from tempfile import mkdtemp
from pathlib import Path
from warnings import warn
import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter, Retry
from ocrd.constants import TMP_PREFIX
from ocrd_utils import (
from ocrd.workspace import Workspace
from ocrd_models import OcrdMets
from ocrd_models.utils import handle_oai_response
class Resolver():
Handle uploads, downloads, repository access, and manage temporary directories
def download_to_directory(self, directory, url, basename=None, if_exists='skip', subdir=None, retries=None, timeout=None):
Download a URL ``url`` to a local file in ``directory``.
If ``url`` looks like a file path, check whether that exists.
If it does exist and is within ``directory` already, return early.
If it does exist but is outside of ``directory``. copy it.
If ``url` does not appear to be a file path, try downloading via HTTP, retrying ``retries`` times with timeout ``timeout`` between calls.
If ``basename`` is not given but ``subdir`` is, set ``basename`` to the last path segment of ``url``.
If the target file already exists within ``directory``, behavior depends on ``if_exists``:
- ``skip`` (default): do nothing and return early. Note that this
- ``overwrite``: overwrite the existing file
- ``raise``: raise a ``FileExistsError``
directory (string): Directory to download files to
url (string): URL to download from
Keyword Args:
basename (string, None): basename part of the filename on disk. Defaults to last path segment of ``url`` if unset.
if_exists (string, "skip"): What to do if target file already exists.
One of ``skip`` (default), ``overwrite`` or ``raise``
subdir (string, None): Subdirectory to create within the directory. Think ``mets:fileGrp[@USE]``.
retries (int, None): Number of retries to attempt on network failure.
timeout (tuple, None): Timeout in seconds for establishing a connection and reading next chunk of data.
Local filename string, *relative* to directory
log = getLogger('ocrd.resolver.download_to_directory') # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
log.debug("directory=|%s| url=|%s| basename=|%s| if_exists=|%s| subdir=|%s|", directory, url, basename, if_exists, subdir)
if not url:
raise ValueError(f"'url' must be a non-empty string, not '{url}'") # actually Path also ok
if not directory:
raise ValueError(f"'directory' must be a non-empty string, not '{url}'") # actually Path would also work
url = str(url)
directory = Path(directory)
directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
subdir_path = Path(subdir if subdir else '')
basename_path = Path(basename if basename else nth_url_segment(url))
ret = Path(subdir_path, basename_path)
dst_path = Path(directory, ret)
#"\n\tdst_path='%s \n\turl=%s", dst_path, url)
# print(f'>>> url={url}')
# print(f'>>> directory={directory}')
# print(f'>>> subdir_path={subdir_path}')
# print(f'>>> basename_path={basename_path}')
# print(f'>>> dst_path={dst_path}')
# print(f'>>> ret={ret}')
src_path = None
if is_local_filename(url):
src_path = Path(get_local_filename(url)).resolve()
except FileNotFoundError as e:
log.error("Failed to resolve URL locally: %s --> '%s' which does not exist" % (url, src_path))
raise e
if not src_path.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"File path passed as 'url' to download_to_directory does not exist: '{url}")
if src_path == dst_path:
log.debug("Stop early, src_path and dst_path are the same: '%s' (url: '%s')" % (src_path, url))
return str(ret)
# Respect 'if_exists' kwarg
if dst_path.exists():
if if_exists == 'skip':
log.debug(f"File already exists but if_exists == {if_exists}, skipping.")
return str(ret)
elif if_exists == 'raise':
raise FileExistsError(f"File already exists and if_exists == '{if_exists}': {dst_path}")
log.debug(f"File already exists but if_exists == {if_exists}, overwriting.")
# Create dst_path parent dir
dst_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Copy files or download remote assets
if src_path:
# src_path set, so it is a file source, we can copy directly
log.debug("Copying file '%s' to '%s'", src_path, dst_path)
# src_path not set, it's an http URL, try to download
log.debug("Downloading URL '%s' to '%s'", url, dst_path)
if not retries and config.is_set('OCRD_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES'):
retries = config.OCRD_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES
if timeout is None and config.is_set('OCRD_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT'):
timeout = config.OCRD_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT
session = requests.Session()
retries = Retry(total=retries or 0,
# probably too wide (only transient failures):
408, # Request Timeout
409, # Conflict
412, # Precondition Failed
417, # Expectation Failed
423, # Locked
424, # Fail
425, # Too Early
426, # Upgrade Required
428, # Precondition Required
429, # Too Many Requests
440, # Login Timeout
500, # Internal Server Error
503, # Service Unavailable
504, # Gateway Timeout
509, # Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
529, # Site Overloaded
598, # Proxy Read Timeout
599, # Proxy Connect Timeout
adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)
session.mount('http://', adapter)
session.mount('https://', adapter)
response = session.get(url, timeout=timeout)
contents = handle_oai_response(response)
return str(ret)
def workspace_from_url(
Create a workspace from a METS by URL (i.e. clone if :py:attr:`mets_url` is remote or :py:attr:`dst_dir` is given).
mets_url (string): Source METS URL or filesystem path
Keyword Arguments:
dst_dir (string, None): Target directory for the workspace. \
By default create a temporary directory under :py:data:`ocrd.constants.TMP_PREFIX`. \
(The resulting path can be retrieved via :py:attr:``.)
clobber_mets (boolean, False): Whether to overwrite existing ``mets.xml``. \
By default existing ``mets.xml`` will raise an exception.
download (boolean, False): Whether to also download all the files referenced by the METS
src_baseurl (string, None): Base URL for resolving relative file locations
mets_server_url (string, None): URI of TCP or local path of UDS for METS server handling
the `OcrdMets` of the workspace. By default the METS will be read from and written to
the filesystem directly.
**kwargs (): Passed on to ``OcrdMets.find_files`` if download == True
Download (clone) :py:attr:`mets_url` to ``mets.xml`` in :py:attr:`dst_dir`, unless
the former is already local and the latter is ``none`` or already identical to its directory name.
a new :py:class:`~ocrd.workspace.Workspace`
log = getLogger('ocrd.resolver.workspace_from_url')
if mets_url is None:
raise ValueError("Must pass 'mets_url' workspace_from_url")
# if mets_url is a relative filename, make it absolute
if is_local_filename(mets_url) and not Path(mets_url).is_absolute():
mets_url = str(Path(Path.cwd() / mets_url))
# if mets_basename is not given, use the last URL segment of the mets_url
if mets_basename is None:
mets_basename = nth_url_segment(mets_url, -1)
# If src_baseurl wasn't given, determine from mets_url by removing last url segment
if not src_baseurl:
last_segment = nth_url_segment(mets_url)
src_baseurl = remove_non_path_from_url(remove_non_path_from_url(mets_url)[:-len(last_segment)])
# resolve dst_dir
if not dst_dir:
if is_local_filename(mets_url):
log.debug("Deriving dst_dir %s from %s", Path(mets_url).parent, mets_url)
dst_dir = Path(mets_url).parent
log.debug("Creating ephemeral workspace '%s' for METS @ <%s>", dst_dir, mets_url)
dst_dir = mkdtemp(prefix=TMP_PREFIX)
# XXX Path.resolve is always strict in Python <= 3.5, so create dst_dir unless it exists consistently
if not Path(dst_dir).exists():
Path(dst_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=False)
dst_dir = str(Path(dst_dir).resolve())
mets_basename, mets_url, src_baseurl, dst_dir)
self.download_to_directory(dst_dir, mets_url, basename=mets_basename, if_exists='overwrite' if clobber_mets else 'raise')
workspace = Workspace(self, dst_dir, mets_basename=mets_basename, baseurl=src_baseurl, mets_server_url=mets_server_url)
if download:
for f in workspace.mets.find_files(**kwargs):
return workspace
def workspace_from_nothing(self, directory, mets_basename=DEFAULT_METS_BASENAME, clobber_mets=False):
Create an empty workspace.
directory (string): Target directory for the workspace. \
If ``none``, create a temporary directory under :py:data:`ocrd.constants.TMP_PREFIX`. \
(The resulting path can be retrieved via :py:attr:``.)
Keyword Arguments:
clobber_mets (boolean, False): Whether to overwrite existing ``mets.xml``. \
By default existing ``mets.xml`` will raise an exception.
a new :py:class:`~ocrd.workspace.Workspace`
log = getLogger('ocrd.resolver.workspace_from_nothing')
if directory is None:
directory = mkdtemp(prefix=TMP_PREFIX)
Path(directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
mets_path = Path(directory, mets_basename)
if mets_path.exists() and not clobber_mets:
raise FileExistsError("METS '%s' already exists in '%s' and clobber_mets not set." % (mets_basename, directory))
mets = OcrdMets.empty_mets()"Writing METS to %s", mets_path)
return Workspace(self, directory, mets, mets_basename=mets_basename)
def resolve_mets_arguments(self, directory, mets_url, mets_basename=DEFAULT_METS_BASENAME, mets_server_url=None):
Resolve the ``--mets``, ``--mets-basename``, `--directory``,
``--mets-server-url``, arguments into a coherent set of arguments
according to
log = getLogger('ocrd.resolver.resolve_mets_arguments')
mets_is_remote = mets_url and (mets_url.startswith('http://') or mets_url.startswith('https://'))
# XXX we might want to be more strict like this but it might break # legacy code
# Allow --mets and --directory together iff --mets is a remote URL
# if directory and mets_url and not mets_is_remote:
# raise ValueError("Use either --mets or --directory, not both")
# If --mets is a URL, a directory must be explicitly provided (not strictly necessary, but retained for legacy behavior)
if not directory and mets_is_remote:
raise ValueError("--mets is an http(s) URL but no --directory was given")
# Determine --mets-basename
if not mets_basename and mets_url:
mets_basename = Path(mets_url).name
elif not mets_basename and not mets_url:
elif mets_basename and mets_url:
raise ValueError("Use either --mets or --mets-basename, not both")
warn("--mets-basename is deprecated. Use --mets/--directory instead", DeprecationWarning)
# Determine --directory and --mets-url
if not directory and not mets_url:
directory = Path.cwd()
mets_url = Path(directory, mets_basename)
elif directory and not mets_url:
directory = Path(directory).resolve()
mets_url = directory / mets_basename
elif not directory and mets_url:
mets_url = Path(mets_url).resolve()
directory = mets_url.parent
else: # == directory and mets_url:
directory = Path(directory).resolve()
if not mets_is_remote:
# --mets is just a basename and --directory is set, so treat --mets as --mets-basename
if Path(mets_url).parent == Path('.'):
mets_url = directory / mets_url
mets_url = Path(mets_url).resolve()
if not is_file_in_directory(directory, mets_url):
raise ValueError("--mets '%s' has a directory part inconsistent with --directory '%s'" % (mets_url, directory))
return str(Path(directory).resolve()), str(mets_url), str(mets_basename), mets_server_url