Source code for ocrd_utils.logging

Logging setup

By default: Log with lastResort logger, usually STDERR.

Logging can be overridden either programmatically in code using the library or by creating one or more of

- ``/etc/``
- ``$HOME/``
- ``$PWD/``

These files will be executed in the context of ocrd/, with `logging` global set.

Changes as of 2023-08-20:

    - Try to be less intrusive with OCR-D specific logging conventions to
      make it easier and less surprising to define logging behavior when
      using OCR-D/core as a library
    - Change :py:meth:`setOverrideLogLevel` to only override the log level of the ``ocrd``
      logger and its descendants
    - :py:meth:`initLogging` will set exactly one handler, for the root logger or for the
      ``ocrd`` logger.
    - Child loggers should propagate to the ancestor logging (default
      behavior of the logging library - no more ``PropagationShyLogger``)
    - :py:meth:`disableLogging` only removes any handlers from the ``ocrd`` logger
# pylint: disable=no-member

from __future__ import absolute_import

import logging
import logging.config
from pathlib import Path
import sys

from .constants import LOG_FORMAT, LOG_TIMEFMT
from .config import config

__all__ = [

    '': logging.WARNING,
    'ocrd': logging.INFO,
    'ocrd_network': logging.INFO,
    # 'ocrd.resolver': logging.INFO,
    # 'ocrd.resolver.download_to_directory': logging.INFO,
    # 'ocrd.resolver.add_files_to_mets': logging.INFO,
    # To cut back on the `Self-intersection at or near point` INFO messages
    'shapely.geos': logging.ERROR,
    'tensorflow': logging.ERROR,
    'PIL': logging.INFO,
    'paramiko.transport': logging.INFO,
    'uvicorn.access': logging.DEBUG,
    'uvicorn.error': logging.DEBUG,
    'uvicorn': logging.INFO,
    'multipart': logging.INFO,

_initialized_flag = False

_ocrdLevel2pythonLevel = {
    'TRACE': 'DEBUG',
    'OFF': 'CRITICAL',
    'FATAL': 'ERROR',

def tf_disable_interactive_logs():
        from os import environ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
        # This env variable must be set before importing from Keras
        environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'
        from tensorflow.keras.utils import disable_interactive_logging # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
        # Enabled interactive logging throws an exception
        # due to a call of sys.stdout.flush()
    except ImportError:
        # Nothing should be handled here if TF is not available

[docs] def getLevelName(lvl): """ Get (string) python logging level for (string) spec-defined log level name. """ lvl = _ocrdLevel2pythonLevel.get(lvl, lvl) return logging.getLevelName(lvl)
[docs] def getLogger(*args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around ``logging.getLogger`` that calls :py:func:`initLogging` if that wasn't explicitly called before. """ logger = logging.getLogger(*args, **kwargs) return logger
[docs] def setOverrideLogLevel(lvl, silent=not config.OCRD_LOGGING_DEBUG): """ Override the output log level of the handlers attached to the ``ocrd`` logger. Args: lvl (string): Log level name. silent (boolean): Whether to log the override call """ if lvl is not None: lvl = getLevelName(lvl) if not _initialized_flag: initLogging(silent=silent) # affect all configured loggers for logger_name in logging.root.manager.loggerDict: if not silent: print(f'[LOGGING] Overriding {logger_name} log level to {lvl}', file=sys.stderr) logging.getLogger(logger_name).setLevel(lvl)
def get_logging_config_files(): """ Return a list of all ``ocrd_logging.conf`` files found in CWD, HOME or /etc. """ CONFIG_PATHS = [ Path.cwd(), Path.home(), Path('/etc'), ] return [f for f \ in [p / 'ocrd_logging.conf' for p in CONFIG_PATHS] \ if f.exists()]
[docs] def initLogging(builtin_only=False, force_reinit=False, silent=not config.OCRD_LOGGING_DEBUG): """ Reset ``ocrd`` logger, read logging configuration if exists, otherwise use :py:meth:`logging.basicConfig` This is to be called by OCR-D/core only once, i.e. - for the ``ocrd`` CLI - for the processor wrapper methods Other processes that use OCR-D/core as a library can, but do not have to, use this functionality. Keyword Args: - builtin_only (bool): Whether to search for logging configuration on-disk (``False``) or only use the hard-coded config (``True``). For testing - force_reinit (bool): Whether to ignore the module-level ``_initialized_flag``. For testing only - silent (bool): Whether to log logging behavior by printing to stderr """ global _initialized_flag if _initialized_flag: if force_reinit: disableLogging(silent=silent) else: return config_file = None if not builtin_only: config_file = get_logging_config_files() if config_file: if len(config_file) > 1 and not silent: print(f"[LOGGING] Multiple logging configuration files found at {config_file}, using first one", file=sys.stderr) config_file = config_file[0] if not silent: print(f"[LOGGING] Picked up logging config at {config_file}", file=sys.stderr) logging.config.fileConfig(config_file) else: if not silent: print("[LOGGING] Initializing logging with built-in defaults", file=sys.stderr) # Default logging config ocrd_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr) ocrd_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt=LOG_FORMAT, datefmt=LOG_TIMEFMT)) ocrd_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) root_logger = logging.getLogger('') root_logger.addHandler(ocrd_handler) for logger_name, logger_level in LOGGING_DEFAULTS.items(): logging.getLogger(logger_name).setLevel(logger_level) _initialized_flag = True
[docs] def disableLogging(silent=not config.OCRD_LOGGING_DEBUG): """ Disables all logging of the ``ocrd`` logger and descendants Keyword Args: - silent (bool, True): Whether to log logging behavior by printing to stderr """ global _initialized_flag # pylint: disable=global-statement if _initialized_flag and not silent: print("[LOGGING] Disabling logging", file=sys.stderr) _initialized_flag = False # remove all handlers we might have added (via initLogging on builtin or file config) for logger_name in logging.root.manager.loggerDict: if not silent: print(f'[LOGGING] Resetting {logger_name} log level and handlers') logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) for handler in logger.handlers[:]: logger.removeHandler(handler) for handler in logging.root.handlers[:]: logging.root.removeHandler(handler) # Python default log level is WARNING logging.root.setLevel(logging.WARNING)