Alphabets, Abbreviations and Special Characters

Table 1. Examples of transcribed characters in level 1, level 2, level 3
Template Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Comment
a a a
nata nata nata
aa a with combining tilde dezimal: ̃ hex: ̃ ãa with tilde dezimal: ã hex: ã

Caution contextuality: In level 1 it is about a duplication of the vowel. In a different context, the notation from Level 2 can be applied.

Abbreviation lines (bars or wavy lines over letters as substituents for omitted characters, nasal lines). In many cases, it is not possible to distinguish between the different characters. It is recommended to choose one possible form (tilde, macron). The choice can be documented in the metadata.

e e e
solamine ſolamine small letter long sdezimal: ſ hex: ſ ſolaminesmall letter long s dezimal: ſ hex: ſ
silere ſileresmall letter long sdezimal: ſ hex: ſ ſileresmall letter long s dezimal: ſ hex: ſ
ęsmall letter e with ogonek dezimal: ę hex: ę ęsmall letter e with ogonekdezimal: ę hex: ę ęsmall letter e with ogonek dezimal: ę hex: ę

ee oder ēe with combining macron dezimal: ē hex: ē

e with combining macrondezimal: ē hex: ē ēe with macron dezimal: ē hex: ē see Comment: tilde, macron
ee oder ẽe with combining tilde dezimal: ẽ hex: ẽ e with combining tildedezimal: ẽ hex: ẽ e with combining tilde dezimal: ẽ hex: ẽ see Comment: tilde, macron
mm oder m̃m with combining tilde dezimal: m̃ hex:m̃ m with combining tilde dezimal: m̃ hex: m̃ m with combining tilde dezimal: m̃ hex: m̃ see Comment: tilde, macron
n n n
In In In
nn oder ñn with combining tilde dezimal: ñ hex: ñ n with combining tildedezimal: ñ hex: ñ ñn with combining tildedezimal: nñ hex: nñ see Comment: tilde, macron
oo oder õo with combining tildedezimal: õ hex: õ o with combining tilde dezimal: õ hex: õ õo with tilde dezimal: õ hex: õ see Comment: tilde, macron
pp oder p̃p with combining tilde dezimal: p̃ hex: ̃ p with combining tilde dezimal: p̃ hex: ̃ p with combining tilde dezimal: p̃ hex: ̃ see Comment: tilde, macron
small letter p with middle tildedezimal: ᵱ hex: &#x1D71 small letter p with middle tildedezimal: ᵱ hex: &#x1D71 small letter p with middle tilde dezimal: ᵱ hex: &#x1D71
small letter p with flourish dezimal:ꝓ hex: ꝓ small letter p with flourishdezimal:ꝓ hex: ꝓ small letter p with flourish dezimal:ꝓ hex: ꝓ
small letter q with stroke through descenderdezimal:ꝗ hex: ꝗ small letter q with stroke through descender dezimal:ꝗ hex: ꝗ small letter q with stroke through descender dezimal:ꝗ hex: ꝗ
ꝗᷓsmall letter q with stroke through descender and combining small letter flattened open a abovedezimal:qꝗᷓ hex:qꝗᷓ ꝗᷓsmall letter q with stroke through descender and combining small letter flattened open a abovedezimal:qꝗᷓ hex:qꝗᷓ ꝗᷓsmall letter q with stroke through descender and combining small letter flattened open a abovedezimal:qꝗᷓ hex:qꝗᷓ
q with greek question mark (erotimatiko) dezimal:q; hex:q; q with greek question mark (erotimatiko) dezimal: q; hex: q; q provided with closing letter etdezimal:  hex:  to code  see MUFI character recommendation (version 4.0; 22 december 2015)
q́;q with combining acute accent and greek question markdezimal:q́; hex: q́; q́;q with combining acute accent and greek question mark dezimal: hex: q́; q́; ;q provided with closing letter et and greek question mark dezimal:; hex:;
q́;q with combining acute accent and greek question mark dezimal:q́; hex: q́; q́;q with combining acute accent and greek question mark dezimal:q́; hex: q́; ;q provided with closing letter et and greek question markdezimal:; hex:;
q with greek question markdezimal:q; hex:q; q with greek question markdezimal:q; hex:q; q provided with closing letter et dezimal:  hex: 
q; q; q;
q̀;q with combining grave accent and semicolondezimal: q̀ hex: q̀; q̀;q with combining grave accent and semicolon dezimal: q̀ hex: q̀; q̀;q with combining grave accent and semicolon dezimal: q̀ hex: q̀;
q with combining acute accent dezimal: q́ hex: q́ q with combining acute accent dezimal: q́ hex: q́ q with combining acute accent dezimal: q́ hex: q́
q́;q with combining acute accent and semicolon dezimal: q́; hex: q́; q́;q with combining acute accent and semicolon dezimal: q́; hex: q́; q́;q with combining acute accent and semicolon dezimal: q́; hex: q́;
r r r
Sapor Sapor Sapor
small letter r rotundadezimal: ꝛ hex:ꝛ small letter r rotunda dezimal: ꝛ hex:ꝛ small letter r rotunda dezimal: ꝛ hex:ꝛ
rꝛused small letter r and small letter r rotundadezimal: ꝛ hex:ꝛ rꝛused small letter r and small letter r rotunda dezimal: ꝛ hex:ꝛ rꝛused small letter r and small letter r rotunda dezimal: ꝛ hex:ꝛ
Herrligkeit Herꝛligkeitused small letter r rotundadezimal: Herꝛligkeit hex: Herꝛligkeit Herꝛligkeitused small letter r rotundadezimal: Herꝛligkeit hex: Herꝛligkeit
Herrn Heꝛrnused small letter r rotundadezimal: Heꝛrn hex:Heꝛrn Heꝛrnused small letter r rotundadezimal: Heꝛrn hex: Heꝛrn
Herren Herꝛenused small letter r rotundadezimal: Heꝛren hex: Heꝛren Herꝛenused small letter r rotundatdezimal: Heꝛren hex: Heꝛren
s ſsmall letter long sdezimal: ſ hex: ſ ſsmall letter long sdezimal: ſ hex: ſ
se ſesmall letter long s with small Letter edezimal: ſe hex: ſe ſesmall letter long s with small Letter e dezimal: ſe hex: ſe
s s s
s s s
s s s
nis nis nis
t t t
donat donat donat
uu oder ũu with combining tilde dezimal: ũ hex: ũ u with combining tilde dezimal: ũ hex: ũ ũu with combining tilde dezimal: ũ hex: ũ see Comment: tilde, macron
small letter v with diagonal strokedezimal: ꝟ hex:ꝟ small letter v with diagonal stroke dezimal: ꝟ hex:ꝟ small letter v with diagonal stroke dezimal: ꝟ hex:ꝟ
small letter v with diagonal strokedezimal: ꝟ hex:ꝟ small letter v with diagonal stroke dezimal: ꝟ hex:ꝟ small letter v with diagonal strokedezimal: ꝟ hex:ꝟ
ψgreek small letter psidezimal: ψ hex: ψ ψgreek small letter psidezimal: ψ hex: ψ ψgreek small letter psidezimal: ψ hex: ψ
ωgreek small letter omega dezimal:ω hex:ω ωgreek small letter omega dezimal:ω hex:ω ωgreek small letter omega dezimal:ω hex:ω
hæreseωn dezimal:hæreseωn hex: hæreseωn hæreſeωn dezimal:hæreſeωn hex: hæreſeωn hæreſeωn dezimal:hæreſeωn hex: hæreſeωn
ꝯ or superscript ꝰused: small letter con or modifier letter us dezimal: ꝯoder ꝰ hex: ꝯ oder ꝰ ꝯ or superscript ꝰused: small letter con or modifier letter us dezimal: ꝯoder ꝰ hex: ꝯ oder ꝰ ꝯ or superscript ꝰused: small letter con or modifier letter us dezimal: ꝯoder ꝰ hex: ꝯ oder ꝰ
Terminꝯ or Terminusused: small letter con dezimal: Terminꝯ hex: Terminꝯ Terminꝯused: small letter con dezimal: Terminꝯ hex: Terminꝯ Terminꝯused: small letter con dezimal: Terminꝯ hex: Terminꝯ
Augustinꝰ or Augustinusused: modifier letter us dezimal:Augustinꝰ hex: Augustinꝰ Auguſtinꝰused: modifier letter us dezimal:Auguſtinꝰ hex: Auguſtinꝰ Auguſtinꝰused: modifier letter us dezimal:Auguſtinꝰ hex: Auguſtinꝰ
ď or dersmall letter d with Caron dezimal:anďn hex: anďn ďsmall letter d with Caron dezimal:anďn hex: anďn ďsmall letter d with Caron dezimal:anďn hex: anďn

Abbreviation for string der

example: Faulhaber, Johannes: Newe Geometrische [...] sonderbahrer Instrument. Frankfurt (Main), 1610., Andreä, Jacob: Ein Christliche Predig. Tübingen, 1564.

andďn or andernsmall letter d with Caron dezimal:anďn hex: anďn andďn or andernsmall letter d with Caron dezimal:anďn hex: anďn andďn or andernsmall letter d with Caron dezimal:anďn hex: anďn Abbreviation for string der also possible in one word
character for infinity dezimal:Ȣ hex: ∞ character for infinity dezimal:Ȣ hex: ∞ character for infinity dezimal:Ȣ hex: ∞

τgreek small letter tau dezimal:τ hex:τ τgreek small letter tau dezimal:τ hex:τ τgreek small letter tau dezimal:τ hex:τ

you find it in the middle of word

Seiler, Tobias: De praefixo vitae termino. [Görlitz], 1635.

Ϛgreek capital letter stigma dezimal:Ϛ hex:Ϛ Ϛgreek capital letter stigma dezimal:Ϛ hex:Ϛ Ϛgreek capital letter stigma dezimal:Ϛ hex:Ϛ

Lindner, Abraham: Traur-und Trost Advent des HERREN JEsu/ Bey Christlichem Leichbegängnüs. Steinaw an der Oder, 1662.

οςByzantine ligature, can only be resolved dezimal: ος hex: ος οςByzantine ligature, can only be resolveddezimal: ος hex: ος οςByzantine ligature, can only be resolveddezimal: ος hex: ος

Byzantine ligature

can only be resolved in:


Ȣ (capital character); ȣ (small character) Ligature consisting of ο omicron and υ ypsilon dezimal: Ȣ(capital), ȣ (small) hex: &#546, (capital); ȣ (small) Ȣ (capital character); ȣ (small character) Ligature consisting of ο omicron and υ ypsilon dezimal: Ȣ(capital), ȣ (small) hex: &#546, (capital); ȣ (small) Ȣ (Großbuchstaben); ȣ (Kleinbuchstaben) Ligature consisting of ο omicron and υ ypsilon dezimal: Ȣ(capital), ȣ (small) hex: &#546, (capital); ȣ (small)