Complex Type pc:NonPrintingCharType

A glyph component without visual representation
but with Unicode code point.
Non-visual / non-printing / control character.
Part of grapheme container (of glyph) or grapheme sub group.
Attribute pc:GraphemeBaseType / @idAttribute pc:GraphemeBaseType / @indexAttribute pc:GraphemeBaseType / @ligatureAttribute pc:GraphemeBaseType / @charTypeAttribute pc:GraphemeBaseType / @customAttribute pc:GraphemeBaseType / @commentsElement pc:GraphemeBaseType / pc:TextEquivComplex Type pc:GraphemeBaseType
Type extension of Complex Type pc:GraphemeBaseType
Type hierarchy
Used by
Model Element pc:GraphemeBaseType / pc:TextEquiv
Children Element pc:GraphemeBaseType / pc:TextEquiv
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:GraphemeBaseType / @charType restriction of string optional
Type of character represented by the
grapheme, group, or non-printing character element.
Attribute pc:GraphemeBaseType / @comments string optional
For generic use
Attribute pc:GraphemeBaseType / @custom string optional
For generic use
Attribute pc:GraphemeBaseType / @id ID required
Attribute pc:GraphemeBaseType / @index restriction of int required
Order index of grapheme, group, or non-printing character
within the parent container (graphemes or glyph or grapheme group).
Attribute pc:GraphemeBaseType / @ligature boolean optional
<complexType name="NonPrintingCharType">
    <documentation>A glyph component without visual representation but with Unicode code point. Non-visual / non-printing / control character. Part of grapheme container (of glyph) or grapheme sub group.</documentation>
    <extension base="pc:GraphemeBaseType">