Most behavior of OCR-D is controlled via command-line flags or keyword args.
Some behavior is global or too cumbersome to handle via explicit code and
better solved by using environment variables.
OcrdEnvConfig is a base class to make this more streamlined, to be subclassed
in the `ocrd` package for the actual values
from os import environ
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import gettempdir
from textwrap import fill, indent
class OcrdEnvVariable():
def __init__(self, name, description, parser=str, validator=lambda val: True, default=[False, None]):
An environment variable for use in OCR-D.
name (str): Name of the environment variable
description (str): Description of what the variable is used for.
Keyword Args:
parser (callable): Function to transform the raw (string) value to whatever is needed.
validator (callable): Function to validate that the raw (string) value is parseable.
default (tuple(bool, any)): 2-tuple, first element is a bool whether there is a default
value defined and second element contains that default value, which can be a callable
for deferred evaluation
self.name = name
self.description = description
self.parser = parser
self.validator = validator
self.has_default = default[0]
self.default = default[1]
def __str__(self):
return f'{self.name}: {self.description}'
def describe(self, wrap_text=True, indent_text=True):
desc = self.description
if self.has_default:
default = self.default() if callable(self.default) else self.default
desc += f' (Default: "{default}")'
ret = ''
ret = f'{self.name}\n'
if wrap_text:
desc = fill(desc, width=50)
if indent_text:
ret = f' {ret}'
desc = indent(desc, ' ')
return ret + desc
class OcrdEnvConfig():
def __init__(self):
self._variables = {}
def add(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
self._variables[name] = OcrdEnvVariable(name, *args, **kwargs)
return self._variables[name]
def has_default(self, name):
if not name in self._variables:
raise ValueError(f"Unregistered env variable {name}")
return self._variables[name].has_default
def describe(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
if not name in self._variables:
raise ValueError(f"Unregistered env variable {name}")
return self._variables[name].describe(*args, **kwargs)
def __getattr__(self, name):
if not name in self._variables:
raise ValueError(f"Unregistered env variable {name}")
var_obj = self._variables[name]
raw_value = self.raw_value(name)
except KeyError as e:
if var_obj.has_default:
raw_value = var_obj.default() if callable(var_obj.default) else var_obj.default
raise e
if not var_obj.validator(raw_value):
raise ValueError(f"'{name}' set to invalid value '{raw_value}'")
return var_obj.parser(raw_value)
def is_set(self, name):
if not name in self._variables:
raise ValueError(f"Unregistered env variable {name}")
return name in environ
def raw_value(self, name):
if not name in self._variables:
raise ValueError(f"Unregistered env variable {name}")
return environ[name]
config = OcrdEnvConfig()
description='If set to `true`, access to the METS file is cached, speeding in-memory search and modification.',
validator=lambda val: val in ('true', 'false', '0', '1'),
parser=lambda val: val in ('true', '1'))
description="Maximum number of processor instances (for each set of parameters) to be kept in memory (including loaded models) for processing workers or processor servers.",
default=(True, 128))
Whether to enable gathering runtime statistics
on the `ocrd.profile` logger (comma-separated):
- `CPU`: yields CPU and wall-time,
- `RSS`: also yields peak memory (resident set size)
- `PSS`: also yields peak memory (proportional set size)
validator=lambda val : all(t in ('', 'CPU', 'RSS', 'PSS') for t in val.split(',')),
default=(True, ''))
description="If set, then the CPU profile is written to this file for later peruse with a analysis tools like snakeviz")
description="Number of times to retry failed attempts for downloads of workspace files.",
def _ocrd_download_timeout_parser(val):
timeout = val.split(',')
if len(timeout) > 1:
timeout = tuple(float(x) for x in timeout)
timeout = float(timeout[0])
return timeout
description="Timeout in seconds for connecting or reading (comma-separated) when downloading.",
description="Default address of Processing Server to connect to (for `ocrd network client processing`).",
default=(True, ''))
description="How many seconds to sleep before trying again.",
default=(True, 30))
description="Timeout for a blocking ocrd network client (in seconds).",
default=(True, 3600))
description="Default address of Workflow Server to connect to (for `ocrd network client workflow`).",
default=(True, ''))
description="Default address of Workspace Server to connect to (for `ocrd network client workspace`).",
default=(True, ''))
description="Number of attempts for a RabbitMQ client to connect before failing.",
default=(True, 3))
description="The root directory where all mets server related socket files are created",
parser=lambda val: Path(val),
default=(True, Path(gettempdir(), "ocrd_network_sockets")))
config.OCRD_NETWORK_SOCKETS_ROOT_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
description="The root directory where all ocrd_network related file logs are stored",
parser=lambda val: Path(val),
default=(True, Path(gettempdir(), "ocrd_network_logs")))
config.OCRD_NETWORK_LOGS_ROOT_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
description="Directory to look for `ocrd_logging.conf`, fallback for unset XDG variables.",
# description="HOME directory, cf. https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html",
validator=lambda val: Path(val).is_dir(),
parser=lambda val: Path(val),
default=(True, lambda: Path.home()))
description="Directory to look for `./ocrd-resources/*` (i.e. `ocrd resmgr` data location)",
parser=lambda val: Path(val),
default=(True, lambda: Path(config.HOME, '.local/share')))
description="Directory to look for `./ocrd/resources.yml` (i.e. `ocrd resmgr` user database)",
parser=lambda val: Path(val),
default=(True, lambda: Path(config.HOME, '.config')))
description="Print information about the logging setup to STDERR",
default=(True, False),
validator=lambda val: isinstance(val, bool) or str.lower(val) in ('true', 'false', '0', '1'),
parser=lambda val: val if isinstance(val, (int, bool)) else str.lower(val) in ('true', '1'))