Source code for ocrd_network.database

""" The database is used to store information regarding jobs and workspaces.

Jobs: for every process-request a job is inserted into the database with an uuid, status and
information about the process like parameters and file groups. It is mainly used to track the status
(`ocrd_network.models.job.StateEnum`) of a job so that the state of a job can be queried. Finished
jobs are not deleted from the database.

Workspaces: A job or a processor always runs on a workspace. So a processor needs the information
where the workspace is available. This information can be set with providing an absolute path or a
workspace_id. With the latter, the database is used to convert the workspace_id to a path.

XXX: Currently the information is not preserved after the processing-server shuts down as the
database (runs in docker) currently has no volume set.
from beanie import init_beanie
from beanie.operators import In
from motor.motor_asyncio import AsyncIOMotorClient
from uuid import uuid4
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List

from .models import (
from .utils import call_sync

[docs]async def initiate_database(db_url: str): client = AsyncIOMotorClient(db_url) await init_beanie( database=client.get_default_database(default='ocrd'), document_models=[DBProcessorJob, DBWorkflowJob, DBWorkspace] )
[docs]@call_sync async def sync_initiate_database(db_url: str): await initiate_database(db_url)
[docs]async def db_create_workspace(mets_path: str) -> DBWorkspace: """ Create a workspace-database entry only from a mets-path """ if not Path(mets_path).exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f'Cannot create DB workspace entry, `{mets_path}` does not exist!') try: return await db_get_workspace(workspace_mets_path=mets_path) except ValueError: workspace_db = DBWorkspace( workspace_id=str(uuid4()), workspace_path=Path(mets_path).parent, workspace_mets_path=mets_path, ocrd_identifier="", bagit_profile_identifier="", ) await return workspace_db
[docs]async def db_get_workspace(workspace_id: str = None, workspace_mets_path: str = None) -> DBWorkspace: workspace = None if not workspace_id and not workspace_mets_path: raise ValueError(f'Either `workspace_id` or `workspace_mets_path` field must be used as a search key') if workspace_id: workspace = await DBWorkspace.find_one( DBWorkspace.workspace_id == workspace_id ) if not workspace: raise ValueError(f'Workspace with id "{workspace_id}" not in the DB.') if workspace_mets_path: workspace = await DBWorkspace.find_one( DBWorkspace.workspace_mets_path == workspace_mets_path ) if not workspace: raise ValueError(f'Workspace with path "{workspace_mets_path}" not in the DB.') return workspace
[docs]@call_sync async def sync_db_get_workspace(workspace_id: str = None, workspace_mets_path: str = None) -> DBWorkspace: return await db_get_workspace(workspace_id=workspace_id, workspace_mets_path=workspace_mets_path)
[docs]async def db_update_workspace(workspace_id: str = None, workspace_mets_path: str = None, **kwargs) -> DBWorkspace: workspace = None if not workspace_id and not workspace_mets_path: raise ValueError(f'Either `workspace_id` or `workspace_mets_path` field must be used as a search key') if workspace_id: workspace = await DBWorkspace.find_one( DBWorkspace.workspace_id == workspace_id ) if not workspace: raise ValueError(f'Workspace with id "{workspace_id}" not in the DB.') if workspace_mets_path: workspace = await DBWorkspace.find_one( DBWorkspace.workspace_mets_path == workspace_mets_path ) if not workspace: raise ValueError(f'Workspace with path "{workspace_mets_path}" not in the DB.') job_keys = list(workspace.__dict__.keys()) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key not in job_keys: raise ValueError(f'Field "{key}" is not available.') if key == 'workspace_id': workspace.workspace_id = value elif key == 'workspace_mets_path': workspace.workspace_mets_path = value elif key == 'ocrd_identifier': workspace.ocrd_identifier = value elif key == 'bagit_profile_identifier': workspace.bagit_profile_identifier = value elif key == 'ocrd_base_version_checksum': workspace.ocrd_base_version_checksum = value elif key == 'ocrd_mets': workspace.ocrd_mets = value elif key == 'bag_info_adds': workspace.bag_info_adds = value elif key == 'deleted': workspace.deleted = value elif key == 'mets_server_url': workspace.mets_server_url = value else: raise ValueError(f'Field "{key}" is not updatable.') await return workspace
[docs]@call_sync async def sync_db_update_workspace(workspace_id: str = None, workspace_mets_path: str = None, **kwargs) -> DBWorkspace: return await db_update_workspace(workspace_id=workspace_id, workspace_mets_path=workspace_mets_path, **kwargs)
[docs]async def db_get_processing_job(job_id: str) -> DBProcessorJob: job = await DBProcessorJob.find_one( DBProcessorJob.job_id == job_id) if not job: raise ValueError(f'Processing job with id "{job_id}" not in the DB.') return job
[docs]@call_sync async def sync_db_get_processing_job(job_id: str) -> DBProcessorJob: return await db_get_processing_job(job_id)
[docs]async def db_update_processing_job(job_id: str, **kwargs) -> DBProcessorJob: job = await DBProcessorJob.find_one( DBProcessorJob.job_id == job_id) if not job: raise ValueError(f'Processing job with id "{job_id}" not in the DB.') job_keys = list(job.__dict__.keys()) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key not in job_keys: raise ValueError(f'Field "{key}" is not available.') if key == 'state': job.state = value elif key == 'start_time': job.start_time = value elif key == 'end_time': job.end_time = value elif key == 'path_to_mets': job.path_to_mets = value elif key == 'exec_time': job.exec_time = value elif key == 'log_file_path': job.log_file_path = value else: raise ValueError(f'Field "{key}" is not updatable.') await return job
[docs]@call_sync async def sync_db_update_processing_job(job_id: str, **kwargs) -> DBProcessorJob: return await db_update_processing_job(job_id=job_id, **kwargs)
[docs]async def db_get_workflow_job(job_id: str) -> DBWorkflowJob: job = await DBWorkflowJob.find_one(DBWorkflowJob.job_id == job_id) if not job: raise ValueError(f'Workflow job with id "{job_id}" not in the DB.') return job
[docs]@call_sync async def sync_db_get_workflow_job(job_id: str) -> DBWorkflowJob: return await db_get_workflow_job(job_id)
[docs]async def db_get_processing_jobs(job_ids: List[str]) -> [DBProcessorJob]: jobs = await DBProcessorJob.find(In(DBProcessorJob.job_id, job_ids)).to_list() return jobs
[docs]@call_sync async def sync_db_get_processing_jobs(job_ids: List[str]) -> [DBProcessorJob]: return await db_get_processing_jobs(job_ids)