Source code for ocrd_network.processing_worker

Abstraction for the Processing Server unit in this arch:

Calls to native OCR-D processor should happen through
the Processing Worker wrapper to hide low level details.
According to the current requirements, each ProcessingWorker
is a single OCR-D Processor instance.

from datetime import datetime
from os import getpid, getppid
from pika import BasicProperties
from pika.adapters.blocking_connection import BlockingChannel
from pika.spec import Basic

from ocrd_utils import getLogger, initLogging
from .constants import JobState
from .database import sync_initiate_database, sync_db_get_workspace, sync_db_update_processing_job, verify_database_uri
from .logging_utils import (
from .process_helpers import invoke_processor
from .rabbitmq_utils import (
from .utils import calculate_execution_time, post_to_callback_url

[docs] class ProcessingWorker: def __init__(self, rabbitmq_addr, mongodb_addr, processor_name, ocrd_tool: dict, processor_class=None) -> None: initLogging() self.log = getLogger(f'ocrd_network.processing_worker') log_file = get_processing_worker_logging_file_path(processor_name=processor_name, pid=getpid()) configure_file_handler_with_formatter(self.log, log_file=log_file, mode="a") try: verify_database_uri(mongodb_addr)'Verified MongoDB URL: {mongodb_addr}') self.rmq_data = verify_and_parse_mq_uri(rabbitmq_addr)'Verified RabbitMQ URL: {rabbitmq_addr}') except ValueError as error: msg = f"Failed to parse data, error: {error}" self.log.exception(msg) raise ValueError(msg) sync_initiate_database(mongodb_addr) # Database client self.ocrd_tool = ocrd_tool # The str name of the OCR-D processor instance to be started self.processor_name = processor_name # The processor class to be used to instantiate the processor # Think of this as a func pointer to the constructor of the respective OCR-D processor self.processor_class = processor_class # Gets assigned when `connect_consumer` is called on the worker object # Used to consume OcrdProcessingMessage from the queue with name {processor_name} self.rmq_consumer = None # Gets assigned when the `connect_publisher` is called on the worker object # Used to publish OcrdResultMessage type message to the queue with name {processor_name}-result self.rmq_publisher = None"Initialized processing worker: {processor_name}")
[docs] def connect_consumer(self): self.rmq_consumer = connect_rabbitmq_consumer(self.log, self.rmq_data) # Always create a queue (idempotent) self.rmq_consumer.create_queue(queue_name=self.processor_name)
[docs] def connect_publisher(self, enable_acks: bool = True): self.rmq_publisher = connect_rabbitmq_publisher(self.log, self.rmq_data, enable_acks=enable_acks)
# Define what happens every time a message is consumed # from the queue with name self.processor_name
[docs] def on_consumed_message( self, channel: BlockingChannel, delivery: Basic.Deliver, properties: BasicProperties, body: bytes ) -> None: consumer_tag = delivery.consumer_tag delivery_tag: int = delivery.delivery_tag is_redelivered: bool = delivery.redelivered message_headers: dict = properties.headers ack_message = f"Acking message with tag: {delivery_tag}" nack_message = f"Nacking processing message with tag: {delivery_tag}" self.log.debug( f"Consumer tag: {consumer_tag}" f", message delivery tag: {delivery_tag}" f", redelivered: {is_redelivered}" ) self.log.debug(f"Message headers: {message_headers}") try: self.log.debug(f"Trying to decode processing message with tag: {delivery_tag}") processing_message: OcrdProcessingMessage = OcrdProcessingMessage.decode_yml(body) except Exception as error: msg = f"Failed to decode processing message with tag: {delivery_tag}, error: {error}" self.log.exception(msg) channel.basic_nack(delivery_tag=delivery_tag, multiple=False, requeue=False) raise Exception(msg) try:"Starting to process the received message: {processing_message.__dict__}") self.process_message(processing_message=processing_message) except Exception as error: message = ( f"Failed to process message with tag: {delivery_tag}. " f"Processing message: {processing_message.__dict__}" ) self.log.exception(f"{message}, error: {error}") channel.basic_nack(delivery_tag=delivery_tag, multiple=False, requeue=False) raise Exception(message)"Successfully processed RabbitMQ message") self.log.debug(ack_message) channel.basic_ack(delivery_tag=delivery_tag, multiple=False)
[docs] def start_consuming(self) -> None: if self.rmq_consumer:"Configuring consuming from queue: {self.processor_name}") self.rmq_consumer.configure_consuming( queue_name=self.processor_name, callback_method=self.on_consumed_message )"Starting consuming from queue: {self.processor_name}") # Starting consuming is a blocking action self.rmq_consumer.start_consuming() else: msg = f"The RMQConsumer is not connected/configured properly." self.log.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg)
# TODO: Better error handling required to catch exceptions
[docs] def process_message(self, processing_message: OcrdProcessingMessage) -> None: # Verify that the processor name in the processing message # matches the processor name of the current processing worker if self.processor_name != processing_message.processor_name: message = ( "Processor name is not matching. " f"Expected: {self.processor_name}, " f"Got: {processing_message.processor_name}" ) self.log.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) # All of this is needed because the OcrdProcessingMessage object # may not contain certain keys. Simply passing None in the OcrdProcessingMessage constructor # breaks the message validator schema which expects String, but not None due to the Optional[] wrapper. pm_keys = processing_message.__dict__.keys() job_id = processing_message.job_id input_file_grps = processing_message.input_file_grps output_file_grps = processing_message.output_file_grps if "output_file_grps" in pm_keys else None path_to_mets = processing_message.path_to_mets if "path_to_mets" in pm_keys else None workspace_id = processing_message.workspace_id if "workspace_id" in pm_keys else None page_id = processing_message.page_id if "page_id" in pm_keys else None parameters = processing_message.parameters if processing_message.parameters else {} if not path_to_mets and not workspace_id: msg = f"Both 'path_to_mets' and 'workspace_id' are missing in the OcrdProcessingMessage." self.log.exception(msg) raise ValueError(msg) mets_server_url = sync_db_get_workspace(workspace_mets_path=path_to_mets).mets_server_url if not path_to_mets and workspace_id: path_to_mets = sync_db_get_workspace(workspace_id).workspace_mets_path mets_server_url = sync_db_get_workspace(workspace_id).mets_server_url execution_failed = False self.log.debug(f"Invoking processor: {self.processor_name}") start_time = job_log_file = get_processing_job_logging_file_path(job_id=job_id) sync_db_update_processing_job( job_id=job_id, state=JobState.running, path_to_mets=path_to_mets, start_time=start_time, log_file_path=job_log_file ) try: invoke_processor( processor_class=self.processor_class, executable=self.processor_name, abs_path_to_mets=path_to_mets, input_file_grps=input_file_grps, output_file_grps=output_file_grps, page_id=page_id, log_filename=job_log_file, parameters=processing_message.parameters, mets_server_url=mets_server_url ) except Exception as error: message = ( f"processor_name: {self.processor_name}, " f"path_to_mets: {path_to_mets}, " f"input_file_grps: {input_file_grps}, " f"output_file_grps: {output_file_grps}, " f"page_id: {page_id}, " f"parameters: {parameters}" ) self.log.exception(f"{message}, error: {error}") execution_failed = True end_time = exec_duration = calculate_execution_time(start_time, end_time) job_state = JobState.success if not execution_failed else JobState.failed sync_db_update_processing_job( job_id=job_id, state=job_state, end_time=end_time, exec_time=f"{exec_duration} ms" ) result_message = OcrdResultMessage( job_id=job_id, state=job_state.value, path_to_mets=path_to_mets, # May not be always available workspace_id=workspace_id if workspace_id else '' ) self.publish_result_to_all(processing_message=processing_message, result_message=result_message)
[docs] def publish_result_to_all(self, processing_message: OcrdProcessingMessage, result_message: OcrdResultMessage): pm_keys = processing_message.__dict__.keys() result_queue_name = processing_message.result_queue_name if "result_queue_name" in pm_keys else None callback_url = processing_message.callback_url if "callback_url" in pm_keys else None internal_callback_url = processing_message.internal_callback_url if "internal_callback_url" in pm_keys else None"Result message: {result_message.__dict__}") # If the result_queue field is set, send the result message to a result queue if result_queue_name:"Publishing result to message queue: {result_queue_name}") self.publish_to_result_queue(result_queue_name, result_message) if callback_url:"Publishing result to user defined callback url: {callback_url}") # If the callback_url field is set, # post the result message (callback to a user defined endpoint) post_to_callback_url(self.log, callback_url, result_message) if internal_callback_url:"Publishing result to internal callback url (Processing Server): {internal_callback_url}") # If the internal callback_url field is set, # post the result message (callback to Processing Server endpoint) post_to_callback_url(self.log, internal_callback_url, result_message)
[docs] def publish_to_result_queue(self, result_queue: str, result_message: OcrdResultMessage): if not self.rmq_publisher: self.connect_publisher() # create_queue method is idempotent - nothing happens if # a queue with the specified name already exists self.rmq_publisher.create_queue(queue_name=result_queue)'Publishing result message to queue: {result_queue}') encoded_result_message = OcrdResultMessage.encode_yml(result_message) self.rmq_publisher.publish_to_queue(queue_name=result_queue, message=encoded_result_message)