ocrd_network.processing_server module¶
- class ocrd_network.processing_server.ProcessingServer(config_path: str, host: str, port: int)[source]¶
FastAPI app to make ocr-d processor calls
The Processing-Server receives calls conforming to the ocr-d webapi regarding the processing part. It can run ocrd-processors and provides endpoints to discover processors and watch the job status. The Processing-Server does not execute the processors itself but starts up a queue and a database to delegate the calls to processing workers. They are started by the Processing-Server and the communication goes through the queue.
- start() None [source]¶
deploy agents (db, queue, workers) and start the processing server with uvicorn
- async on_shutdown() None [source]¶
hosts and pids should be stored somewhere
ensure queue is empty or processor is not currently running
connect to hosts and kill pids
- async forward_tcp_request_to_uds_mets_server(request: Request) Dict [source]¶
Forward mets-server-request
A processor calls a mets related method like add_file with ClientSideOcrdMets. This sends a request to this endpoint. This request contains all information necessary to make a call to the uds-mets-server. This information is used by MetsServerProxy to make a the call to the local (local for the processing-server) reachable the uds-mets-server.
- async get_network_agent_ocrd_tool(processor_name: str, agent_type: AgentType = AgentType.PROCESSING_WORKER) Dict [source]¶
- async validate_and_forward_job_to_network_agent(processor_name: str, data: PYJobInput) PYJobOutput [source]¶
- async push_job_to_network_agent(data: PYJobInput, db_job: DBProcessorJob) PYJobOutput [source]¶
- async push_job_to_processing_queue(db_job: DBProcessorJob) PYJobOutput [source]¶
- async push_job_to_processor_server(job_input: PYJobInput) PYJobOutput [source]¶
- async get_processor_job(job_id: str) PYJobOutput [source]¶
- async push_cached_jobs_to_agents(processing_jobs: List[PYJobInput]) None [source]¶
- async remove_job_from_request_cache(result_message: PYResultMessage)[source]¶
- async task_sequence_to_processing_jobs(tasks: List[ProcessorTask], mets_path: str, page_id: str, agent_type: AgentType = AgentType.PROCESSING_WORKER) List[PYJobOutput] [source]¶
- validate_tasks_agents_existence(tasks: List[ProcessorTask], agent_type: AgentType) None [source]¶
- async run_workflow(mets_path: str, workflow: UploadFile | None = File(None), workflow_id: str | None = None, agent_type: AgentType = AgentType.PROCESSING_WORKER, page_id: str | None = None, page_wise: bool = False, workflow_callback_url: str | None = None) PYWorkflowJobOutput [source]¶
- async kill_mets_server_zombies(minutes_ago: int | None = None, dry_run: bool | None = None) List[int] [source]¶
- async get_workflow_info_simple(workflow_job_id) Dict[str, JobState] [source]¶
Simplified version of the get_workflow_info that returns a single state for the entire workflow. - If a single processing job fails, the entire workflow job status is set to FAILED. - If there are any processing jobs running, regardless of other states, such as QUEUED and CACHED, the entire workflow job status is set to RUNNING. - If all processing jobs has finished successfully, only then the workflow job status is set to SUCCESS
- async upload_workflow(workflow: UploadFile) Dict[str, str] [source]¶
Store a script for a workflow in the database