Complex Type pc:TextRegionType

Pure text is represented as a text region. This includes
drop capitals, but practically ornate text may be
considered as a graphic.
Attribute pc:RegionType / @idAttribute pc:RegionType / @customAttribute pc:RegionType / @commentsAttribute pc:RegionType / @continuationElement pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImageElement pc:RegionType / pc:CoordsElement pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefinedElement pc:RegionType / pc:LabelsElement pc:RegionType / pc:RolesElement pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegionElement pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegionComplex Type pc:RegionTypeElement pc:TextRegionType / pc:TextLineElement pc:TextRegionType / pc:TextEquivElement pc:TextRegionType / pc:TextStyle
Type extension of Complex Type pc:RegionType
Type hierarchy
Used by
Model Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords , Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels , Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles , (Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion | Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion) , Element pc:TextRegionType / pc:TextLine , Element pc:TextRegionType / pc:TextEquiv , Element pc:TextRegionType / pc:TextStyle
Children Element pc:RegionType / pc:AdvertRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:AlternativeImage, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChartRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ChemRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Coords, Element pc:RegionType / pc:CustomRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:GraphicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:ImageRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Labels, Element pc:RegionType / pc:LineDrawingRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MathsRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:MusicRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:NoiseRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:Roles, Element pc:RegionType / pc:SeparatorRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TableRegion, Element pc:TextRegionType / pc:TextEquiv, Element pc:TextRegionType / pc:TextLine, Element pc:RegionType / pc:TextRegion, Element pc:TextRegionType / pc:TextStyle, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UnknownRegion, Element pc:RegionType / pc:UserDefined
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @align Simple Type pc:AlignSimpleType optional
Text align
Attribute pc:RegionType / @comments string optional
Attribute pc:RegionType / @continuation boolean optional
Is this region a continuation of another region
(in previous column or page, for example)?
Attribute pc:RegionType / @custom string optional
For generic use
Attribute pc:RegionType / @id ID required
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @indented boolean optional
Defines whether a region of text is indented or not
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @leading int optional
The degree of space in points between the lines of
text (line spacing)
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @orientation float optional
The angle the rectangle encapsulating the region
has to be rotated in clockwise direction
in order to correct the present skew
(negative values indicate anti-clockwise rotation).
(The rotated image can be further referenced
via β€œAlternativeImage”.)
Range: -179.999,180
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @primaryLanguage Simple Type pc:LanguageSimpleType optional
The primary language used in the region
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @primaryScript Simple Type pc:ScriptSimpleType optional
The primary script used in the region
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @production Simple Type pc:ProductionSimpleType optional
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @readingDirection Simple Type pc:ReadingDirectionSimpleType optional
The direction in which text within lines
should be read (order of words and characters),
in addition to β€œtextLineOrder”.
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @readingOrientation float optional
The angle the baseline of text within the region
has to be rotated (relative to the rectangle
encapsulating the region) in clockwise direction
in order to correct the present skew,
in addition to β€œorientation”
(negative values indicate anti-clockwise rotation).
Range: -179.999,180
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @secondaryLanguage Simple Type pc:LanguageSimpleType optional
The secondary language used in the region
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @secondaryScript Simple Type pc:ScriptSimpleType optional
The secondary script used in the region
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @textLineOrder Simple Type pc:TextLineOrderSimpleType optional
The order of text lines within the block,
in addition to β€œreadingDirection”.
Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @type Simple Type pc:TextTypeSimpleType optional
The nature of the text in the region
<complexType name="TextRegionType">
    <documentation>Pure text is represented as a text region. This includes drop capitals, but practically ornate text may be considered as a graphic.</documentation>
    <extension base="pc:RegionType">
        <element name="TextLine" type="pc:TextLineType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <element name="TextEquiv" type="pc:TextEquivType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <element name="TextStyle" type="pc:TextStyleType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <attribute name="orientation" type="float">
          <documentation>The angle the rectangle encapsulating the region has to be rotated in clockwise direction in order to correct the present skew (negative values indicate anti-clockwise rotation). (The rotated image can be further referenced via β€œAlternativeImage”.) Range: -179.999,180</documentation>
      <attribute name="type" type="pc:TextTypeSimpleType">
          <documentation>The nature of the text in the region</documentation>
      <attribute name="leading" type="int">
          <documentation>The degree of space in points between the lines of text (line spacing)</documentation>
      <attribute name="readingDirection" type="pc:ReadingDirectionSimpleType">
          <documentation>The direction in which text within lines should be read (order of words and characters), in addition to β€œtextLineOrder”.</documentation>
      <attribute name="textLineOrder" type="pc:TextLineOrderSimpleType">
          <documentation>The order of text lines within the block, in addition to β€œreadingDirection”.</documentation>
      <attribute name="readingOrientation" type="float">
          <documentation>The angle the baseline of text within the region has to be rotated (relative to the rectangle encapsulating the region) in clockwise direction in order to correct the present skew, in addition to β€œorientation” (negative values indicate anti-clockwise rotation). Range: -179.999,180</documentation>
      <attribute name="indented" type="boolean">
          <documentation>Defines whether a region of text is indented or not</documentation>
      <attribute name="align" type="pc:AlignSimpleType">
          <documentation>Text align</documentation>
      <attribute name="primaryLanguage" type="pc:LanguageSimpleType">
          <documentation>The primary language used in the region</documentation>
      <attribute name="secondaryLanguage" type="pc:LanguageSimpleType">
          <documentation>The secondary language used in the region</documentation>
      <attribute name="primaryScript" type="pc:ScriptSimpleType">
          <documentation>The primary script used in the region</documentation>
      <attribute name="secondaryScript" type="pc:ScriptSimpleType">
          <documentation>The secondary script used in the region</documentation>
      <attribute name="production" type="pc:ProductionSimpleType"/>

Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @orientation

Namespace No namespace
The angle the rectangle encapsulating the region
has to be rotated in clockwise direction
in order to correct the present skew
(negative values indicate anti-clockwise rotation).
(The rotated image can be further referenced
via β€œAlternativeImage”.)
Range: -179.999,180
Type float
content: simple
Used by
<attribute name="orientation" type="float">
    <documentation>The angle the rectangle encapsulating the region has to be rotated in clockwise direction in order to correct the present skew (negative values indicate anti-clockwise rotation). (The rotated image can be further referenced via β€œAlternativeImage”.) Range: -179.999,180</documentation>

Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @type

Namespace No namespace
The nature of the text in the region
Type Simple Type pc:TextTypeSimpleType
content: simple
enumeration paragraph
enumeration heading
enumeration caption
enumeration header
enumeration footer
enumeration page-number
enumeration drop-capital
enumeration credit
enumeration floating
enumeration signature-mark
enumeration catch-word
enumeration marginalia
enumeration footnote
enumeration footnote-continued
enumeration endnote
enumeration TOC-entry
enumeration list-label
enumeration other
Used by
<attribute name="type" type="pc:TextTypeSimpleType">
    <documentation>The nature of the text in the region</documentation>

Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @leading

Namespace No namespace
The degree of space in points between the lines of
text (line spacing)
Type int
content: simple
Used by
<attribute name="leading" type="int">
    <documentation>The degree of space in points between the lines of text (line spacing)</documentation>

Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @readingDirection

Namespace No namespace
The direction in which text within lines
should be read (order of words and characters),
in addition to β€œtextLineOrder”.
Type Simple Type pc:ReadingDirectionSimpleType
content: simple
enumeration left-to-right
enumeration right-to-left
enumeration top-to-bottom
enumeration bottom-to-top
Used by
<attribute name="readingDirection" type="pc:ReadingDirectionSimpleType">
    <documentation>The direction in which text within lines should be read (order of words and characters), in addition to β€œtextLineOrder”.</documentation>

Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @textLineOrder

Namespace No namespace
The order of text lines within the block,
in addition to β€œreadingDirection”.
Type Simple Type pc:TextLineOrderSimpleType
content: simple
enumeration top-to-bottom
enumeration bottom-to-top
enumeration left-to-right
enumeration right-to-left
Used by
<attribute name="textLineOrder" type="pc:TextLineOrderSimpleType">
    <documentation>The order of text lines within the block, in addition to β€œreadingDirection”.</documentation>

Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @readingOrientation

Namespace No namespace
The angle the baseline of text within the region
has to be rotated (relative to the rectangle
encapsulating the region) in clockwise direction
in order to correct the present skew,
in addition to β€œorientation”
(negative values indicate anti-clockwise rotation).
Range: -179.999,180
Type float
content: simple
Used by
<attribute name="readingOrientation" type="float">
    <documentation>The angle the baseline of text within the region has to be rotated (relative to the rectangle encapsulating the region) in clockwise direction in order to correct the present skew, in addition to β€œorientation” (negative values indicate anti-clockwise rotation). Range: -179.999,180</documentation>

Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @indented

Namespace No namespace
Defines whether a region of text is indented or not
Type boolean
content: simple
Used by
<attribute name="indented" type="boolean">
    <documentation>Defines whether a region of text is indented or not</documentation>

Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @align

Namespace No namespace
Text align
Type Simple Type pc:AlignSimpleType
content: simple
enumeration left
enumeration centre
enumeration right
enumeration justify
Used by
<attribute name="align" type="pc:AlignSimpleType">
    <documentation>Text align</documentation>

Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @primaryLanguage

Namespace No namespace
The primary language used in the region
Type Simple Type pc:LanguageSimpleType
content: simple
enumeration Abkhaz
enumeration Afar
enumeration Afrikaans
enumeration Akan
enumeration Albanian
enumeration Amharic
enumeration Arabic
enumeration Aragonese
enumeration Armenian
enumeration Assamese
enumeration Avaric
enumeration Avestan
enumeration Aymara
enumeration Azerbaijani
enumeration Bambara
enumeration Bashkir
enumeration Basque
enumeration Belarusian
enumeration Bengali
enumeration Bihari
enumeration Bislama
enumeration Bosnian
enumeration Breton
enumeration Bulgarian
enumeration Burmese
enumeration Cambodian
enumeration Cantonese
enumeration Catalan
enumeration Chamorro
enumeration Chechen
enumeration Chichewa
enumeration Chinese
enumeration Chuvash
enumeration Cornish
enumeration Corsican
enumeration Cree
enumeration Croatian
enumeration Czech
enumeration Danish
enumeration Divehi
enumeration Dutch
enumeration Dzongkha
enumeration English
enumeration Esperanto
enumeration Estonian
enumeration Ewe
enumeration Faroese
enumeration Fijian
enumeration Finnish
enumeration French
enumeration Fula
enumeration Gaelic
enumeration Galician
enumeration Ganda
enumeration Georgian
enumeration German
enumeration Greek
enumeration GuaranΓ­
enumeration Gujarati
enumeration Haitian
enumeration Hausa
enumeration Hebrew
enumeration Herero
enumeration Hindi
enumeration Hiri Motu
enumeration Hungarian
enumeration Icelandic
enumeration Ido
enumeration Igbo
enumeration Indonesian
enumeration Interlingua
enumeration Interlingue
enumeration Inuktitut
enumeration Inupiaq
enumeration Irish
enumeration Italian
enumeration Japanese
enumeration Javanese
enumeration Kalaallisut
enumeration Kannada
enumeration Kanuri
enumeration Kashmiri
enumeration Kazakh
enumeration Khmer
enumeration Kikuyu
enumeration Kinyarwanda
enumeration Kirundi
enumeration Komi
enumeration Kongo
enumeration Korean
enumeration Kurdish
enumeration Kwanyama
enumeration Kyrgyz
enumeration Lao
enumeration Latin
enumeration Latvian
enumeration Limburgish
enumeration Lingala
enumeration Lithuanian
enumeration Luba-Katanga
enumeration Luxembourgish
enumeration Macedonian
enumeration Malagasy
enumeration Malay
enumeration Malayalam
enumeration Maltese
enumeration Manx
enumeration Māori
enumeration Marathi
enumeration Marshallese
enumeration Mongolian
enumeration Nauru
enumeration Navajo
enumeration Ndonga
enumeration Nepali
enumeration North Ndebele
enumeration Northern Sami
enumeration Norwegian
enumeration Norwegian BokmΓ₯l
enumeration Norwegian Nynorsk
enumeration Nuosu
enumeration Occitan
enumeration Ojibwe
enumeration Old Church Slavonic
enumeration Oriya
enumeration Oromo
enumeration Ossetian
enumeration Pāli
enumeration Panjabi
enumeration Pashto
enumeration Persian
enumeration Polish
enumeration Portuguese
enumeration Punjabi
enumeration Quechua
enumeration Romanian
enumeration Romansh
enumeration Russian
enumeration Samoan
enumeration Sango
enumeration Sanskrit
enumeration Sardinian
enumeration Serbian
enumeration Shona
enumeration Sindhi
enumeration Sinhala
enumeration Slovak
enumeration Slovene
enumeration Somali
enumeration South Ndebele
enumeration Southern Sotho
enumeration Spanish
enumeration Sundanese
enumeration Swahili
enumeration Swati
enumeration Swedish
enumeration Tagalog
enumeration Tahitian
enumeration Tajik
enumeration Tamil
enumeration Tatar
enumeration Telugu
enumeration Thai
enumeration Tibetan
enumeration Tigrinya
enumeration Tonga
enumeration Tsonga
enumeration Tswana
enumeration Turkish
enumeration Turkmen
enumeration Twi
enumeration Uighur
enumeration Ukrainian
enumeration Urdu
enumeration Uzbek
enumeration Venda
enumeration Vietnamese
enumeration VolapΓΌk
enumeration Walloon
enumeration Welsh
enumeration Western Frisian
enumeration Wolof
enumeration Xhosa
enumeration Yiddish
enumeration Yoruba
enumeration Zhuang
enumeration Zulu
enumeration other
Used by
<attribute name="primaryLanguage" type="pc:LanguageSimpleType">
    <documentation>The primary language used in the region</documentation>

Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @secondaryLanguage

Namespace No namespace
The secondary language used in the region
Type Simple Type pc:LanguageSimpleType
content: simple
enumeration Abkhaz
enumeration Afar
enumeration Afrikaans
enumeration Akan
enumeration Albanian
enumeration Amharic
enumeration Arabic
enumeration Aragonese
enumeration Armenian
enumeration Assamese
enumeration Avaric
enumeration Avestan
enumeration Aymara
enumeration Azerbaijani
enumeration Bambara
enumeration Bashkir
enumeration Basque
enumeration Belarusian
enumeration Bengali
enumeration Bihari
enumeration Bislama
enumeration Bosnian
enumeration Breton
enumeration Bulgarian
enumeration Burmese
enumeration Cambodian
enumeration Cantonese
enumeration Catalan
enumeration Chamorro
enumeration Chechen
enumeration Chichewa
enumeration Chinese
enumeration Chuvash
enumeration Cornish
enumeration Corsican
enumeration Cree
enumeration Croatian
enumeration Czech
enumeration Danish
enumeration Divehi
enumeration Dutch
enumeration Dzongkha
enumeration English
enumeration Esperanto
enumeration Estonian
enumeration Ewe
enumeration Faroese
enumeration Fijian
enumeration Finnish
enumeration French
enumeration Fula
enumeration Gaelic
enumeration Galician
enumeration Ganda
enumeration Georgian
enumeration German
enumeration Greek
enumeration GuaranΓ­
enumeration Gujarati
enumeration Haitian
enumeration Hausa
enumeration Hebrew
enumeration Herero
enumeration Hindi
enumeration Hiri Motu
enumeration Hungarian
enumeration Icelandic
enumeration Ido
enumeration Igbo
enumeration Indonesian
enumeration Interlingua
enumeration Interlingue
enumeration Inuktitut
enumeration Inupiaq
enumeration Irish
enumeration Italian
enumeration Japanese
enumeration Javanese
enumeration Kalaallisut
enumeration Kannada
enumeration Kanuri
enumeration Kashmiri
enumeration Kazakh
enumeration Khmer
enumeration Kikuyu
enumeration Kinyarwanda
enumeration Kirundi
enumeration Komi
enumeration Kongo
enumeration Korean
enumeration Kurdish
enumeration Kwanyama
enumeration Kyrgyz
enumeration Lao
enumeration Latin
enumeration Latvian
enumeration Limburgish
enumeration Lingala
enumeration Lithuanian
enumeration Luba-Katanga
enumeration Luxembourgish
enumeration Macedonian
enumeration Malagasy
enumeration Malay
enumeration Malayalam
enumeration Maltese
enumeration Manx
enumeration Māori
enumeration Marathi
enumeration Marshallese
enumeration Mongolian
enumeration Nauru
enumeration Navajo
enumeration Ndonga
enumeration Nepali
enumeration North Ndebele
enumeration Northern Sami
enumeration Norwegian
enumeration Norwegian BokmΓ₯l
enumeration Norwegian Nynorsk
enumeration Nuosu
enumeration Occitan
enumeration Ojibwe
enumeration Old Church Slavonic
enumeration Oriya
enumeration Oromo
enumeration Ossetian
enumeration Pāli
enumeration Panjabi
enumeration Pashto
enumeration Persian
enumeration Polish
enumeration Portuguese
enumeration Punjabi
enumeration Quechua
enumeration Romanian
enumeration Romansh
enumeration Russian
enumeration Samoan
enumeration Sango
enumeration Sanskrit
enumeration Sardinian
enumeration Serbian
enumeration Shona
enumeration Sindhi
enumeration Sinhala
enumeration Slovak
enumeration Slovene
enumeration Somali
enumeration South Ndebele
enumeration Southern Sotho
enumeration Spanish
enumeration Sundanese
enumeration Swahili
enumeration Swati
enumeration Swedish
enumeration Tagalog
enumeration Tahitian
enumeration Tajik
enumeration Tamil
enumeration Tatar
enumeration Telugu
enumeration Thai
enumeration Tibetan
enumeration Tigrinya
enumeration Tonga
enumeration Tsonga
enumeration Tswana
enumeration Turkish
enumeration Turkmen
enumeration Twi
enumeration Uighur
enumeration Ukrainian
enumeration Urdu
enumeration Uzbek
enumeration Venda
enumeration Vietnamese
enumeration VolapΓΌk
enumeration Walloon
enumeration Welsh
enumeration Western Frisian
enumeration Wolof
enumeration Xhosa
enumeration Yiddish
enumeration Yoruba
enumeration Zhuang
enumeration Zulu
enumeration other
Used by
<attribute name="secondaryLanguage" type="pc:LanguageSimpleType">
    <documentation>The secondary language used in the region</documentation>

Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @primaryScript

Namespace No namespace
The primary script used in the region
Type Simple Type pc:ScriptSimpleType
content: simple
enumeration Adlm - Adlam
enumeration Afak - Afaka
enumeration Aghb - Caucasian Albanian
enumeration Ahom - Ahom, Tai Ahom
enumeration Arab - Arabic
enumeration Aran - Arabic (Nastaliq variant)
enumeration Armi - Imperial Aramaic
enumeration Armn - Armenian
enumeration Avst - Avestan
enumeration Bali - Balinese
enumeration Bamu - Bamum
enumeration Bass - Bassa Vah
enumeration Batk - Batak
enumeration Beng - Bengali
enumeration Bhks - Bhaiksuki
enumeration Blis - Blissymbols
enumeration Bopo - Bopomofo
enumeration Brah - Brahmi
enumeration Brai - Braille
enumeration Bugi - Buginese
enumeration Buhd - Buhid
enumeration Cakm - Chakma
enumeration Cans - Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
enumeration Cari - Carian
enumeration Cham - Cham
enumeration Cher - Cherokee
enumeration Cirt - Cirth
enumeration Copt - Coptic
enumeration Cprt - Cypriot
enumeration Cyrl - Cyrillic
enumeration Cyrs - Cyrillic (Old Church Slavonic variant)
enumeration Deva - Devanagari (Nagari)
enumeration Dsrt - Deseret (Mormon)
enumeration Dupl - Duployan shorthand, Duployan stenography
enumeration Egyd - Egyptian demotic
enumeration Egyh - Egyptian hieratic
enumeration Egyp - Egyptian hieroglyphs
enumeration Elba - Elbasan
enumeration Ethi - Ethiopic
enumeration Geok - Khutsuri (Asomtavruli and Nuskhuri)
enumeration Geor - Georgian (Mkhedruli)
enumeration Glag - Glagolitic
enumeration Goth - Gothic
enumeration Gran - Grantha
enumeration Grek - Greek
enumeration Gujr - Gujarati
enumeration Guru - Gurmukhi
enumeration Hanb - Han with Bopomofo
enumeration Hang - Hangul
enumeration Hani - Han (Hanzi, Kanji, Hanja)
enumeration Hano - Hanunoo (HanunΓ³o)
enumeration Hans - Han (Simplified variant)
enumeration Hant - Han (Traditional variant)
enumeration Hatr - Hatran
enumeration Hebr - Hebrew
enumeration Hira - Hiragana
enumeration Hluw - Anatolian Hieroglyphs
enumeration Hmng - Pahawh Hmong
enumeration Hrkt - Japanese syllabaries
enumeration Hung - Old Hungarian (Hungarian Runic)
enumeration Inds - Indus (Harappan)
enumeration Ital - Old Italic (Etruscan, Oscan etc.)
enumeration Jamo - Jamo
enumeration Java - Javanese
enumeration Jpan - Japanese
enumeration Jurc - Jurchen
enumeration Kali - Kayah Li
enumeration Kana - Katakana
enumeration Khar - Kharoshthi
enumeration Khmr - Khmer
enumeration Khoj - Khojki
enumeration Kitl - Khitan large script
enumeration Kits - Khitan small script
enumeration Knda - Kannada
enumeration Kore - Korean (alias for Hangul + Han)
enumeration Kpel - Kpelle
enumeration Kthi - Kaithi
enumeration Lana - Tai Tham (Lanna)
enumeration Laoo - Lao
enumeration Latf - Latin (Fraktur variant)
enumeration Latg - Latin (Gaelic variant)
enumeration Latn - Latin
enumeration Leke - Leke
enumeration Lepc - Lepcha (RΓ³ng)
enumeration Limb - Limbu
enumeration Lina - Linear A
enumeration Linb - Linear B
enumeration Lisu - Lisu (Fraser)
enumeration Loma - Loma
enumeration Lyci - Lycian
enumeration Lydi - Lydian
enumeration Mahj - Mahajani
enumeration Mand - Mandaic, Mandaean
enumeration Mani - Manichaean
enumeration Marc - Marchen
enumeration Maya - Mayan hieroglyphs
enumeration Mend - Mende Kikakui
enumeration Merc - Meroitic Cursive
enumeration Mero - Meroitic Hieroglyphs
enumeration Mlym - Malayalam
enumeration Modi - Modi, Moḍī
enumeration Mong - Mongolian
enumeration Moon - Moon (Moon code, Moon script, Moon type)
enumeration Mroo - Mro, Mru
enumeration Mtei - Meitei Mayek (Meithei, Meetei)
enumeration Mult - Multani
enumeration Mymr - Myanmar (Burmese)
enumeration Narb - Old North Arabian (Ancient North Arabian)
enumeration Nbat - Nabataean
enumeration Newa - Newa, Newar, Newari
enumeration Nkgb - Nakhi Geba
enumeration Nkoo - N’Ko
enumeration Nshu - NΓΌshu
enumeration Ogam - Ogham
enumeration Olck - Ol Chiki (Ol Cemet’, Ol, Santali)
enumeration Orkh - Old Turkic, Orkhon Runic
enumeration Orya - Oriya
enumeration Osge - Osage
enumeration Osma - Osmanya
enumeration Palm - Palmyrene
enumeration Pauc - Pau Cin Hau
enumeration Perm - Old Permic
enumeration Phag - Phags-pa
enumeration Phli - Inscriptional Pahlavi
enumeration Phlp - Psalter Pahlavi
enumeration Phlv - Book Pahlavi
enumeration Phnx - Phoenician
enumeration Piqd - Klingon (KLI pIqaD)
enumeration Plrd - Miao (Pollard)
enumeration Prti - Inscriptional Parthian
enumeration Rjng - Rejang (Redjang, Kaganga)
enumeration Roro - Rongorongo
enumeration Runr - Runic
enumeration Samr - Samaritan
enumeration Sara - Sarati
enumeration Sarb - Old South Arabian
enumeration Saur - Saurashtra
enumeration Sgnw - SignWriting
enumeration Shaw - Shavian (Shaw)
enumeration Shrd - Sharada, Śāradā
enumeration Sidd - Siddham
enumeration Sind - Khudawadi, Sindhi
enumeration Sinh - Sinhala
enumeration Sora - Sora Sompeng
enumeration Sund - Sundanese
enumeration Sylo - Syloti Nagri
enumeration Syrc - Syriac
enumeration Syre - Syriac (Estrangelo variant)
enumeration Syrj - Syriac (Western variant)
enumeration Syrn - Syriac (Eastern variant)
enumeration Tagb - Tagbanwa
enumeration Takr - Takri
enumeration Tale - Tai Le
enumeration Talu - New Tai Lue
enumeration Taml - Tamil
enumeration Tang - Tangut
enumeration Tavt - Tai Viet
enumeration Telu - Telugu
enumeration Teng - Tengwar
enumeration Tfng - Tifinagh (Berber)
enumeration Tglg - Tagalog (Baybayin, Alibata)
enumeration Thaa - Thaana
enumeration Thai - Thai
enumeration Tibt - Tibetan
enumeration Tirh - Tirhuta
enumeration Ugar - Ugaritic
enumeration Vaii - Vai
enumeration Visp - Visible Speech
enumeration Wara - Warang Citi (Varang Kshiti)
enumeration Wole - Woleai
enumeration Xpeo - Old Persian
enumeration Xsux - Cuneiform, Sumero-Akkadian
enumeration Yiii - Yi
enumeration Zinh - Code for inherited script
enumeration Zmth - Mathematical notation
enumeration Zsye - Symbols (Emoji variant)
enumeration Zsym - Symbols
enumeration Zxxx - Code for unwritten documents
enumeration Zyyy - Code for undetermined script
enumeration Zzzz - Code for uncoded script
enumeration other
Used by
<attribute name="primaryScript" type="pc:ScriptSimpleType">
    <documentation>The primary script used in the region</documentation>

Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @secondaryScript

Namespace No namespace
The secondary script used in the region
Type Simple Type pc:ScriptSimpleType
content: simple
enumeration Adlm - Adlam
enumeration Afak - Afaka
enumeration Aghb - Caucasian Albanian
enumeration Ahom - Ahom, Tai Ahom
enumeration Arab - Arabic
enumeration Aran - Arabic (Nastaliq variant)
enumeration Armi - Imperial Aramaic
enumeration Armn - Armenian
enumeration Avst - Avestan
enumeration Bali - Balinese
enumeration Bamu - Bamum
enumeration Bass - Bassa Vah
enumeration Batk - Batak
enumeration Beng - Bengali
enumeration Bhks - Bhaiksuki
enumeration Blis - Blissymbols
enumeration Bopo - Bopomofo
enumeration Brah - Brahmi
enumeration Brai - Braille
enumeration Bugi - Buginese
enumeration Buhd - Buhid
enumeration Cakm - Chakma
enumeration Cans - Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
enumeration Cari - Carian
enumeration Cham - Cham
enumeration Cher - Cherokee
enumeration Cirt - Cirth
enumeration Copt - Coptic
enumeration Cprt - Cypriot
enumeration Cyrl - Cyrillic
enumeration Cyrs - Cyrillic (Old Church Slavonic variant)
enumeration Deva - Devanagari (Nagari)
enumeration Dsrt - Deseret (Mormon)
enumeration Dupl - Duployan shorthand, Duployan stenography
enumeration Egyd - Egyptian demotic
enumeration Egyh - Egyptian hieratic
enumeration Egyp - Egyptian hieroglyphs
enumeration Elba - Elbasan
enumeration Ethi - Ethiopic
enumeration Geok - Khutsuri (Asomtavruli and Nuskhuri)
enumeration Geor - Georgian (Mkhedruli)
enumeration Glag - Glagolitic
enumeration Goth - Gothic
enumeration Gran - Grantha
enumeration Grek - Greek
enumeration Gujr - Gujarati
enumeration Guru - Gurmukhi
enumeration Hanb - Han with Bopomofo
enumeration Hang - Hangul
enumeration Hani - Han (Hanzi, Kanji, Hanja)
enumeration Hano - Hanunoo (HanunΓ³o)
enumeration Hans - Han (Simplified variant)
enumeration Hant - Han (Traditional variant)
enumeration Hatr - Hatran
enumeration Hebr - Hebrew
enumeration Hira - Hiragana
enumeration Hluw - Anatolian Hieroglyphs
enumeration Hmng - Pahawh Hmong
enumeration Hrkt - Japanese syllabaries
enumeration Hung - Old Hungarian (Hungarian Runic)
enumeration Inds - Indus (Harappan)
enumeration Ital - Old Italic (Etruscan, Oscan etc.)
enumeration Jamo - Jamo
enumeration Java - Javanese
enumeration Jpan - Japanese
enumeration Jurc - Jurchen
enumeration Kali - Kayah Li
enumeration Kana - Katakana
enumeration Khar - Kharoshthi
enumeration Khmr - Khmer
enumeration Khoj - Khojki
enumeration Kitl - Khitan large script
enumeration Kits - Khitan small script
enumeration Knda - Kannada
enumeration Kore - Korean (alias for Hangul + Han)
enumeration Kpel - Kpelle
enumeration Kthi - Kaithi
enumeration Lana - Tai Tham (Lanna)
enumeration Laoo - Lao
enumeration Latf - Latin (Fraktur variant)
enumeration Latg - Latin (Gaelic variant)
enumeration Latn - Latin
enumeration Leke - Leke
enumeration Lepc - Lepcha (RΓ³ng)
enumeration Limb - Limbu
enumeration Lina - Linear A
enumeration Linb - Linear B
enumeration Lisu - Lisu (Fraser)
enumeration Loma - Loma
enumeration Lyci - Lycian
enumeration Lydi - Lydian
enumeration Mahj - Mahajani
enumeration Mand - Mandaic, Mandaean
enumeration Mani - Manichaean
enumeration Marc - Marchen
enumeration Maya - Mayan hieroglyphs
enumeration Mend - Mende Kikakui
enumeration Merc - Meroitic Cursive
enumeration Mero - Meroitic Hieroglyphs
enumeration Mlym - Malayalam
enumeration Modi - Modi, Moḍī
enumeration Mong - Mongolian
enumeration Moon - Moon (Moon code, Moon script, Moon type)
enumeration Mroo - Mro, Mru
enumeration Mtei - Meitei Mayek (Meithei, Meetei)
enumeration Mult - Multani
enumeration Mymr - Myanmar (Burmese)
enumeration Narb - Old North Arabian (Ancient North Arabian)
enumeration Nbat - Nabataean
enumeration Newa - Newa, Newar, Newari
enumeration Nkgb - Nakhi Geba
enumeration Nkoo - N’Ko
enumeration Nshu - NΓΌshu
enumeration Ogam - Ogham
enumeration Olck - Ol Chiki (Ol Cemet’, Ol, Santali)
enumeration Orkh - Old Turkic, Orkhon Runic
enumeration Orya - Oriya
enumeration Osge - Osage
enumeration Osma - Osmanya
enumeration Palm - Palmyrene
enumeration Pauc - Pau Cin Hau
enumeration Perm - Old Permic
enumeration Phag - Phags-pa
enumeration Phli - Inscriptional Pahlavi
enumeration Phlp - Psalter Pahlavi
enumeration Phlv - Book Pahlavi
enumeration Phnx - Phoenician
enumeration Piqd - Klingon (KLI pIqaD)
enumeration Plrd - Miao (Pollard)
enumeration Prti - Inscriptional Parthian
enumeration Rjng - Rejang (Redjang, Kaganga)
enumeration Roro - Rongorongo
enumeration Runr - Runic
enumeration Samr - Samaritan
enumeration Sara - Sarati
enumeration Sarb - Old South Arabian
enumeration Saur - Saurashtra
enumeration Sgnw - SignWriting
enumeration Shaw - Shavian (Shaw)
enumeration Shrd - Sharada, Śāradā
enumeration Sidd - Siddham
enumeration Sind - Khudawadi, Sindhi
enumeration Sinh - Sinhala
enumeration Sora - Sora Sompeng
enumeration Sund - Sundanese
enumeration Sylo - Syloti Nagri
enumeration Syrc - Syriac
enumeration Syre - Syriac (Estrangelo variant)
enumeration Syrj - Syriac (Western variant)
enumeration Syrn - Syriac (Eastern variant)
enumeration Tagb - Tagbanwa
enumeration Takr - Takri
enumeration Tale - Tai Le
enumeration Talu - New Tai Lue
enumeration Taml - Tamil
enumeration Tang - Tangut
enumeration Tavt - Tai Viet
enumeration Telu - Telugu
enumeration Teng - Tengwar
enumeration Tfng - Tifinagh (Berber)
enumeration Tglg - Tagalog (Baybayin, Alibata)
enumeration Thaa - Thaana
enumeration Thai - Thai
enumeration Tibt - Tibetan
enumeration Tirh - Tirhuta
enumeration Ugar - Ugaritic
enumeration Vaii - Vai
enumeration Visp - Visible Speech
enumeration Wara - Warang Citi (Varang Kshiti)
enumeration Wole - Woleai
enumeration Xpeo - Old Persian
enumeration Xsux - Cuneiform, Sumero-Akkadian
enumeration Yiii - Yi
enumeration Zinh - Code for inherited script
enumeration Zmth - Mathematical notation
enumeration Zsye - Symbols (Emoji variant)
enumeration Zsym - Symbols
enumeration Zxxx - Code for unwritten documents
enumeration Zyyy - Code for undetermined script
enumeration Zzzz - Code for uncoded script
enumeration other
Used by
<attribute name="secondaryScript" type="pc:ScriptSimpleType">
    <documentation>The secondary script used in the region</documentation>

Attribute pc:TextRegionType / @production

Namespace No namespace
Type Simple Type pc:ProductionSimpleType
content: simple
enumeration printed
enumeration typewritten
enumeration handwritten-cursive
enumeration handwritten-printscript
enumeration medieval-manuscript
enumeration other
Used by
<attribute name="production" type="pc:ProductionSimpleType"/>

Element pc:TextRegionType / pc:TextLine

Attribute pc:TextLineType / @idAttribute pc:TextLineType / @primaryLanguageAttribute pc:TextLineType / @primaryScriptAttribute pc:TextLineType / @secondaryScriptAttribute pc:TextLineType / @readingDirectionAttribute pc:TextLineType / @productionAttribute pc:TextLineType / @customAttribute pc:TextLineType / @commentsAttribute pc:TextLineType / @indexElement pc:TextLineType / pc:AlternativeImageElement pc:TextLineType / pc:CoordsElement pc:TextLineType / pc:BaselineElement pc:TextLineType / pc:WordElement pc:TextLineType / pc:TextEquivElement pc:TextLineType / pc:TextStyleElement pc:TextLineType / pc:UserDefinedElement pc:TextLineType / pc:LabelsComplex Type pc:TextLineType
Type Complex Type pc:TextLineType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model Element pc:TextLineType / pc:AlternativeImage , Element pc:TextLineType / pc:Coords , Element pc:TextLineType / pc:Baseline , Element pc:TextLineType / pc:Word , Element pc:TextLineType / pc:TextEquiv , Element pc:TextLineType / pc:TextStyle , Element pc:TextLineType / pc:UserDefined , Element pc:TextLineType / pc:Labels
Children Element pc:TextLineType / pc:AlternativeImage, Element pc:TextLineType / pc:Baseline, Element pc:TextLineType / pc:Coords, Element pc:TextLineType / pc:Labels, Element pc:TextLineType / pc:TextEquiv, Element pc:TextLineType / pc:TextStyle, Element pc:TextLineType / pc:UserDefined, Element pc:TextLineType / pc:Word
<pc:TextLine comments="" custom="" id="" index="" primaryLanguage="" primaryScript="" production="" readingDirection="" secondaryScript="" xmlns:pc="">
  <pc:AlternativeImage comments="" conf="" filename="">{0,unbounded}</pc:AlternativeImage>
  <pc:Coords conf="" points="">{1,1}</pc:Coords>
  <pc:Baseline conf="" points="">{0,1}</pc:Baseline>
  <pc:Word comments="" custom="" id="" language="" primaryScript="" production="" readingDirection="" secondaryScript="">{0,unbounded}</pc:Word>
  <pc:TextEquiv comments="" conf="" dataType="" dataTypeDetails="" index="">{0,unbounded}</pc:TextEquiv>
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  <pc:Labels comments="" externalId="" externalModel="" prefix="">{0,unbounded}</pc:Labels>
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:TextLineType / @comments string optional
Attribute pc:TextLineType / @custom string optional
For generic use
Attribute pc:TextLineType / @id ID required
Attribute pc:TextLineType / @index int optional
Position (order number) of this text line within the
parent text region.
Attribute pc:TextLineType / @primaryLanguage Simple Type pc:LanguageSimpleType optional
Overrides primaryLanguage attribute of parent text
Attribute pc:TextLineType / @primaryScript Simple Type pc:ScriptSimpleType optional
The primary script used in the text line
Attribute pc:TextLineType / @production Simple Type pc:ProductionSimpleType optional
Overrides the production attribute of the parent
text region
Attribute pc:TextLineType / @readingDirection Simple Type pc:ReadingDirectionSimpleType optional
The direction in which text within the line
should be read (order of words and characters).
Attribute pc:TextLineType / @secondaryScript Simple Type pc:ScriptSimpleType optional
The secondary script used in the text line
<element name="TextLine" type="pc:TextLineType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

Element pc:TextRegionType / pc:TextEquiv

Attribute pc:TextEquivType / @indexAttribute pc:TextEquivType / @confAttribute pc:TextEquivType / @dataTypeAttribute pc:TextEquivType / @dataTypeDetailsAttribute pc:TextEquivType / @commentsElement pc:TextEquivType / pc:PlainTextElement pc:TextEquivType / pc:UnicodeComplex Type pc:TextEquivType
Type Complex Type pc:TextEquivType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model Element pc:TextEquivType / pc:PlainText , Element pc:TextEquivType / pc:Unicode
Children Element pc:TextEquivType / pc:PlainText, Element pc:TextEquivType / pc:Unicode
<pc:TextEquiv comments="" conf="" dataType="" dataTypeDetails="" index="" xmlns:pc="">
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:TextEquivType / @comments string optional
Attribute pc:TextEquivType / @conf Simple Type pc:ConfSimpleType optional
OCR confidence value (between 0 and 1)
Attribute pc:TextEquivType / @dataType Simple Type pc:TextDataTypeSimpleType optional
Type of text content (is it free text or a number, for instance).
This is only a descriptive attribute, the text type
is not checked during XML validation.
Attribute pc:TextEquivType / @dataTypeDetails string optional
Refinement for dataType attribute. Can be a regular expression, for instance.
Attribute pc:TextEquivType / @index restriction of integer optional
Used for sort order in case multiple TextEquivs are defined.
The text content with the lowest index should be interpreted
as the main text content.
<element name="TextEquiv" type="pc:TextEquivType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

Element pc:TextRegionType / pc:TextStyle

Attribute pc:TextStyleType / @fontFamilyAttribute pc:TextStyleType / @serifAttribute pc:TextStyleType / @monospaceAttribute pc:TextStyleType / @fontSizeAttribute pc:TextStyleType / @xHeightAttribute pc:TextStyleType / @kerningAttribute pc:TextStyleType / @textColourAttribute pc:TextStyleType / @textColourRgbAttribute pc:TextStyleType / @bgColourAttribute pc:TextStyleType / @bgColourRgbAttribute pc:TextStyleType / @reverseVideoAttribute pc:TextStyleType / @boldAttribute pc:TextStyleType / @italicAttribute pc:TextStyleType / @underlinedAttribute pc:TextStyleType / @underlineStyleAttribute pc:TextStyleType / @subscriptAttribute pc:TextStyleType / @superscriptAttribute pc:TextStyleType / @strikethroughAttribute pc:TextStyleType / @smallCapsAttribute pc:TextStyleType / @letterSpacedComplex Type pc:TextStyleType
Type Complex Type pc:TextStyleType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:TextStyleType / @bgColour Simple Type pc:ColourSimpleType optional
Background colour
Attribute pc:TextStyleType / @bgColourRgb integer optional
Background colour in RGB encoded format
(red value) + (256 x green value) + (65536 x blue value).
Attribute pc:TextStyleType / @bold boolean optional
Attribute pc:TextStyleType / @fontFamily string optional
For instance: Arial, Times New Roman.
Add more information if necessary
(e.g. blackletter, antiqua).
Attribute pc:TextStyleType / @fontSize float optional
The size of the characters in points.
Attribute pc:TextStyleType / @italic boolean optional
Attribute pc:TextStyleType / @kerning int optional
The degree of space (in points) between
the characters in a string of text.
Attribute pc:TextStyleType / @letterSpaced boolean optional
Attribute pc:TextStyleType / @monospace boolean optional
Attribute pc:TextStyleType / @reverseVideo boolean optional
Specifies whether the colour of the text appears
reversed against a background colour.
Attribute pc:TextStyleType / @serif boolean optional
Serif or sans-serif typeface.
Attribute pc:TextStyleType / @smallCaps boolean optional
Attribute pc:TextStyleType / @strikethrough boolean optional
Attribute pc:TextStyleType / @subscript boolean optional
Attribute pc:TextStyleType / @superscript boolean optional
Attribute pc:TextStyleType / @textColour Simple Type pc:ColourSimpleType optional
Attribute pc:TextStyleType / @textColourRgb integer optional
Text colour in RGB encoded format
(red value) + (256 x green value) + (65536 x blue value).
Attribute pc:TextStyleType / @underlineStyle Simple Type pc:UnderlineStyleSimpleType optional
Line style details if "underlined" is TRUE
Attribute pc:TextStyleType / @underlined boolean optional
Attribute pc:TextStyleType / @xHeight integer optional
The x-height or corpus size refers to the distance
between the baseline and the mean line of
lower-case letters in a typeface.
The unit is assumed to be pixels.
<element name="TextStyle" type="pc:TextStyleType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>