Source code for

Validation report with messages of different levels of severity.
__all__ = ['ValidationReport']

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[docs]class ValidationReport(object): """ Container of notices, warnings and errors about a workspace. """ def __init__(self): """ Create a new ValidationReport. """ self.notices = [] self.warnings = [] self.errors = [] def __str__(self): """ Serialize to string. """ ret = 'OK' if self.is_valid else 'INVALID' if not self.is_valid or self.notices: ret += '[' if self.warnings: ret += ' %s warnings' % len(self.warnings) if self.errors: ret += ' %s errors' % len(self.errors) if self.notices: ret += ' %s notices' % len(self.notices) ret += ' ]' return ret @property def is_valid(self): """ Whether the report contains neither errors nor warnings. """ return not self.warnings and not self.errors
[docs] def to_xml(self): """ Serialize to XML. """ body = '' for k in ['warning', 'error', 'notice']: for msg in self.__dict__[k + 's']: body += '\n <%s>%s</%s>' % (k, msg, k) return '<report valid="%s">%s\n</report>' % ("true" if self.is_valid else "false", body)
[docs] def add_warning(self, msg): """ Add a warning. """ self.warnings.append(msg)
[docs] def add_error(self, msg): """ Add an error """ self.errors.append(msg)
[docs] def add_notice(self, msg): """ Add a notice """ self.notices.append(msg)
[docs] def merge_report(self, otherself): """ Merge another report into this one. """ self.notices += otherself.notices self.warnings += otherself.warnings self.errors += otherself.errors