)
if output_file and config.OCRD_EXISTING_OUTPUT != 'OVERWRITE':
# short-cut avoiding useless computation:
raise FileExistsError(
f"A file with ID=={output_file_id} already exists {output_file} and neither force nor ignore are set"
result = self.process_page_pcgts(*input_pcgts, page_id=page_id)
for image_result in result.images:
image_file_id = f'{output_file_id}_{image_result.file_id_suffix}'
image_file_path = join(self.output_file_grp, f'{image_file_id}.png')
if isinstance(image_result.alternative_image, PageType):
# special case: not an alternative image, but replacing the original image
# (this is needed by certain processors when the original's coordinate system
# cannot or must not be kept)
elif isinstance(image_result.alternative_image, AlternativeImageType):
elif image_result.alternative_image is None:
pass # do not reference in PAGE result
raise ValueError(f"process_page_pcgts returned an OcrdPageResultImage of unknown type "
local_filename=os.path.join(self.output_file_grp, output_file_id + '.xml'),
def process_page_pcgts(self, *input_pcgts : Optional[OcrdPage], page_id : Optional[str] = None) -> OcrdPageResult:
Process the given ``input_pcgts`` of the :py:data:`.workspace`,
representing one physical page (passed as one parsed
:py:class:`.OcrdPage` per input fileGrp)
under the given :py:data:`.parameter`, and return the
resulting :py:class:`.OcrdPageResult`.
Optionally, add to the ``images`` attribute of the resulting
:py:class:`.OcrdPageResult` instances of :py:class:`.OcrdPageResultImage`,
which have required fields for ``pil`` (:py:class:`PIL.Image` image data),
``file_id_suffix`` (used for generating IDs of the saved image) and
``alternative_image`` (reference of the :py:class:`ocrd_models.ocrd_page.AlternativeImageType`
for setting the filename of the saved image).
(This contains the main functionality and must be overridden by subclasses,
unless it does not get called by some overriden :py:meth:`.process_page_file`.)
raise NotImplementedError()
def resolve_resource(self, val):
Resolve a resource name to an absolute file path with the algorithm in
`spec <https://ocr-d.de/en/spec/ocrd_tool#file-parameters>`_
val (string): resource value to resolve
executable = self.ocrd_tool['executable']
if exists(val):
self._base_logger.debug("Resolved to absolute path %s" % val)
return val
# FIXME: remove once workspace arg / old_pwd is gone:
if hasattr(self, 'old_pwd'):
cwd = self.old_pwd
cwd = getcwd()
ret = [cand for cand in list_resource_candidates(executable, val,
cwd=cwd, moduled=self.moduledir)
if exists(cand)]
if ret:
self._base_logger.debug("Resolved %s to absolute path %s" % (val, ret[0]))
return ret[0]
raise ResourceNotFoundError(val, executable)
def show_resource(self, val):
Resolve a resource name to a file path with the algorithm in
`spec <https://ocr-d.de/en/spec/ocrd_tool#file-parameters>`_,
then print its contents to stdout.
val (string): resource value to show
res_fname = self.resolve_resource(val)
fpath = Path(res_fname)
if fpath.is_dir():
with pushd_popd(fpath):
fileobj = io.BytesIO()
with tarfile.open(fileobj=fileobj, mode='w:gz') as tarball:
copyfileobj(fileobj, sys.stdout.buffer)
def list_all_resources(self):
List all resources found in the filesystem and matching content-type by filename suffix
mimetypes = get_processor_resource_types(None, self.ocrd_tool)
for res in list_all_resources(self.ocrd_tool['executable'], moduled=self.moduledir):
res = Path(res)
if not '*/*' in mimetypes:
if res.is_dir() and not 'text/directory' in mimetypes:
# if we do not know all MIME types, then keep the file, otherwise require suffix match
if res.is_file() and not any(res.suffix == MIME_TO_EXT.get(mime, res.suffix)
for mime in mimetypes):
yield res
def module(self):
The top-level module this processor belongs to.
# find shortest prefix path that is not just a namespace package
fqname = ''
for name in self.__module__.split('.'):
if fqname:
fqname += '.'
fqname += name
if getattr(sys.modules[fqname], '__file__', None):
return fqname
# fall-back
return self.__module__
def moduledir(self):
The filesystem path of the module directory.
return resource_filename(self.module, '.')
def input_files(self):
List the input files (for single-valued :py:attr:`input_file_grp`).
For each physical page:
- If there is a single PAGE-XML for the page, take it (and forget about all
other files for that page)
- Else if there is a single image file, take it (and forget about all other
files for that page)
- Otherwise raise an error (complaining that only PAGE-XML warrants
having multiple images for a single page)
See `algorithm <https://github.com/cisocrgroup/ocrd_cis/pull/57#issuecomment-656336593>`_
A list of :py:class:`ocrd_models.ocrd_file.OcrdFile` objects.
if not self.input_file_grp:
raise ValueError("Processor is missing input fileGrp")
ret = self.zip_input_files(mimetype=None, on_error='abort')
if not ret:
return []
assert len(ret[0]) == 1, 'Use zip_input_files() instead of input_files when processing multiple input fileGrps'
return [tuples[0] for tuples in ret]
_page_worker_processor = None
This global binding for the processor is required to avoid
squeezing the processor through a mp.Queue (which is impossible
due to unpicklable attributes like .workspace.mets._tree anyway)
when calling Processor.process_page_file as page worker processes
in Processor.process_workspace. Forking allows inheriting global
objects, and with the METS Server we do not mutate the local
processor instance anyway.
def _page_worker_set_ctxt(processor, log_queue):
Overwrites `ocrd.processor.base._page_worker_processor` instance
for sharing with subprocesses in ProcessPoolExecutor initializer.
global _page_worker_processor
_page_worker_processor = processor
if log_queue:
# replace all log handlers with just one queue handler
logging.root.handlers = [logging.handlers.QueueHandler(log_queue)]
def _page_worker(timeout, *input_files):
Wraps a `Processor.process_page_file` call as payload (call target)
of the ProcessPoolExecutor workers, but also enforces the given timeout.
page_id = next((file.pageId for file in input_files
if hasattr(file, 'pageId')), "")
if timeout > 0:
timer = Timer(timeout, interrupt_main)
_page_worker_processor.logger.debug("page worker completed for page %s", page_id)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
_page_worker_processor.logger.debug("page worker timed out for page %s", page_id)
raise TimeoutError()
if timeout > 0:
def generate_processor_help(ocrd_tool, processor_instance=None, subcommand=None):
"""Generate a string describing the full CLI of this processor including params.
ocrd_tool (dict): this processor's ``tools`` section of the module's ``ocrd-tool.json``
processor_instance (object, optional): the processor implementation
(for adding any module/class/function docstrings)
subcommand (string): 'worker' or 'server'
doc_help = ''
if processor_instance:
module = inspect.getmodule(processor_instance)
if module and module.__doc__:
doc_help += '\n' + inspect.cleandoc(module.__doc__) + '\n'
if processor_instance.__doc__:
doc_help += '\n' + inspect.cleandoc(processor_instance.__doc__) + '\n'
# Try to find the most concrete docstring among the various methods that an implementation
# could overload, first serving.
# In doing so, compare with Processor to avoid a glitch in the way py>=3.5 inherits docstrings.
# (They are supposed to only repeat information inspect.getdoc, rather than inherit __doc__ itself.)
for method in ['process_page_pcgts', 'process_page_file', 'process_workspace', 'process']:
instance_method = getattr(processor_instance, method)
superclass_method = getattr(Processor, method)
if instance_method.__doc__ and instance_method.__doc__ != superclass_method.__doc__:
doc_help += '\n' + inspect.cleandoc(instance_method.__doc__) + '\n'
if doc_help:
doc_help = '\n\n' + wrap_text(doc_help, width=72,
initial_indent=' > ',
subsequent_indent=' > ',
subcommands = '''\
worker Start a processing worker rather than do local processing
server Start a processor server rather than do local processing
processing_worker_options = '''\
--queue The RabbitMQ server address in format
--database The MongoDB server address in format
--log-filename Filename to redirect STDOUT/STDERR to,
if specified.
processing_server_options = '''\
--address The Processor server address in format
--database The MongoDB server address in format
processing_options = '''\
-m, --mets URL-PATH URL or file path of METS to process [./mets.xml]
-w, --working-dir PATH Working directory of local workspace [dirname(URL-PATH)]
-I, --input-file-grp USE File group(s) used as input
-O, --output-file-grp USE File group(s) used as output
-g, --page-id ID Physical page ID(s) to process instead of full document []
--overwrite Remove existing output pages/images
(with "--page-id", remove only those).
--debug Abort on any errors with full stack trace.
--profile Enable profiling
--profile-file PROF-PATH Write cProfile stats to PROF-PATH. Implies "--profile"
-p, --parameter JSON-PATH Parameters, either verbatim JSON string
or JSON file path
-P, --param-override KEY VAL Override a single JSON object key-value pair,
taking precedence over --parameter
-U, --mets-server-url URL URL of a METS Server for parallel incremental access to METS
If URL starts with http:// start an HTTP server there,
otherwise URL is a path to an on-demand-created unix socket
Override log level globally [INFO]
--log-filename LOG-PATH File to redirect stderr logging to (overriding ocrd_logging.conf).
information_options = '''\
-C, --show-resource RESNAME Dump the content of processor resource RESNAME
-L, --list-resources List names of processor resources
-J, --dump-json Dump tool description as JSON
-D, --dump-module-dir Show the 'module' resource location path for this processor
-h, --help Show this message
-V, --version Show version
parameter_help = ''
if 'parameters' not in ocrd_tool or not ocrd_tool['parameters']:
parameter_help = ' NONE\n'
def wrap(s):
return wrap_text(s, initial_indent=' '*3,
subsequent_indent=' '*4,
width=72, preserve_paragraphs=True)
for param_name, param in ocrd_tool['parameters'].items():
parameter_help += wrap('"%s" [%s%s]' % (
' - REQUIRED' if 'required' in param and param['required'] else
' - %s' % json.dumps(param['default']) if 'default' in param else ''))
parameter_help += '\n ' + wrap(param['description'])
if 'enum' in param:
parameter_help += '\n ' + wrap('Possible values: %s' % json.dumps(param['enum']))
parameter_help += "\n"
if not subcommand:
return f'''\
Usage: {ocrd_tool['executable']} [worker|server] [OPTIONS]
Options for processing:
Options for information:
elif subcommand == 'worker':
return f'''\
Usage: {ocrd_tool['executable']} worker [OPTIONS]
Run {ocrd_tool['executable']} as a processing worker.
elif subcommand == 'server':
return f'''\
Usage: {ocrd_tool['executable']} server [OPTIONS]
Run {ocrd_tool['executable']} as a processor sever.