Source code for ocrd_network.deployer

Abstraction of the deployment functionality for processors.

The Processing Server provides the configuration parameters to the Deployer agent.
The Deployer agent runs the RabbitMQ Server, MongoDB and the Processing Hosts.
Each Processing Host may have several Processing Workers.
Each Processing Worker is an instance of an OCR-D processor.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Dict, List, Union
from re import search as re_search
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
from time import sleep

from ocrd_utils import config, getLogger, safe_filename

from .deployment_utils import (
from .logging import get_mets_server_logging_file_path
from .runtime_data import (
from .utils import (

[docs]class Deployer: def __init__(self, config_path: str) -> None: self.log = getLogger('ocrd_network.deployer') config = validate_and_load_config(config_path) self.data_mongo: DataMongoDB = DataMongoDB(config['database']) self.data_queue: DataRabbitMQ = DataRabbitMQ(config['process_queue']) self.data_hosts: List[DataHost] = [] self.internal_callback_url = config.get('internal_callback_url', None) for config_host in config['hosts']: self.data_hosts.append(DataHost(config_host)) self.mets_servers: Dict = {} # {"mets_server_url": "mets_server_pid"} # TODO: Reconsider this.
[docs] def find_matching_processors( self, worker_only: bool = False, server_only: bool = False, docker_only: bool = False, native_only: bool = False, str_names_only: bool = False, unique_only: bool = False ) -> Union[List[str], List[object]]: """Finds and returns a list of matching data objects of type: `DataProcessingWorker` and `DataProcessorServer`. :py:attr:`worker_only` match only processors with worker status :py:attr:`server_only` match only processors with server status :py:attr:`docker_only` match only docker processors :py:attr:`native_only` match only native processors :py:attr:`str_only` returns the processor_name instead of data object :py:attr:`unique_only` remove duplicates from the matches `worker_only` and `server_only` are mutually exclusive to each other `docker_only` and `native_only` are mutually exclusive to each other `unique_only` is allowed only together with `str_names_only` """ if worker_only and server_only: raise ValueError(f"Only 'worker_only' or 'server_only' is allowed, not both.") if docker_only and native_only: raise ValueError(f"Only 'docker_only' or 'native_only' is allowed, not both.") if not str_names_only and unique_only: raise ValueError(f"Value 'unique_only' is allowed only together with 'str_names_only'") # Find all matching objects of type: # DataProcessingWorker or DataProcessorServer matched_objects = [] for data_host in self.data_hosts: if not server_only: for data_worker in data_host.data_workers: if data_worker.deploy_type == DeployType.NATIVE and docker_only: continue if data_worker.deploy_type == DeployType.DOCKER and native_only: continue matched_objects.append(data_worker) if not worker_only: for data_server in data_host.data_servers: if data_server.deploy_type == DeployType.NATIVE and docker_only: continue if data_server.deploy_type == DeployType.DOCKER and native_only: continue matched_objects.append(data_server) if str_names_only: # gets only the processor names of the matched objects name_list = [match.processor_name for match in matched_objects] if unique_only: # removes the duplicates, if any return list(dict.fromkeys(name_list)) return name_list return matched_objects
[docs] def resolve_processor_server_url(self, processor_name) -> str: processor_server_url = '' for data_host in self.data_hosts: for data_server in data_host.data_servers: if data_server.processor_name == processor_name: processor_server_url = f'http://{data_host.address}:{data_server.port}/' return processor_server_url
[docs] def kill_all(self) -> None: """ kill all started services: hosts, database, queue The order of killing is important to optimize graceful shutdown in the future. If RabbitMQ server is killed before killing Processing Workers, that may have bad outcome and leave Processing Workers in an unpredictable state """ self.kill_hosts() self.kill_mongodb() self.kill_rabbitmq()
[docs] def deploy_hosts( self, mongodb_url: str, rabbitmq_url: str ) -> None: for host_data in self.data_hosts: if host_data.needs_ssh: host_data.create_client(client_type='ssh') assert host_data.ssh_client if host_data.needs_docker: host_data.create_client(client_type='docker') assert host_data.docker_client self.log.debug(f'Deploying processing workers on host: {host_data.address}') for data_worker in host_data.data_workers: self._deploy_processing_worker( mongodb_url, rabbitmq_url, host_data, data_worker ) self.log.debug(f'Deploying processor servers on host: {host_data.address}') for data_server in host_data.data_servers: self._deploy_processor_server( mongodb_url, host_data, data_server ) if host_data.ssh_client: host_data.ssh_client.close() host_data.ssh_client = None if host_data.docker_client: host_data.docker_client.close() host_data.docker_client = None
def _deploy_processing_worker( self, mongodb_url: str, rabbitmq_url: str, host_data: DataHost, data_worker: DataProcessingWorker ) -> None: self.log.debug(f"Deploying processing worker, " f"environment: '{data_worker.deploy_type}', " f"name: '{data_worker.processor_name}', " f"address: '{host_data.address}'") if data_worker.deploy_type == DeployType.NATIVE: assert host_data.ssh_client # to satisfy mypy pid = self.start_native_processor( ssh_client=host_data.ssh_client, processor_name=data_worker.processor_name, queue_url=rabbitmq_url, database_url=mongodb_url, ) = pid elif data_worker.deploy_type == DeployType.DOCKER: assert host_data.docker_client # to satisfy mypy pid = self.start_docker_processor( docker_client=host_data.docker_client, processor_name=data_worker.processor_name, _queue_url=rabbitmq_url, _database_url=mongodb_url ) = pid sleep(0.2) # TODO: Revisit this to remove code duplications of deploy_* methods def _deploy_processor_server( self, mongodb_url: str, host_data: DataHost, data_server: DataProcessorServer, ) -> None: self.log.debug(f"Deploying processing worker, " f"environment: '{data_server.deploy_type}', " f"name: '{data_server.processor_name}', " f"address: '{}:{data_server.port}'") if data_server.deploy_type == DeployType.NATIVE: assert host_data.ssh_client pid = self.start_native_processor_server( ssh_client=host_data.ssh_client, processor_name=data_server.processor_name, agent_address=f'{}:{data_server.port}', database_url=mongodb_url, ) = pid if data_server.processor_name in host_data.server_ports: name = data_server.processor_name port = data_server.port if host_data.server_ports[name]: host_data.server_ports[name] = host_data.server_ports[name].append(port) else: host_data.server_ports[name] = [port] else: host_data.server_ports[data_server.processor_name] = [data_server.port] elif data_server.deploy_type == DeployType.DOCKER: raise Exception("Deploying docker processor server is not supported yet!")
[docs] def deploy_rabbitmq( self, image: str, detach: bool, remove: bool, ports_mapping: Union[Dict, None] = None ) -> str: if self.data_queue.skip_deployment: self.log.debug(f"RabbitMQ is externaly managed. Skipping deployment") verify_rabbitmq_available( self.data_queue.address, self.data_queue.port, self.data_queue.vhost, self.data_queue.username, self.data_queue.password ) return self.data_queue.url self.log.debug(f"Trying to deploy '{image}', with modes: " f"detach='{detach}', remove='{remove}'") if not self.data_queue or not self.data_queue.address: raise ValueError('Deploying RabbitMQ has failed - missing configuration.') client = create_docker_client( self.data_queue.address, self.data_queue.ssh_username, self.data_queue.ssh_password, self.data_queue.ssh_keypath ) if not ports_mapping: # 5672, 5671 - used by AMQP 0-9-1 and AMQP 1.0 clients without and with TLS # 15672, 15671: HTTP API clients, management UI and rabbitmq admin, without and with TLS # 25672: used for internode and CLI tools communication and is allocated from # a dynamic range (limited to a single port by default, computed as AMQP port + 20000) ports_mapping = { 5672: self.data_queue.port, 15672: 15672, 25672: 25672 } res = image=image, detach=detach, remove=remove, ports=ports_mapping, # The default credentials to be used by the processing workers environment=[ f'RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER={self.data_queue.username}', f'RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS={self.data_queue.password}' ] ) assert res and, \ f'Failed to start RabbitMQ docker container on host: {self.data_queue.address}' = client.close() rmq_host = self.data_queue.address rmq_port = int(self.data_queue.port) rmq_vhost = '/' verify_rabbitmq_available( host=rmq_host, port=rmq_port, vhost=rmq_vhost, username=self.data_queue.username, password=self.data_queue.password )'The RabbitMQ server was deployed on URL: ' f'{rmq_host}:{rmq_port}{rmq_vhost}') return self.data_queue.url
[docs] def deploy_mongodb( self, image: str, detach: bool, remove: bool, ports_mapping: Union[Dict, None] = None ) -> str: if self.data_mongo.skip_deployment: self.log.debug('MongoDB is externaly managed. Skipping deployment') verify_mongodb_available(self.data_mongo.url) return self.data_mongo.url self.log.debug(f"Trying to deploy '{image}', with modes: " f"detach='{detach}', remove='{remove}'") if not self.data_mongo or not self.data_mongo.address: raise ValueError('Deploying MongoDB has failed - missing configuration.') client = create_docker_client( self.data_mongo.address, self.data_mongo.ssh_username, self.data_mongo.ssh_password, self.data_mongo.ssh_keypath ) if not ports_mapping: ports_mapping = { 27017: self.data_mongo.port } if self.data_mongo.username: environment = [ f'MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME={self.data_mongo.username}', f'MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD={self.data_mongo.password}' ] else: environment = [] res = image=image, detach=detach, remove=remove, ports=ports_mapping, environment=environment ) if not res or not raise RuntimeError('Failed to start MongoDB docker container on host: ' f'{self.data_mongo.address}') = client.close() mongodb_hostinfo = f'{self.data_mongo.address}:{self.data_mongo.port}''The MongoDB was deployed on host: {mongodb_hostinfo}') return self.data_mongo.url
[docs] def kill_rabbitmq(self) -> None: if self.data_queue.skip_deployment: return elif not self.log.warning('No running RabbitMQ instance found') return client = create_docker_client( self.data_queue.address, self.data_queue.ssh_username, self.data_queue.ssh_password, self.data_queue.ssh_keypath ) client.containers.get( = None client.close()'The RabbitMQ is stopped')
[docs] def kill_mongodb(self) -> None: if self.data_mongo.skip_deployment: return elif not self.log.warning('No running MongoDB instance found') return client = create_docker_client( self.data_mongo.address, self.data_mongo.ssh_username, self.data_mongo.ssh_password, self.data_mongo.ssh_keypath ) client.containers.get( = None client.close()'The MongoDB is stopped')
[docs] def kill_hosts(self) -> None: self.log.debug('Starting to kill/stop hosts') # Kill processing hosts for host_data in self.data_hosts: if host_data.needs_ssh: host_data.create_client(client_type='ssh') assert host_data.ssh_client if host_data.needs_docker: host_data.create_client(client_type='docker') assert host_data.docker_client self.log.debug(f'Killing/Stopping processing workers on host: {host_data.address}') self.kill_processing_workers(host_data) self.log.debug(f'Killing/Stopping processor servers on host: {host_data.address}') self.kill_processor_servers(host_data) if host_data.ssh_client: host_data.ssh_client.close() host_data.ssh_client = None if host_data.docker_client: host_data.docker_client.close() host_data.docker_client = None
# TODO: Optimize the code duplication from start_* and kill_* methods
[docs] def kill_processing_workers(self, host_data: DataHost) -> None: amount = len(host_data.data_workers) if not amount:'No active processing workers to be stopped.') return"Trying to stop {amount} processing workers:") for worker in host_data.data_workers: if not continue if worker.deploy_type == DeployType.NATIVE: host_data.ssh_client.exec_command(f'kill {}')"Stopped native worker with pid: '{}'") elif worker.deploy_type == DeployType.DOCKER: host_data.docker_client.containers.get("Stopped docker worker with container id: '{}'") host_data.data_workers = []
[docs] def kill_processor_servers(self, host_data: DataHost) -> None: amount = len(host_data.data_servers) if not amount:'No active processor servers to be stopped.') return"Trying to stop {amount} processing workers:") for server in host_data.data_servers: if not continue if server.deploy_type == DeployType.NATIVE: host_data.ssh_client.exec_command(f'kill {}')"Stopped native server with pid: '{}'") elif server.deploy_type == DeployType.DOCKER: host_data.docker_client.containers.get("Stopped docker server with container id: '{}'") host_data.data_servers = []
[docs] def start_native_processor( self, ssh_client, processor_name: str, queue_url: str, database_url: str ) -> str: """ start a processor natively on a host via ssh Args: ssh_client: paramiko SSHClient to execute commands on a host processor_name: name of processor to run queue_url: url to rabbitmq database_url: url to database Returns: str: pid of running process """'Starting native processing worker: {processor_name}') channel = ssh_client.invoke_shell() stdin, stdout = channel.makefile('wb'), channel.makefile('rb') cmd = f'{processor_name} worker --database {database_url} --queue {queue_url} &' # the only way (I could find) to make it work to start a process in the background and # return early is this construction. The pid of the last started background process is # printed with `echo $!` but it is printed inbetween other output. Because of that I added # `xyz` before and after the code to easily be able to filter out the pid via regex when # returning from the function self.log.debug(f'About to execute command: {cmd}') stdin.write(f'{cmd}\n') stdin.write('echo xyz$!xyz \n exit \n') output ='utf-8') stdout.close() stdin.close() return re_search(r'xyz([0-9]+)xyz', output).group(1) # type: ignore
[docs] def start_docker_processor( self, docker_client, processor_name: str, _queue_url: str, _database_url: str ) -> str: # TODO: Raise an exception here as well? # raise Exception("Deploying docker processing worker is not supported yet!")'Starting docker container processor: {processor_name}') # TODO: add real command here to start processing server in docker here res ='debian', 'sleep 500s', detach=True, remove=True) assert res and, f'Running processor: {processor_name} in docker-container failed' return
# TODO: Just a copy of the above start_native_processor() method. # Far from being great... But should be good as a starting point
[docs] def start_native_processor_server( self, ssh_client, processor_name: str, agent_address: str, database_url: str ) -> str:"Starting native processor server: {processor_name} on {agent_address}") channel = ssh_client.invoke_shell() stdin, stdout = channel.makefile('wb'), channel.makefile('rb') cmd = f'{processor_name} server --address {agent_address} --database {database_url} &' self.log.debug(f'About to execute command: {cmd}') stdin.write(f'{cmd}\n') stdin.write('echo xyz$!xyz \n exit \n') output ='utf-8') stdout.close() stdin.close() return re_search(r'xyz([0-9]+)xyz', output).group(1) # type: ignore
# TODO: No support for TCP version yet
[docs] def start_unix_mets_server(self, mets_path: str) -> Path: log_file = get_mets_server_logging_file_path(mets_path=mets_path) mets_server_url = Path(config.OCRD_NETWORK_SOCKETS_ROOT_DIR, f"{safe_filename(mets_path)}.sock") if is_mets_server_running(mets_server_url=str(mets_server_url)):"The mets server is already started: {mets_server_url}") return mets_server_url cwd = Path(mets_path).parent'Starting UDS mets server: {mets_server_url}') sub_process = subprocess.Popen( args=['nohup', 'ocrd', 'workspace', '--mets-server-url', f'{mets_server_url}', '-d', f'{cwd}', 'server', 'start'], shell=False, stdout=open(file=log_file, mode='w'), stderr=open(file=log_file, mode='a'), cwd=cwd, universal_newlines=True ) # Wait for the mets server to start sleep(2) self.mets_servers[mets_server_url] = return mets_server_url
[docs] def stop_unix_mets_server(self, mets_server_url: str) -> None:'Stopping UDS mets server: {mets_server_url}') if Path(mets_server_url) in self.mets_servers: mets_server_pid = self.mets_servers[Path(mets_server_url)] else: raise Exception(f"Mets server not found: {mets_server_url}") ''' args=['kill', '-s', 'SIGINT', f'{mets_server_pid}'], shell=False, universal_newlines=True ) ''' # TODO: Reconsider this again # Not having this sleep here causes connection errors # on the last request processed by the processing worker. # Sometimes 3 seconds is enough, sometimes not. sleep(5) stop_mets_server(mets_server_url=mets_server_url)