Complex Type pc:ReadingOrderType

Definition of the reading order within the page.
To express a reading order between elements
they have to be included in an OrderedGroup.
Groups may contain further groups.
Attribute pc:ReadingOrderType / @confElement pc:ReadingOrderType / pc:OrderedGroupElement pc:ReadingOrderType / pc:UnorderedGroup
Used by
Model Element pc:ReadingOrderType / pc:OrderedGroup | Element pc:ReadingOrderType / pc:UnorderedGroup
Children Element pc:ReadingOrderType / pc:OrderedGroup, Element pc:ReadingOrderType / pc:UnorderedGroup
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:ReadingOrderType / @conf Simple Type pc:ConfSimpleType optional
Confidence value (between 0 and 1)
<complexType name="ReadingOrderType">
    <documentation>Definition of the reading order within the page. To express a reading order between elements they have to be included in an OrderedGroup. Groups may contain further groups.</documentation>
  <choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
    <element name="OrderedGroup" type="pc:OrderedGroupType"/>
    <element name="UnorderedGroup" type="pc:UnorderedGroupType"/>
  <attribute name="conf" type="pc:ConfSimpleType">
      <documentation>Confidence value (between 0 and 1)</documentation>

Attribute pc:ReadingOrderType / @conf

Namespace No namespace
Confidence value (between 0 and 1)
Type Simple Type pc:ConfSimpleType
content: simple
maxInclusive 1
minInclusive 0
Used by
<attribute name="conf" type="pc:ConfSimpleType">
    <documentation>Confidence value (between 0 and 1)</documentation>

Element pc:ReadingOrderType / pc:OrderedGroup

Attribute pc:OrderedGroupType / @idAttribute pc:OrderedGroupType / @regionRefAttribute pc:OrderedGroupType / @captionAttribute pc:OrderedGroupType / @typeAttribute pc:OrderedGroupType / @continuationAttribute pc:OrderedGroupType / @customAttribute pc:OrderedGroupType / @commentsElement pc:OrderedGroupType / pc:UserDefinedElement pc:OrderedGroupType / pc:LabelsElement pc:OrderedGroupType / pc:RegionRefIndexedElement pc:OrderedGroupType / pc:OrderedGroupIndexedElement pc:OrderedGroupType / pc:UnorderedGroupIndexedComplex Type pc:OrderedGroupType
Type Complex Type pc:OrderedGroupType
content: complex
Model Element pc:OrderedGroupType / pc:UserDefined , Element pc:OrderedGroupType / pc:Labels , (Element pc:OrderedGroupType / pc:RegionRefIndexed | Element pc:OrderedGroupType / pc:OrderedGroupIndexed | Element pc:OrderedGroupType / pc:UnorderedGroupIndexed)
Children Element pc:OrderedGroupType / pc:Labels, Element pc:OrderedGroupType / pc:OrderedGroupIndexed, Element pc:OrderedGroupType / pc:RegionRefIndexed, Element pc:OrderedGroupType / pc:UnorderedGroupIndexed, Element pc:OrderedGroupType / pc:UserDefined
<pc:OrderedGroup caption="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" regionRef="" type="" xmlns:pc="">
  <pc:Labels comments="" externalId="" externalModel="" prefix="">{0,unbounded}</pc:Labels>
  <pc:RegionRefIndexed index="" regionRef="">{1,1}</pc:RegionRefIndexed>
  <pc:OrderedGroupIndexed caption="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" index="" regionRef="" type="">{1,1}</pc:OrderedGroupIndexed>
  <pc:UnorderedGroupIndexed caption="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" index="" regionRef="" type="">{1,1}</pc:UnorderedGroupIndexed>
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:OrderedGroupType / @caption string optional
Attribute pc:OrderedGroupType / @comments string optional
Attribute pc:OrderedGroupType / @continuation boolean optional
Is this group a continuation of another group
(from previous column or page, for example)?
Attribute pc:OrderedGroupType / @custom string optional
For generic use
Attribute pc:OrderedGroupType / @id ID required
Attribute pc:OrderedGroupType / @regionRef IDREF optional
Optional link to a parent region of nested regions.
The parent region doubles as reading order group.
Only the nested regions should be allowed as group members.
Attribute pc:OrderedGroupType / @type Simple Type pc:GroupTypeSimpleType optional
<element name="OrderedGroup" type="pc:OrderedGroupType"/>

Element pc:ReadingOrderType / pc:UnorderedGroup

Attribute pc:UnorderedGroupType / @idAttribute pc:UnorderedGroupType / @regionRefAttribute pc:UnorderedGroupType / @captionAttribute pc:UnorderedGroupType / @typeAttribute pc:UnorderedGroupType / @continuationAttribute pc:UnorderedGroupType / @customAttribute pc:UnorderedGroupType / @commentsElement pc:UnorderedGroupType / pc:UserDefinedElement pc:UnorderedGroupType / pc:LabelsElement pc:UnorderedGroupType / pc:RegionRefElement pc:UnorderedGroupType / pc:OrderedGroupElement pc:UnorderedGroupType / pc:UnorderedGroupComplex Type pc:UnorderedGroupType
Type Complex Type pc:UnorderedGroupType
content: complex
Model Element pc:UnorderedGroupType / pc:UserDefined , Element pc:UnorderedGroupType / pc:Labels , (Element pc:UnorderedGroupType / pc:RegionRef | Element pc:UnorderedGroupType / pc:OrderedGroup | Element pc:UnorderedGroupType / pc:UnorderedGroup)
Children Element pc:UnorderedGroupType / pc:Labels, Element pc:UnorderedGroupType / pc:OrderedGroup, Element pc:UnorderedGroupType / pc:RegionRef, Element pc:UnorderedGroupType / pc:UnorderedGroup, Element pc:UnorderedGroupType / pc:UserDefined
<pc:UnorderedGroup caption="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" regionRef="" type="" xmlns:pc="">
  <pc:Labels comments="" externalId="" externalModel="" prefix="">{0,unbounded}</pc:Labels>
  <pc:RegionRef regionRef="">{1,1}</pc:RegionRef>
  <pc:OrderedGroup caption="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" regionRef="" type="">{1,1}</pc:OrderedGroup>
  <pc:UnorderedGroup caption="" comments="" continuation="" custom="" id="" regionRef="" type="">{1,1}</pc:UnorderedGroup>
QName Type Use
Attribute pc:UnorderedGroupType / @caption string optional
Attribute pc:UnorderedGroupType / @comments string optional
Attribute pc:UnorderedGroupType / @continuation boolean optional
Is this group a continuation of another group
(from previous column or page, for example)?
Attribute pc:UnorderedGroupType / @custom string optional
For generic use
Attribute pc:UnorderedGroupType / @id ID required
Attribute pc:UnorderedGroupType / @regionRef IDREF optional
Optional link to a parent region of nested regions.
The parent region doubles as reading order group.
Only the nested regions should be allowed as group members.
Attribute pc:UnorderedGroupType / @type Simple Type pc:GroupTypeSimpleType optional
<element name="UnorderedGroup" type="pc:UnorderedGroupType"/>