Source code for ocrd.resource_manager

from pathlib import Path
from os.path import join
from os import environ, listdir, getcwd, unlink
from shutil import copytree, rmtree, copy
from fnmatch import filter as apply_glob
from datetime import datetime
from tarfile import open as open_tarfile
from urllib.parse import urlparse, unquote
from zipfile import ZipFile

import requests
from gdown.parse_url import parse_url as gparse_url
from import get_url_from_gdrive_confirmation
from yaml import safe_load, safe_dump

# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position

import yaml.constructor
yaml.constructor.SafeConstructor.yaml_constructors[',2002:timestamp'] = \

# pylint: enable=wrong-import-position

# pylint: enable=wrong-import-position

# pylint: enable=wrong-import-position

from ocrd_validators import OcrdResourceListValidator
from ocrd_utils import getLogger, directory_size, get_moduledir, guess_media_type, config
from ocrd_utils.os import get_processor_resource_types, list_all_resources, pushd_popd, get_ocrd_tool_json

[docs] class OcrdResourceManager: """ Managing processor resources """ def __init__(self, userdir=None, xdg_config_home=None, xdg_data_home=None, skip_init=False): self.log = getLogger('ocrd.resource_manager') self.database = {} self._xdg_data_home = xdg_data_home self._xdg_config_home = xdg_config_home self._userdir = userdir self.user_list = Path(self.xdg_config_home, 'ocrd', 'resources.yml') if not skip_init: self.load_resource_list(Path(RESOURCE_LIST_FILENAME)) if not self.user_list.exists(): if not self.user_list.parent.exists(): self.user_list.parent.mkdir(parents=True) self.save_user_list() self.load_resource_list(self.user_list) @property def userdir(self): if not self._userdir: self._userdir = config.HOME return self._userdir @property def xdg_data_home(self): if not self._xdg_data_home: self._xdg_data_home = config.XDG_DATA_HOME return self._xdg_data_home @property def xdg_config_home(self): if self._xdg_config_home: return self._xdg_config_home return config.XDG_CONFIG_HOME
[docs] def save_user_list(self, database=None): if not database: database = self.database with open(self.user_list, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(RESOURCE_USER_LIST_COMMENT) f.write('\n') f.write(safe_dump(database))
[docs] def load_resource_list(self, list_filename, database=None): if not database: database = self.database if list_filename.is_file(): with open(list_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: list_loaded = safe_load(f) or {} report = OcrdResourceListValidator.validate(list_loaded) if not report.is_valid: self.log.error('\n'.join(report.errors)) raise ValueError(f"Resource list {list_filename} is invalid!") for executable, resource_list in list_loaded.items(): if executable not in database: database[executable] = [] # Prepend, so user provided is sorted before builtin database[executable] = list_loaded[executable] + database[executable] return database
[docs] def list_available(self, executable=None, dynamic=True, name=None, database=None, url=None): """ List models available for download by processor """ if not database: database = self.database if not executable: return database.items() if dynamic: skip_executables = ["ocrd-cis-data", "ocrd-import", "ocrd-make"] for exec_dir in environ['PATH'].split(':'): for exec_path in Path(exec_dir).glob(f'{executable}'): if not'ocrd-'): self.log.warning(f"OCR-D processor executable '{exec_path}' has no 'ocrd-' prefix") if in skip_executables: self.log.debug(f"Not an OCR-D processor CLI, skipping '{exec_path}'") continue self.log.debug(f"Inspecting '{exec_path} --dump-json' for resources") ocrd_tool = get_ocrd_tool_json(exec_path) for resdict in ocrd_tool.get('resources', ()): if not in database: database[] = [] database[].insert(0, resdict) database = self._dedup_database(database) found = False ret = [] for k in database: if apply_glob([k], executable): found = True restuple = (k, []) ret.append(restuple) for resdict in database[k]: if name and resdict['name'] != name: continue if url and resdict['url'] != url: continue restuple[1].append(resdict) if not found: ret = [(executable, [])] return ret
[docs] def list_installed(self, executable=None): """ List installed resources, matching with registry by ``name`` """ ret = [] if executable: all_executables = [executable] else: # resources we know about all_executables = list(self.database.keys()) # resources in the file system parent_dirs = [join(x, 'ocrd-resources') for x in [self.xdg_data_home, '/usr/local/share']] for parent_dir in parent_dirs: if Path(parent_dir).exists(): all_executables += [x for x in listdir(parent_dir) if x.startswith('ocrd-')] for this_executable in set(all_executables): reslist = [] mimetypes = get_processor_resource_types(this_executable) moduledir = get_moduledir(this_executable) for res_filename in list_all_resources(this_executable, moduled=moduledir, xdg_data_home=self.xdg_data_home): res_filename = Path(res_filename) if not '*/*' in mimetypes: if res_filename.is_dir() and not 'text/directory' in mimetypes: continue if res_filename.is_file() and ['text/directory'] == mimetypes: continue res_name = res_type = 'file' if res_filename.is_file() else 'directory' res_size = res_filename.stat().st_size if res_filename.is_file() else directory_size(res_filename) resdict_list = [x for x in self.database.get(this_executable, []) if x['name'] == res_name] if resdict_list: resdict = resdict_list[0] elif str(res_filename.parent) == moduledir: resdict = { 'name': res_name, 'url': str(res_filename), 'description': 'Found at module', 'type': res_type, 'size': res_size } else: resdict = self.add_to_user_database(this_executable, res_filename, resource_type=res_type) resdict['path'] = str(res_filename) reslist.append(resdict) ret.append((this_executable, reslist)) return ret
[docs] def add_to_user_database(self, executable, res_filename, url=None, resource_type='file'): """ Add a stub entry to the user resource.yml """ res_name = Path(res_filename).name"{executable} resource '{res_name}' ({str(res_filename)}) not a known resource, " f"creating stub in {self.user_list}'") if Path(res_filename).is_dir(): res_size = directory_size(res_filename) else: res_size = Path(res_filename).stat().st_size with open(self.user_list, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: user_database = safe_load(f) or {} if executable not in user_database: user_database[executable] = [] resources_found = self.list_available(executable=executable, name=res_name, database=user_database)[0][1] if not resources_found: resdict = { 'name': res_name, 'url': url if url else '???', 'description': f'Found at {self.resource_dir_to_location(res_filename)} on {}', 'version_range': '???', 'type': resource_type, 'size': res_size } user_database[executable].append(resdict) else: resdict = resources_found[0] self.save_user_list(user_database) self.load_resource_list(self.user_list) return resdict
@property def default_resource_dir(self): return self.location_to_resource_dir('data')
[docs] def location_to_resource_dir(self, location): return '/usr/local/share/ocrd-resources' if location == 'system' else \ join(self.xdg_data_home, 'ocrd-resources') if location == 'data' else \ getcwd()
[docs] def resource_dir_to_location(self, resource_path): resource_path = str(resource_path) return 'system' if resource_path.startswith('/usr/local/share/ocrd-resources') else \ 'data' if resource_path.startswith(join(self.xdg_data_home, 'ocrd-resources')) else \ 'cwd' if resource_path.startswith(getcwd()) else \ resource_path
[docs] @staticmethod def parameter_usage(name, usage='as-is'): if usage == 'as-is': return name elif usage == 'without-extension': return Path(name).stem raise ValueError(f"No such usage '{usage}'")
@staticmethod def _download_impl(url, filename, progress_cb=None, size=None): log = getLogger('ocrd.resource_manager._download_impl')"Downloading {url} to {filename}") try: gdrive_file_id, is_gdrive_download_link = gparse_url(url, warning=False) if gdrive_file_id: if not is_gdrive_download_link: url = f"{gdrive_file_id}" try: with requests.get(url, stream=True) as r: if "Content-Disposition" not in r.headers: url = get_url_from_gdrive_confirmation(r.text) except RuntimeError as e: log.warning("Cannot unwrap Google Drive URL: %s", e) with open(filename, 'wb') as f: with requests.get(url, stream=True) as r: r.raise_for_status() for data in r.iter_content(chunk_size=4096): if progress_cb: progress_cb(len(data)) f.write(data) except Exception as e: rmtree(filename, ignore_errors=True) Path(filename).unlink(missing_ok=True) raise e @staticmethod def _copy_file(src, dst, progress_cb=None): log = getLogger('ocrd.resource_manager._copy_file')"Copying file {src} to {dst}") with open(dst, 'wb') as f_out, open(src, 'rb') as f_in: while True: chunk = if chunk: f_out.write(chunk) if progress_cb: progress_cb(len(chunk)) else: break @staticmethod def _copy_dir(src, dst, progress_cb=None): log = getLogger('ocrd.resource_manager._copy_dir')"Copying dir recursively from {src} to {dst}") if not Path(src).is_dir(): raise ValueError(f"The source is not a directory: {src}") Path(dst).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for child in Path(src).rglob('*'): child_dst = Path(dst) / child.relative_to(src) if Path(child).is_dir(): OcrdResourceManager._copy_dir(child, child_dst, progress_cb) else: OcrdResourceManager._copy_file(child, child_dst, progress_cb) @staticmethod def _copy_impl(src_filename, filename, progress_cb=None): log = getLogger('ocrd.resource_manager._copy_impl')"Copying {src_filename} to {filename}") if Path(src_filename).is_dir(): OcrdResourceManager._copy_dir(src_filename, filename, progress_cb) else: OcrdResourceManager._copy_file(src_filename, filename, progress_cb) # TODO Proper caching (make head request for size, If-Modified etc)
[docs] def download( self, executable, url, basedir, overwrite=False, no_subdir=False, name=None, resource_type='file', path_in_archive='.', progress_cb=None, ): """ Download a resource by URL """ log = getLogger('') destdir = Path(basedir) if no_subdir else Path(basedir, executable) if not name: url_parsed = urlparse(url) name = Path(unquote(url_parsed.path)).name fpath = Path(destdir, name) is_url = url.startswith('https://') or url.startswith('http://') if fpath.exists(): if not overwrite: fpath_type = 'Directory' if fpath.is_dir() else 'File' log.warning(f"{fpath_type} {fpath} already exists but --overwrite is not set, skipping the download") # raise FileExistsError(f"{fpath_type} {fpath} already exists but --overwrite is not set") return fpath if fpath.is_dir():"Removing existing target directory {fpath}") rmtree(str(fpath)) else:"Removing existing target file {fpath}") unlink(str(fpath)) destdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if resource_type in ('file', 'directory'): if is_url: self._download_impl(url, fpath, progress_cb) else: self._copy_impl(url, fpath, progress_cb) elif resource_type == 'archive': archive_fname = 'download.tar.xx' with pushd_popd(tempdir=True) as tempdir: if is_url: self._download_impl(url, archive_fname, progress_cb) else: self._copy_impl(url, archive_fname, progress_cb) Path('out').mkdir() with pushd_popd('out'): mimetype = guess_media_type(f'../{archive_fname}', fallback='application/octet-stream')"Extracting {mimetype} archive to {tempdir}/out") if mimetype == 'application/zip': with ZipFile(f'../{archive_fname}', 'r') as zipf: zipf.extractall() elif mimetype in ('application/gzip', 'application/x-xz'): with open_tarfile(f'../{archive_fname}', 'r:*') as tar: tar.extractall() else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to handle extraction of {mimetype} archive {url}")"Copying '{path_in_archive}' from archive to {fpath}") if Path(path_in_archive).is_dir(): copytree(path_in_archive, str(fpath)) else: copy(path_in_archive, str(fpath)) return fpath
def _dedup_database(self, database=None, dedup_key='name'): """ Deduplicate resources by name """ if not database: database = self.database for executable, reslist in database.items(): reslist_dedup = [] for resdict in reslist: if not any(r[dedup_key] == resdict[dedup_key] for r in reslist_dedup): reslist_dedup.append(resdict) database[executable] = reslist_dedup return database