Source code for ocrd_utils.config

Most behavior of OCR-D is controlled via command-line flags or keyword args.
Some behavior is global or too cumbersome to handle via explicit code and
better solved by using environment variables.

OcrdEnvConfig is a base class to make this more streamlined, to be subclassed
in the `ocrd` package for the actual values

from os import environ
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import gettempdir
from textwrap import fill, indent

def _validator_boolean(val):
    return isinstance(val, bool) or str.lower(val) in ('true', 'false', '0', '1')

def _parser_boolean(val):
    return bool(val) if isinstance(val, (int, bool)) else str.lower(val) in ('true', '1')

[docs] class OcrdEnvVariable(): def __init__(self, name, description, parser=str, validator=lambda _: True, default=[False, None]): """ An environment variable for use in OCR-D. Args: name (str): Name of the environment variable description (str): Description of what the variable is used for. Keyword Args: parser (callable): Function to transform the raw (string) value to whatever is needed. validator (callable): Function to validate that the raw (string) value is parseable. default (tuple(bool, any)): 2-tuple, first element is a bool whether there is a default value defined and second element contains that default value, which can be a callable for deferred evaluation """ = name self.description = description self.parser = parser self.validator = validator self.has_default = default[0] self.default = default[1] def __str__(self): return f'{}: {self.description}'
[docs] def describe(self, wrap_text=True, indent_text=True): """ Output help information on a config option. If ``option.description`` is a multiline string with complex formatting (e.g. markdown lists), replace empty lines with ``\b`` and set ``wrap_text`` to ``False``. """ desc = self.description if self.has_default: default = self.default() if callable(self.default) else self.default if not desc.endswith('\n'): desc += ' ' desc += f'(Default: "{default}")' ret = '' ret = f'{}\n' if wrap_text: desc = fill(desc, width=50) if indent_text: ret = f' {ret}' desc = indent(desc, ' ') return ret + desc
[docs] class OcrdEnvConfig(): def __init__(self): self._variables = {}
[docs] def add(self, name, *args, **kwargs): var = OcrdEnvVariable(name, *args, **kwargs) # make visible in ocrd_utils.config docstring (apidoc) txt = var.describe(wrap_text=False, indent_text=True) globals()['__doc__'] += "\n\n - " + txt + "\n\n" self._variables[name] = var return self._variables[name]
[docs] def has_default(self, name): if not name in self._variables: raise ValueError(f"Unregistered env variable {name}") return self._variables[name].has_default
[docs] def reset_defaults(self): for name in self._variables: try: # we cannot use hasattr, because that delegates to getattr, # which we override and provide defaults for (which of course # cannot be removed) if self.__getattribute__(name): delattr(self, name) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def describe(self, name, *args, **kwargs): if not name in self._variables: raise ValueError(f"Unregistered env variable {name}") return self._variables[name].describe(*args, **kwargs)
def __getattr__(self, name): # will be called if name is not accessible (has not been added directly yet) if not name in self._variables: raise AttributeError(f"Unregistered env variable {name}") var_obj = self._variables[name] try: raw_value = self.raw_value(name) except KeyError as e: if var_obj.has_default: raw_value = var_obj.default() if callable(var_obj.default) else var_obj.default else: raise e if not var_obj.validator(raw_value): raise ValueError(f"'{name}' set to invalid value '{raw_value}'") return var_obj.parser(raw_value)
[docs] def is_set(self, name): if not name in self._variables: raise ValueError(f"Unregistered env variable {name}") return name in environ
[docs] def raw_value(self, name): if not name in self._variables: raise ValueError(f"Unregistered env variable {name}") return environ[name]
config = OcrdEnvConfig() config.add('OCRD_METS_CACHING', description='If set to `true`, access to the METS file is cached, speeding in-memory search and modification.', validator=_validator_boolean, parser=_parser_boolean) config.add('OCRD_MAX_PROCESSOR_CACHE', description="Maximum number of processor instances (for each set of parameters) to be kept in memory (including loaded models) for processing workers or processor servers.", parser=int, default=(True, 128)) config.add('OCRD_MAX_PARALLEL_PAGES', description="Maximum number of processor threads for page-parallel processing (within each Processor's selected page range, independent of the number of Processing Workers or Processor Servers). If set >1, then a METS Server must be used for METS synchronisation.", parser=int, default=(True, 1)) config.add('OCRD_PROCESSING_PAGE_TIMEOUT', description="Timeout in seconds for processing a single page. If set >0, when exceeded, the same as OCRD_MISSING_OUTPUT applies.", parser=int, default=(True, 0)) config.add("OCRD_PROFILE", description="""\ Whether to enable gathering runtime statistics on the `ocrd.profile` logger (comma-separated): \b - `CPU`: yields CPU and wall-time, - `RSS`: also yields peak memory (resident set size) - `PSS`: also yields peak memory (proportional set size) \b """, validator=lambda val : all(t in ('', 'CPU', 'RSS', 'PSS') for t in val.split(',')), default=(True, '')) config.add("OCRD_PROFILE_FILE", description="If set, then the CPU profile is written to this file for later peruse with a analysis tools like snakeviz") config.add("OCRD_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES", description="Number of times to retry failed attempts for downloads of resources or workspace files.", validator=int, parser=int) def _ocrd_download_timeout_parser(val): timeout = val.split(',') if len(timeout) > 1: timeout = tuple(float(x) for x in timeout) else: timeout = float(timeout[0]) return timeout config.add("OCRD_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT", description="Timeout in seconds for connecting or reading (comma-separated) when downloading.", parser=_ocrd_download_timeout_parser) config.add("OCRD_DOWNLOAD_INPUT", description="Whether to download files not present locally during processing", default=(True, True), validator=_validator_boolean, parser=_parser_boolean) config.add("OCRD_MISSING_INPUT", description="""\ How to deal with missing input files (for some fileGrp/pageId) during processing: \b - `SKIP`: ignore and proceed with next page's input - `ABORT`: throw :py:class:`.MissingInputFile` \b """, default=(True, 'SKIP'), validator=lambda val: val in ['SKIP', 'ABORT'], parser=str) config.add("OCRD_MISSING_OUTPUT", description="""\ How to deal with missing output files (for some fileGrp/pageId) during processing: \b - `SKIP`: ignore and proceed processing next page - `COPY`: fall back to copying input PAGE to output fileGrp for page - `ABORT`: re-throw whatever caused processing to fail \b """, default=(True, 'SKIP'), validator=lambda val: val in ['SKIP', 'COPY', 'ABORT'], parser=str) config.add("OCRD_MAX_MISSING_OUTPUTS", description="Maximal rate of skipped/fallback pages among all processed pages before aborting (decimal fraction, ignored if negative).", default=(True, 0.1), parser=float) config.add("OCRD_EXISTING_OUTPUT", description="""\ How to deal with already existing output files (for some fileGrp/pageId) during processing: \b - `SKIP`: ignore and proceed processing next page - `OVERWRITE`: force writing result to output fileGrp for page - `ABORT`: re-throw :py:class:`FileExistsError` \b """, default=(True, 'SKIP'), validator=lambda val: val in ['SKIP', 'OVERWRITE', 'ABORT'], parser=str) config.add("OCRD_NETWORK_SERVER_ADDR_PROCESSING", description="Default address of Processing Server to connect to (for `ocrd network client processing`).", default=(True, '')) config.add("OCRD_NETWORK_CLIENT_POLLING_SLEEP", description="How many seconds to sleep before trying again.", parser=int, default=(True, 10)) config.add("OCRD_NETWORK_CLIENT_POLLING_TIMEOUT", description="Timeout for a blocking ocrd network client (in seconds).", parser=int, default=(True, 3600)) config.add("OCRD_NETWORK_SERVER_ADDR_WORKFLOW", description="Default address of Workflow Server to connect to (for `ocrd network client workflow`).", default=(True, '')) config.add("OCRD_NETWORK_SERVER_ADDR_WORKSPACE", description="Default address of Workspace Server to connect to (for `ocrd network client workspace`).", default=(True, '')) config.add("OCRD_NETWORK_RABBITMQ_CLIENT_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS", description="Number of attempts for a RabbitMQ client to connect before failing.", parser=int, default=(True, 3)) config.add( name="OCRD_NETWORK_RABBITMQ_HEARTBEAT", description=""" Controls AMQP heartbeat timeout (in seconds) negotiation during connection tuning. An integer value always overrides the value proposed by broker. Use 0 to deactivate heartbeat. """, parser=int, default=(True, 0) ) config.add(name="OCRD_NETWORK_SOCKETS_ROOT_DIR", description="The root directory where all mets server related socket files are created", parser=lambda val: Path(val), default=(True, Path(gettempdir(), "ocrd_network_sockets"))) config.OCRD_NETWORK_SOCKETS_ROOT_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) config.add(name="OCRD_NETWORK_LOGS_ROOT_DIR", description="The root directory where all ocrd_network related file logs are stored", parser=lambda val: Path(val), default=(True, Path(gettempdir(), "ocrd_network_logs"))) config.OCRD_NETWORK_LOGS_ROOT_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) config.add("HOME", description="Directory to look for `ocrd_logging.conf`, fallback for unset XDG variables.", # description="HOME directory, cf.", validator=lambda val: Path(val).is_dir(), parser=lambda val: Path(val), default=(True, lambda: Path.home())) config.add("XDG_DATA_HOME", description="Directory to look for `./ocrd-resources/*` (i.e. `ocrd resmgr` data location)", parser=lambda val: Path(val), default=(True, lambda: Path(config.HOME, '.local/share'))) config.add("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", description="Directory to look for `./ocrd/resources.yml` (i.e. `ocrd resmgr` user database)", parser=lambda val: Path(val), default=(True, lambda: Path(config.HOME, '.config'))) config.add("OCRD_LOGGING_DEBUG", description="Print information about the logging setup to STDERR", default=(True, False), validator=_validator_boolean, parser=_parser_boolean)