Operating system functions.
__all__ = [
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory, gettempdir
from functools import lru_cache
from contextlib import contextmanager, redirect_stderr, redirect_stdout
from shutil import which
from json import loads
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
from os import getcwd, chdir, stat, chmod, umask, environ
from pathlib import Path
from os.path import abspath as abspath_, join
from zipfile import ZipFile
from subprocess import run, PIPE
from mimetypes import guess_type as mimetypes_guess
from filetype import guess as filetype_guess
from atomicwrites import atomic_write as atomic_write_, AtomicWriter
from .constants import EXT_TO_MIME
from .config import config
from .logging import getLogger
from .introspect import resource_string
def abspath(url):
Get a full path to a file or file URL
See os.abspath
if url.startswith('file://'):
url = url[len('file://'):]
return abspath_(url)
def pushd_popd(newcwd=None, tempdir=False):
if newcwd and tempdir:
raise Exception("pushd_popd can accept either newcwd or tempdir, not both")
oldcwd = getcwd()
except FileNotFoundError:
# This happens when a directory is deleted before the context is exited
oldcwd = gettempdir()
if tempdir:
with TemporaryDirectory() as tempcwd:
yield Path(tempcwd).resolve()
if newcwd:
yield Path(newcwd).resolve()
def unzip_file_to_dir(path_to_zip, output_directory):
Extract a ZIP archive to a directory
with ZipFile(path_to_zip, 'r') as z:
def get_moduledir(executable):
moduledir = None
ocrd_all_moduledir = loads(resource_string('ocrd', 'ocrd-all-module-dir.json'))
moduledir = ocrd_all_moduledir[executable]
except (JSONDecodeError, OSError, KeyError):
moduledir = run([executable, '--dump-module-dir'], encoding='utf-8', stdout=PIPE, check=False).stdout.rstrip('\n')
except (JSONDecodeError, OSError) as e:
getLogger('ocrd.utils.get_moduledir').error(f'{executable} --dump-module-dir failed: {e}')
return moduledir
def list_resource_candidates(executable, fname, cwd=getcwd(), moduled=None, xdg_data_home=None):
Generate candidates for processor resources according to
candidates = []
candidates.append(join(cwd, fname))
xdg_data_home = config.XDG_DATA_HOME if not xdg_data_home else xdg_data_home
processor_path_var = '%s_PATH' % executable.replace('-', '_').upper()
if processor_path_var in environ:
candidates += [join(x, fname) for x in environ[processor_path_var].split(':')]
candidates.append(join(xdg_data_home, 'ocrd-resources', executable, fname))
candidates.append(join('/usr/local/share/ocrd-resources', executable, fname))
if moduled:
candidates.append(join(moduled, fname))
return candidates
def list_all_resources(executable, moduled=None, xdg_data_home=None):
List all processor resources in the filesystem according to
candidates = []
resource_locations = get_ocrd_tool_json(executable)['resource_locations']
except FileNotFoundError:
# processor we're looking for resource_locations of is not installed.
# Assume the default
resource_locations = ['data', 'cwd', 'system', 'module']
xdg_data_home = config.XDG_DATA_HOME if not xdg_data_home else xdg_data_home
# XXX cwd would list too many false positives
# if 'cwd' in resource_locations:
# cwd_candidate = join(getcwd(), 'ocrd-resources', executable)
# if Path(cwd_candidate).exists():
# candidates.append(cwd_candidate)
processor_path_var = '%s_PATH' % executable.replace('-', '_').upper()
if processor_path_var in environ:
for processor_path in environ[processor_path_var].split(':'):
if Path(processor_path).is_dir():
candidates += Path(processor_path).iterdir()
if 'data' in resource_locations:
datadir = Path(xdg_data_home, 'ocrd-resources', executable)
if datadir.is_dir():
candidates += datadir.iterdir()
if 'system' in resource_locations:
systemdir = Path('/usr/local/share/ocrd-resources', executable)
if systemdir.is_dir():
candidates += systemdir.iterdir()
if 'module' in resource_locations and moduled:
# recurse fully
for resource in itertree(Path(moduled)):
if resource.is_dir():
if any(resource.match(pattern) for pattern in
# Python distributions do not distinguish between
# code and data; `is_resource()` only singles out
# files over directories; but we want data files only
# todo: more code and cache exclusion patterns!
['*.py', '*.py[cod]', '*~', 'ocrd-tool.json',
'environment.pickle', 'resource_list.yml', 'lib.bash']):
# recurse once
for parent in candidates:
if parent.is_dir() and parent.name != '.git':
candidates += parent.iterdir()
return sorted([str(x) for x in candidates])
def get_processor_resource_types(executable, ocrd_tool=None):
Determine what type of resource parameters a processor needs.
Return a list of MIME types (with the special value `*/*` to
designate that arbitrary files or directories are allowed).
if not ocrd_tool:
# if the processor in question is not installed, assume both files and directories
if not which(executable):
return ['*/*']
ocrd_tool = get_ocrd_tool_json(executable)
if not next((True for p in ocrd_tool.get('parameters', {}).values() if 'content-type' in p), False):
# None of the parameters for this processor are resources (or not
# the resource parameters are not properly declared, so output both
# directories and files
return ['*/*']
return [p['content-type'] for p in ocrd_tool['parameters'].values()
if 'content-type' in p]
# ht @pabs3
# https://github.com/untitaker/python-atomicwrites/issues/42
class AtomicWriterPerms(AtomicWriter):
def get_fileobject(self, **kwargs):
f = super().get_fileobject(**kwargs)
mode = stat(self._path).st_mode
except FileNotFoundError:
# Creating a new file, emulate what os.open() does
mask = umask(0)
mode = 0o664 & ~mask
fd = f.fileno()
chmod(fd, mode)
return f
def atomic_write(fpath):
with atomic_write_(fpath, writer_cls=AtomicWriterPerms, overwrite=True) as f:
yield f
def is_file_in_directory(directory, file):
Return True if ``file`` is in ``directory`` (by checking that all components of ``directory`` are in ``file.parts``)
directory = Path(directory)
file = Path(file)
return list(file.parts)[:len(directory.parts)] == list(directory.parts)
def itertree(path):
Generate a list of paths by recursively enumerating ``path``
if not isinstance(path, Path):
path = Path(path)
if path.is_dir():
for subpath in path.iterdir():
yield from itertree(subpath)
yield path
def directory_size(path):
Calculates size of all files in directory ``path``
path = Path(path)
return sum(f.stat().st_size for f in path.glob('**/*') if f.is_file())
def redirect_stderr_and_stdout_to_file(filename):
with open(filename, 'at', encoding='utf-8') as f:
with redirect_stderr(f), redirect_stdout(f):