ocrd.workspace module

class ocrd.workspace.Workspace(resolver, directory, mets: OcrdMets | ClientSideOcrdMets | None = None, mets_basename='mets.xml', automatic_backup=False, baseurl=None, mets_server_url=None)[source]

Bases: object

A workspace is a temporary directory set up for a processor. It’s the interface to the METS/PAGE XML and delegates download and upload to the ocrd.resolver.Resolver.

  • resolver (ocrd.Resolver) – Resolver instance

  • directory (string) – Filesystem path to work in

  • mets (ocrd_models.ocrd_mets.OcrdMets) – OcrdMets representing this workspace. If None, then loaded from directory/mets_basename or delegated to mets_server_url.

  • mets_basename (string, mets.xml) – Basename of the METS XML file in the workspace directory.

  • mets_server_url (string, None) – URI of TCP or local path of UDS for METS server handling the OcrdMets of this workspace. If None, then the METS will be read from and written to the filesystem directly.

  • baseurl (string, None) – Base URL to prefix to relative URL.


Reload METS from the filesystem.

merge(other_workspace, copy_files=True, overwrite=False, **kwargs)[source]

Merge other_workspace into this one

See ocrd_models.ocrd_mets.OcrdMets.merge() for the kwargs

Keyword Arguments:

copy_files (boolean) – Whether to copy files from other_workspace to this one

download_url(url, **kwargs)[source]

Download a URL to the workspace.


The local filename of the downloaded file

Deprecated since version 1.0.0: Use workspace.download_file

download_file(f, _recursion_count=0)[source]

Download a ocrd_models.ocrd_file.OcrdFile to the workspace.

remove_file(file_id, force=False, keep_file=False, page_recursive=False, page_same_group=False)[source]

Remove a METS file from the workspace.


file_id (string|:py:class:ocrd_models.ocrd_file.OcrdFile) – @ID of the METS file to delete or the file itself

Keyword Arguments:
  • force (boolean) – Continue removing even if file not found in METS

  • keep_file (boolean) – Whether to keep files on disk

  • page_recursive (boolean) – Whether to remove all images referenced in the file if the file is a PAGE-XML document.

  • page_same_group (boolean) – Remove only images in the same file group as the PAGE-XML. Has no effect unless page_recursive is True.

remove_file_group(USE, recursive=False, force=False, keep_files=False, page_recursive=False, page_same_group=False)[source]

Remove a METS fileGrp.


USE (string) – @USE of the METS fileGrp to delete

Keyword Arguments:
  • recursive (boolean) – Whether to recursively delete all files in the group

  • force (boolean) – Continue removing even if group or containing files not found in METS

  • keep_files (boolean) – When deleting recursively whether to keep files on disk

  • page_recursive (boolean) – Whether to remove all images referenced in the file if the file is a PAGE-XML document.

  • page_same_group (boolean) – Remove only images in the same file group as the PAGE-XML. Has no effect unless page_recursive is True.

rename_file_group(old, new)[source]

Rename a METS fileGrp.

  • old (string) – @USE of the METS fileGrp to rename

  • new (string) – @USE of the METS fileGrp to rename as

add_file(file_grp, content=None, **kwargs) OcrdFile | ClientSideOcrdFile[source]

Add a file to the ocrd_models.ocrd_mets.OcrdMets of the workspace.


file_grp (string) – @USE of the METS fileGrp to add to

Keyword Arguments:

a new ocrd_models.ocrd_file.OcrdFile


Write out the current state of the METS file to the filesystem.


Get the EXIF metadata about an image URL as ocrd_models.ocrd_exif.OcrdExif


image_url (string) – @href (path or URL) of the METS file to inspect



resolve_image_as_pil(image_url, coords=None)[source]

Resolve an image URL to a PIL.Image.


image_url (string) – @href (path or URL) of the METS file to retrieve

Keyword Arguments:

coords (list) – Coordinates of the bounding box to cut from the image


Full or cropped PIL.Image

Deprecated since version 1.0.0: Use workspace.image_from_page and workspace.image_from_segment

image_from_page(page, page_id, fill='background', transparency=False, feature_selector='', feature_filter='', filename='')[source]

Extract an image for a PAGE-XML page from the workspace.

Keyword Arguments:
  • fill (string) – a PIL color specifier, or background or none

  • transparency (boolean) – whether to add an alpha channel for masking

  • feature_selector (string) – a comma-separated list of @comments classes

  • feature_filter (string) – a comma-separated list of @comments classes

  • filename (string) – which file path to use

Extract a PIL.Image from page, either from its AlternativeImage (if it exists), or from its @imageFilename (otherwise). Also crop it, if a Border exists, and rotate it, if any @orientation angle is annotated.

If filename is given, then among @imageFilename and the available AlternativeImage/@filename images, pick that one, or raise an error.

If feature_selector and/or feature_filter is given, then among the @imageFilename image and the available AlternativeImages, select/filter the richest one which contains all of the selected, but none of the filtered features (i.e. @comments classes), or raise an error.

(Required and produced features need not be in the same order, so feature_selector is merely a mask specifying Boolean AND, and feature_filter is merely a mask specifying Boolean OR.)

If the chosen image does not have the feature “cropped” yet, but a Border exists, and unless “cropped” is being filtered, then crop it. Likewise, if the chosen image does not have the feature “deskewed” yet, but an @orientation angle is annotated, and unless “deskewed” is being filtered, then rotate it. (However, if @orientation is above the [-45°,45°] interval, then apply as much transposition as possible first, unless “rotated-90” / “rotated-180” / “rotated-270” is being filtered.)

Cropping uses a polygon mask (not just the bounding box rectangle). Areas outside the polygon will be filled according to fill:

  • if “background” (the default), then fill with the median color of the image;

  • else if “none”, then avoid masking polygons where possible (i.e. when cropping) or revert to the default (i.e. when rotating)

  • otherwise, use the given color, e.g. “white” or (255,255,255).

Moreover, if transparency is true, and unless the image already has an alpha channel, then add an alpha channel which is fully opaque before cropping and rotating. (Thus, unexposed/masked areas will be transparent afterwards for consumers that can interpret alpha channels).


a tuple of
  • the extracted PIL.Image,

  • a dict with information about the extracted image:

    • ”transform”: a Numpy array with an affine transform which

      converts from absolute coordinates to those relative to the image, i.e. after cropping to the page’s border / bounding box (if any) and deskewing with the page’s orientation angle (if any)

    • ”angle”: the rotation/reflection angle applied to the image so far,

    • ”DPI”: the pixel density of the original image,

    • ”features”: the AlternativeImage @comments for the image, i.e. names of all applied operations that lead up to this result,

  • an ocrd_models.ocrd_exif.OcrdExif instance associated with the original image.

(The first two can be used to annotate a new AlternativeImage,

or be passed down with image_from_segment().)


  • get a raw (colored) but already deskewed and cropped image:

    page_image, page_coords, page_image_info = workspace.image_from_page(
        page, page_id,
image_from_segment(segment, parent_image, parent_coords, fill='background', transparency=False, feature_selector='', feature_filter='', filename='')[source]

Extract an image for a PAGE-XML hierarchy segment from its parent’s image.

  • segment (object) – a PAGE segment object (i.e. TextRegionType or TextLineType or WordType or GlyphType)

  • parent_image (PIL.Image) – image of the segment’s parent

  • parent_coords (dict) –

    a dict with information about parent_image:

    • ”transform”: a Numpy array with an affine transform which converts from absolute coordinates to those relative to the image, i.e. after applying all operations (starting with the original image)

    • ”angle”: the rotation/reflection angle applied to the image so far,

    • ”DPI”: the pixel density of the parent image,

    • ”features”: the AlternativeImage/@comments for the image, i.e. names of all operations that lead up to this result, and

Keyword Arguments:
  • fill (string) – a PIL color specifier, or background or none

  • transparency (boolean) – whether to add an alpha channel for masking

  • feature_selector (string) – a comma-separated list of @comments classes

  • feature_filter (string) – a comma-separated list of @comments classes

Extract a PIL.Image from segment, either from AlternativeImage (if it exists), or producing a new image via cropping from parent_image (otherwise). Pass in parent_image and parent_coords from the result of the next higher-level of this function or from image_from_page().

If filename is given, then among the available AlternativeImage/@filename images, pick that one, or raise an error.

If feature_selector and/or feature_filter is given, then among the cropped parent_image and the available AlternativeImages, select/filter the richest one which contains all of the selected, but none of the filtered features (i.e. @comments classes), or raise an error.

(Required and produced features need not be in the same order, so feature_selector is merely a mask specifying Boolean AND, and feature_filter is merely a mask specifying Boolean OR.)

Cropping uses a polygon mask (not just the bounding box rectangle). Areas outside the polygon will be filled according to fill:

  • if “background” (the default), then fill with the median color of the image;

  • else if “none”, then avoid masking polygons where possible (i.e. when cropping) or revert to the default (i.e. when rotating)

  • otherwise, use the given color, e.g. “white” or (255,255,255).

Moreover, if transparency is true, and unless the image already has an alpha channel, then add an alpha channel which is fully opaque before cropping and rotating. (Thus, unexposed/masked areas will be transparent afterwards for consumers that can interpret alpha channels).

When cropping, compensate any @orientation angle annotated for the parent (from parent-level deskewing) by rotating the segment coordinates in an inverse transformation (i.e. translation to center, then passive rotation, and translation back).

Regardless, if any @orientation angle is annotated for the segment (from segment-level deskewing), and the chosen image does not have the feature “deskewed” yet, and unless “deskewed” is being filtered, then rotate it - compensating for any previous “angle”. (However, if @orientation is above the [-45°,45°] interval, then apply as much transposition as possible first, unless “rotated-90” / “rotated-180” / “rotated-270” is being filtered.)


a tuple of
  • the extracted PIL.Image,

  • a dict with information about the extracted image:

    • ”transform”: a Numpy array with an affine transform which

      converts from absolute coordinates to those relative to the image, i.e. after applying all parent operations, and then cropping to the segment’s bounding box, and deskewing with the segment’s orientation angle (if any)

    • ”angle”: the rotation/reflection angle applied to the image so far,

    • ”DPI”: the pixel density of this image,

    • ”features”: the AlternativeImage/@comments for the image, i.e. names of all applied operations that lead up to this result.

(These can be used to create a new AlternativeImage, or passed down

for image_from_segment() calls on lower hierarchy levels.)


  • get a raw (colored) but already deskewed and cropped image:

    image, xywh = workspace.image_from_segment(region,
        page_image, page_xywh,
save_image_file(image: Image, file_id: str, file_grp: str, file_path: str | None = None, page_id: str | None = None, mimetype: str = 'image/png', force: bool = False) str[source]

Store an image in the filesystem and reference it as new file in the METS.

  • image (PIL.Image) – derived image to save

  • file_id (string) – @ID of the METS file to use

  • file_grp (string) – @USE of the METS fileGrp to use

Keyword Arguments:
  • file_path (string) – @href of the METS file/FLocat to use.

  • page_id (string) – @ID in the METS physical structMap to use

  • mimetype (string) – MIME type of the image format to serialize as

  • force (boolean) – whether to replace any existing file with that @ID

Serialize the image into the filesystem, and add a file for it in the METS. Use file_grp as directory and file_id concatenated with extension based on mimetype as file name, unless directly passing file_path.


The (absolute) path of the created file.

find_files(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Search mets:file entries in wrapped METS document and yield results.

Delegator to ocrd_models.ocrd_mets.OcrdMets.find_files()

Keyword Arguments:

**kwargs – See ocrd_models.ocrd_mets.OcrdMets.find_files()


Generator which yields ocrd_models:ocrd_file:OcrdFile instantiations