Complex Type pc:UnknownRegionType Namespace Annotations 📋To be used if the region type cannot be ascertained. Diagram Type extension of Complex Type pc:RegionType Type hierarchy Complex Type pc:RegionType Complex Type pc:UnknownRegionType Used by Elements Element pc:PageType / pc:UnknownRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion Model Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords , Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles , (Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion) Children Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords, Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels, Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles, Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined Attributes QName Type Use Attribute pc:RegionType / @comments string optional Attribute pc:RegionType / @continuation boolean optional 📋Is this region a continuation of another region (in previous column or page, for example)? Attribute pc:RegionType / @custom string optional 📋For generic use Attribute pc:RegionType / @id ID required Source 📋<complexType name="UnknownRegionType"> <annotation> <documentation>To be used if the region type cannot be ascertained.</documentation> </annotation> <complexContent> <extension base="pc:RegionType"/> </complexContent> </complexType> Parent topic: Complex Type