Complex Type pc:PcGtsType

Attribute pc:PcGtsType / @pcGtsIdElement pc:PcGtsType / pc:MetadataElement pc:PcGtsType / pc:Page
Used by
Model Element pc:PcGtsType / pc:Metadata , Element pc:PcGtsType / pc:Page
Children Element pc:PcGtsType / pc:Metadata, Element pc:PcGtsType / pc:Page
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:PcGtsType / @pcGtsId ID optional
<complexType name="PcGtsType">
    <element name="Metadata" type="pc:MetadataType"/>
    <element name="Page" type="pc:PageType"/>
  <attribute name="pcGtsId" type="ID"/>

Attribute pc:PcGtsType / @pcGtsId

Namespace No namespace
Type ID
content: simple
Used by
<attribute name="pcGtsId" type="ID"/>

Element pc:PcGtsType / pc:Metadata

Attribute pc:MetadataType / @externalRefElement pc:MetadataType / pc:CreatorElement pc:MetadataType / pc:CreatedElement pc:MetadataType / pc:LastChangeElement pc:MetadataType / pc:CommentsElement pc:MetadataType / pc:UserDefinedElement pc:MetadataType / pc:MetadataItemComplex Type pc:MetadataType
Type Complex Type pc:MetadataType
content: complex
Model Element pc:MetadataType / pc:Creator , Element pc:MetadataType / pc:Created , Element pc:MetadataType / pc:LastChange , Element pc:MetadataType / pc:Comments , Element pc:MetadataType / pc:UserDefined , Element pc:MetadataType / pc:MetadataItem
Children Element pc:MetadataType / pc:Comments, Element pc:MetadataType / pc:Created, Element pc:MetadataType / pc:Creator, Element pc:MetadataType / pc:LastChange, Element pc:MetadataType / pc:MetadataItem, Element pc:MetadataType / pc:UserDefined
<pc:Metadata externalRef="" xmlns:pc="">
  <pc:MetadataItem date="" name="" type="" value="">{0,unbounded}</pc:MetadataItem>
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:MetadataType / @externalRef string optional
External reference of any kind
<element name="Metadata" type="pc:MetadataType"/>

Element pc:PcGtsType / pc:Page

Element pc:PageType / pc:AlternativeImageElement pc:PageType / pc:BorderElement pc:PageType / pc:PrintSpaceElement pc:PageType / pc:ReadingOrderElement pc:PageType / pc:LayersElement pc:PageType / pc:RelationsElement pc:PageType / pc:TextStyleElement pc:PageType / pc:UserDefinedElement pc:PageType / pc:LabelsElement pc:PageType / pc:TextRegionElement pc:PageType / pc:ImageRegionElement pc:PageType / pc:LineDrawingRegionElement pc:PageType / pc:GraphicRegionElement pc:PageType / pc:TableRegionElement pc:PageType / pc:ChartRegionElement pc:PageType / pc:MapRegionElement pc:PageType / pc:SeparatorRegionElement pc:PageType / pc:MathsRegionElement pc:PageType / pc:ChemRegionElement pc:PageType / pc:MusicRegionElement pc:PageType / pc:AdvertRegionElement pc:PageType / pc:NoiseRegionElement pc:PageType / pc:UnknownRegionElement pc:PageType / pc:CustomRegionComplex Type pc:PageType
Type Complex Type pc:PageType
content: complex
Model Element pc:PageType / pc:AlternativeImage , Element pc:PageType / pc:Border , Element pc:PageType / pc:PrintSpace , Element pc:PageType / pc:ReadingOrder , Element pc:PageType / pc:Layers , Element pc:PageType / pc:Relations , Element pc:PageType / pc:TextStyle , Element pc:PageType / pc:UserDefined , Element pc:PageType / pc:Labels , (Element pc:PageType / pc:TextRegion | Element pc:PageType / pc:ImageRegion | Element pc:PageType / pc:LineDrawingRegion | Element pc:PageType / pc:GraphicRegion | Element pc:PageType / pc:TableRegion | Element pc:PageType / pc:ChartRegion | Element pc:PageType / pc:MapRegion | Element pc:PageType / pc:SeparatorRegion | Element pc:PageType / pc:MathsRegion | Element pc:PageType / pc:ChemRegion | Element pc:PageType / pc:MusicRegion | Element pc:PageType / pc:AdvertRegion | Element pc:PageType / pc:NoiseRegion | Element pc:PageType / pc:UnknownRegion | Element pc:PageType / pc:CustomRegion)
Children Element pc:PageType / pc:AdvertRegion, Element pc:PageType / pc:AlternativeImage, Element pc:PageType / pc:Border, Element pc:PageType / pc:ChartRegion, Element pc:PageType / pc:ChemRegion, Element pc:PageType / pc:CustomRegion, Element pc:PageType / pc:GraphicRegion, Element pc:PageType / pc:ImageRegion, Element pc:PageType / pc:Labels, Element pc:PageType / pc:Layers, Element pc:PageType / pc:LineDrawingRegion, Element pc:PageType / pc:MapRegion, Element pc:PageType / pc:MathsRegion, Element pc:PageType / pc:MusicRegion, Element pc:PageType / pc:NoiseRegion, Element pc:PageType / pc:PrintSpace, Element pc:PageType / pc:ReadingOrder, Element pc:PageType / pc:Relations, Element pc:PageType / pc:SeparatorRegion, Element pc:PageType / pc:TableRegion, Element pc:PageType / pc:TextRegion, Element pc:PageType / pc:TextStyle, Element pc:PageType / pc:UnknownRegion, Element pc:PageType / pc:UserDefined
<pc:Page conf="" custom="" imageFilename="" imageHeight="" imageResolutionUnit="" imageWidth="" imageXResolution="" imageYResolution="" orientation="" primaryLanguage="" primaryScript="" readingDirection="" secondaryLanguage="" secondaryScript="" textLineOrder="" type="" xmlns:pc="">
  <pc:AlternativeImage comments="" conf="" filename="">{0,unbounded}</pc:AlternativeImage>
  <pc:ReadingOrder conf="">{0,1}</pc:ReadingOrder>
  <pc:TextStyle bgColour="" bgColourRgb="" bold="" fontFamily="" fontSize="" italic="" kerning="" letterSpaced="" monospace="" reverseVideo="" serif="" smallCaps="" strikethrough="" subscript="" superscript="" textColour="" textColourRgb="" underlined="" underlineStyle="" xHeight="">{0,1}</pc:TextStyle>
  <pc:Labels comments="" externalId="" externalModel="" prefix="">{0,unbounded}</pc:Labels>
  <pc:TextRegion align="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" indented="" leading="" orientation="" primaryLanguage="" primaryScript="" production="" readingDirection="" readingOrientation="" secondaryLanguage="" secondaryScript="" textLineOrder="" type="">{1,1}</pc:TextRegion>
  <pc:ImageRegion bgColour="" colourDepth="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ImageRegion>
  <pc:LineDrawingRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" orientation="" penColour="">{1,1}</pc:LineDrawingRegion>
  <pc:GraphicRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:GraphicRegion>
  <pc:TableRegion bgColour="" columns="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" lineColour="" lineSeparators="" orientation="" rows="">{1,1}</pc:TableRegion>
  <pc:ChartRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" embText="" id="" numColours="" orientation="" type="">{1,1}</pc:ChartRegion>
  <pc:MapRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MapRegion>
  <pc:SeparatorRegion colour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:SeparatorRegion>
  <pc:MathsRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MathsRegion>
  <pc:ChemRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:ChemRegion>
  <pc:MusicRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:MusicRegion>
  <pc:AdvertRegion bgColour="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" orientation="">{1,1}</pc:AdvertRegion>
  <pc:NoiseRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:NoiseRegion>
  <pc:UnknownRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="">{1,1}</pc:UnknownRegion>
  <pc:CustomRegion comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" type="">{1,1}</pc:CustomRegion>
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:PageType / @conf Simple Type pc:ConfSimpleType optional
Confidence value for whole page (between 0 and 1)
Attribute pc:PageType / @custom string optional
For generic use
Attribute pc:PageType / @imageFilename string required
Contains the image file name including the file extension.
Attribute pc:PageType / @imageHeight int required
Specifies the height of the image.
Attribute pc:PageType / @imageResolutionUnit restriction of string optional
Specifies the unit of the resolution information
referring to a standardised unit of measurement
(pixels per inch, pixels per centimeter or other).
Attribute pc:PageType / @imageWidth int required
Specifies the width of the image.
Attribute pc:PageType / @imageXResolution float optional
Specifies the image resolution in width.
Attribute pc:PageType / @imageYResolution float optional
Specifies the image resolution in height.
Attribute pc:PageType / @orientation float optional
The angle the rectangle encapsulating the page
(or its Border)	has to be rotated in clockwise direction
in order to correct the present skew
(negative values indicate anti-clockwise rotation).
(The rotated image can be further referenced
via “AlternativeImage”.)
Range: -179.999,180
Attribute pc:PageType / @primaryLanguage Simple Type pc:LanguageSimpleType optional
The primary language used in the page
(lower-level definitions override the page-level definition).
Attribute pc:PageType / @primaryScript Simple Type pc:ScriptSimpleType optional
The primary script used in the page
(lower-level definitions override the page-level definition).
Attribute pc:PageType / @readingDirection Simple Type pc:ReadingDirectionSimpleType optional
The direction in which text within lines
should be read (order of words and characters),
in addition to “textLineOrder”
(lower-level definitions override the page-level definition).
Attribute pc:PageType / @secondaryLanguage Simple Type pc:LanguageSimpleType optional
The secondary language used in the page
(lower-level definitions override the page-level definition).
Attribute pc:PageType / @secondaryScript Simple Type pc:ScriptSimpleType optional
The secondary script used in the page
(lower-level definitions override the page-level definition).
Attribute pc:PageType / @textLineOrder Simple Type pc:TextLineOrderSimpleType optional
The order of text lines within a block,
in addition to “readingDirection”
(lower-level definitions override the page-level definition).
Attribute pc:PageType / @type Simple Type pc:PageTypeSimpleType optional
The type of the page within the document
(e.g. cover page).
<element name="Page" type="pc:PageType"/>